Well, I made an attempt for a cheap shot jokingly. An old friend of mine runs a conservative shiny little glass website that consistently throws stones, and I decided '
tis the season to throw one back. They are running a year end "
douchebag" poll. I gave a self-
deprecating vote to Ghost of
Wellstone...myself, and then proceeded to vote for my old friend. My comment was edited, not to my surprise. I took a cheap shot in fun and expressed my dismay at someone who lives liberally, votes and hangs with Christian Conservatives, yet avoids
religion at every level, is against many programs that helped him/her get where they are now. Maybe I was wrong, maybe I wasn't? I offer this, a worldwide apology to the
unnamed site and person. I admire where you have gotten, and love you as a friend. I also, as a longtime friend, would never
jeopardize a friendship for partisan crap. That being said, I said nothing that would cause you to lose a job,a friend,a cause,a vote,a girl (well maybe),or my admiration. To take the "glass house" thing a step further, throw stones if you will...but remember, someone might throw a bigger one back. I love ya, sorry I offended,but I will always be there to check ya when it looks like you need it. I, like every Presidential candidate really want the job of "
Douchebag of the Year". Take Care and keep it lit.
HELP, My third grader came home today and asked about global warming!!!! I will be calling his teacher tomorrow. I tried to tell him that it is a hoax and when I was his age the scare was global cooling and the next ice age. What do I tell him? Mt St Helen spit out more pollution than the industrial revolution, that man is not able to change the weather patterns. I tried to explain ozone and the lies the population 'believed' and the ensuing laws. Why in hell do people continue to believe this crap? My meteorology teacher in college taught me that if the mean temp in the world was 1 degree warmer or cooler, there would be no life. The earth's orbits and sun's flares are not static but water evaporation is. Warmer atmosphere =more clouds=more shade, quite simple and easily understood. Sorry to vent here, but I hope there is some Libs out there to help to reprogram my son from this damage done by his teacher, I guess it could be worse, mandatory viewing of Algore's crap.