Well, I have not had a beer with this soldier, but there are few I have. I within the last few months had a pal return from duty in Iraq, and I recnetly had drinks with a young guy I now would consider my Air Force friend in Germany while he was home on leave for his Grandfather's funeral. We talked to great extent about society and the culture on the outskirts of Detroit, politics, the war, and better beer...Oh yeah, and his Liberal Grandfather. (I didn't really forget that part!)
The right-wingers had a field day with John Kerry's botched joke about ending up in Iraq if you don't get an education came to mind as I post this. I got the joke ! George Bush is a half-wit, I believe nearly every soldier and upstart blogger could do a more competent job...even Senators who shouldn't tell jokes could. My buddy who just returned a few months back came to me at the pub after few beers before his deployment, had reservations and had dozens of questions about news of the war, the lies, the scandals, the politics etc. I told him to be safe, do his job, pay attention to his brothers and sisters backs who are watching his, and keep up with the politics of all of it and don't break the law. After giving him my friendship and all the info I could mutter after a few beers, I thought to remind him that he was the same soldier who bought me a Busch Beer after John Kerry was defeated in 2004. I declined politely for a habit of 1.) better taste and 2.) the obvious. Afterwards, we laughed and decided it was shot o'clock.
People call it partisan to be against the war in Iraq, it's not, it's human. Look no further than the protests around the globe, from the start to the present, look no further than www.votevets.org or www.ivaw.org . Speaking with my newest military beer drinkin friend, whom I will refer to as "G", we oddly agreed. Not much a surprise, since he refered to his Grandfather as a liberal, possibly more than myself. This kid was smart, I think possibly a bit from Grandpa, and otherwise to just paying attention and a little bit to the Air Force. He is a little bit out of harms way being Air Force, but is unsure of this debacle, like many in the world who knew it long ago. By looking things up like voting records,history,financial records, and theologywe can see the war economy's true motivation.
I thank these soldiers for their efforts and patriotism, I personally thank "J" and "G", "J" knows the obvious reasons that I won't mention, but "G" I thank for the conversation of intelect, his grandfather, and of course the drinks he paid for. For those of you who are paying attention, vote with your brain and heart (they do work and unison), think of these soldiers and every other, think that liberalism is not as bad a word as you think and if you can't get past it call yourself a Progressive, or god help you a conservative. If you are a military fella, keep smart, keep safe, and don't tell our cute friends home to join just cause you have a crush!!! That means you "G"!!!!!!!!!! I will talk to all of you soon, watch your backs, and yes...CHEERS!!!!!!!!
I really feel all the love "K". You made my day.