This continues to get more and more insane. Nobody can get their stories coordinated. Again, I must ask who benefits from Benazir's death? President Musharaff? Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden? The Bush Crime Family? The War on Terror? I don't know, I only have questions. I do, however, believe that someone is quite pleased with the outcome of her demise. Keep in mind the U.S. brokered her return to Pakistan, well knowing this would probably happen. After the first attempt on her life failed, yet manage to kill 179 others, she requested an investigation with the CIA and United Nations assistance, she was denied by President Musharaff, and quite possibly the country that helped her return. The Telegraph in the U.K. has some serious accounts of what actually transpired
Security and Police had left their posts shortly before her departure, and various polls showed her somewhere between 35% and 67% in the lead to be Pakistan's President. In an interview with David Frost shortly after her return to Pakistan she spoke about the people in power who would be responsible for her death. Check it out, especially around the 6 minute mark, it will make your head spin.
It is abundently clear how serious this is, a nuclear Pakistan with their terrorist sanctuary is a danger to much of the world, our billions in aid going there is at risk, and Musharaff has been asked repeatedly to step down. Although, we know he's Bush's boy, and asking someone to step down is a tough task for these clowns. Keep posted for more on this, and keep it lit!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A loss to a world of Peace and compassion

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
This Christmas...
Well, Merry ChristmaskwanzaIdehannukahsolstice. 'Tis the Season to enjoy it, no matter what your non-denomination. I was going to finish re-writting "It's beginning to look alot like christmas", to sound alot like "I'm beginning to win the war on christmas", but I won't, I don't need Bill O'Really sending the Fox News police after me. The absurdity of a war on christmas. The following clip, Sam Seder nails it. You need only watch the first two minutes, or if you have too much time on your hands, watch the whole thing.
This time of the year is special, no matter how you celebrate it. I have barely celebrated it since being single. But it doesn't matter. If shopping your ass off in the hustling malls is your thing, so be it. If saying "aaaahhhhh, look at the pretty lights", a holiday cheer,or whatever. I joked with co-workers, and friends about the "war on x-mas", but I have poor intel, and I am not prepared to wage a pre-emptive war. It's a time to let your spirit feel good, no matter how you achieve that is up to you. The way things are with credit card companies, your spirit gets broke around the first week of January. It's a time where you can do nothing, and see no one, or you can see friends and familiy, and hope there is no bickering. How about just reflect on the year, prepare for the forthcoming one, and be genuine to everybody. Get it? If you are having trouble remembering, maybe the following video will jog your memory a bit. So, on that note Happy Holidays! (there I Said it!)
This time of the year is special, no matter how you celebrate it. I have barely celebrated it since being single. But it doesn't matter. If shopping your ass off in the hustling malls is your thing, so be it. If saying "aaaahhhhh, look at the pretty lights", a holiday cheer,or whatever. I joked with co-workers, and friends about the "war on x-mas", but I have poor intel, and I am not prepared to wage a pre-emptive war. It's a time to let your spirit feel good, no matter how you achieve that is up to you. The way things are with credit card companies, your spirit gets broke around the first week of January. It's a time where you can do nothing, and see no one, or you can see friends and familiy, and hope there is no bickering. How about just reflect on the year, prepare for the forthcoming one, and be genuine to everybody. Get it? If you are having trouble remembering, maybe the following video will jog your memory a bit. So, on that note Happy Holidays! (there I Said it!)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Number one in the two day Ghost of Wellstone Christmas Special
Happy Christmas (War is Over, if you want it)!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
In memory

Run Rudy Run!
Rotten Rudy Giuliani has been dogged by many lately, and I am joining in. In this video you can witness "america's mayor"...ugh! Running from the disaster of 9/11 and spending more time talking to the media. That is not heroic. Just watch, and learn a bit from the firefighters union.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
An interesting video from a peculiar man
Well, what did we hear growing up, "you too can someday be President". Well, George W. Bush proved that no matter how can. With the large field of candidates, including my guy, Dennis Kucinich whom I spend alot of effort promoting on this site. Other than that I take shots at the hell-bent,fearmongering,christian wacko GOP hopefuls. So, on that note, here's Former Senator Mike Gravel. Yes, he is a longshot candidate, but as Crooks and Liars said, you can't argue with the content.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
An apology to an old friend (sort of)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Have you seen this man?
You probably haven't, but guess what, neither have his attorneys or family. This is part one of two. Watch this, and check back in morning for part two, and my take. Visit for if you are impatient.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Why are you reading?

are you ready? To educate yourself? I read for all of the aforementioned reasons, so I thought I would share some titles with you that I consider neccessary. Late Senator Paul Wellstone's "The Conscience of a Liberal", I know this one comes as no surprise to anyone who has visited this site or knows me. Paul Wellstone captured what is a clear "compassionate agenda". In this book, we are taken on a walk through principles and ideals of a man who could get along with any, yet pursued policies that helped all. A liberal Democrat we sure could use now. Another would be McSeeney's classic "How We are Hungry", a collection of short stories by Dave Eggers. I would be here all night running you through that, but I will mention a story written from a dog's point of view titled "After I was thrown in the River and after I'd drown". A moving piece, especially if you are a dog lover. Next, Thom Hartmann's "Screwed". When I get to read Thom, or listen to him on the radio, I immediately feel smarter. Whether it is politics, understanding other relegions, economics, and the state of the middle-class right now. "Screwed" gives a well researched look at what corporate greed, slimy politicians, war, and the hatred for the New Deal has done to the middle-class. But, hey, at least the war on the middle-class is going well! There are a few reasons read, my year end list is coming in week, just before the year ends. Take care.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Who is Ron Paul
I see a number of disturbing comments on Ron Paul. I will say one thing, he is right when it comes to the war, and he sounds human compared to worthless amount of dna that sums up the other GOP candidates. One thing that gets me about Ron Paul, is that he wants the government out of lives except for a womans womb. Hmmm.
Comment on Standing up!
I exchanged little holiday e-mails with Billy over at . Afterwards, I got to thinking about folks who actually stand up for rights,ideals,the underdogs in the world. I cannot support George Bush's war in Iraq, I cannot support relegious ideologues who run around pushing their agenda in my face (this includes all relegions), I cannot support efforts that tell women the have no right to choose and no right to privacy, and cannot tolerate liars running my country. So, on that note, I would like to thank every person who has had the backbone to STAND UP! AND SAY I KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG! This old movie clip came to mind, and I am a huge fan, so sharing it is a must.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My life has meaning and value GOD DAMNIT!
This video was easy to repost while giving thought and prayer to my childhood babysitter who has suffered an annuyerism and an upcoming battle with hospital and insurance companies. I plan a post on the hopeful outcome as it occurs. Stay tuned. As I spent a day off lazily, I listened to some music, read, and mindlessly watched some tv. As I listened to some of Steve Earle's monologue prior to a live performance of "Christmas Time in Washington", he spoke of heroes. As he states, their his heroes cause it's his fucking song! I would like to add my quick little list. First, I would name my Mom, Judy thank you. You raised me liberally, and sometiimes to your own regret since you are sometimes socially conservative. You taught me compassion, you taught me that there is no race other than human. You taught me to stand up when I see something or someone being wronged.You are my hero. Thom Hartmann is also my hero, he's my hero because with his voice m-f I get to know that you really can learn, really learn something new everyday. Dennis Kucinich is my hero, because he recognizes that we are only as strong as our weakest link. He sees that building a stronger bond takes all of us no matter where you are from. Plus, he continues to stand up for true American values as you see in the aforementioned text. Greg Palast is my hero, he's my hero because he has stood up over and over to U.S corporate media who hated him for telling the truth, and said "fine", and took a job with BBC and got a larger outlet to tell the truth. Linda and her husband, and their mother Fran, their my heroes because once all is said and done, God willing a recovery, will give 'em hell over an f'd up system that puts payment and profit before someone's life. I urge everyone to look around at your heroes, thank them, and listen to them, find out what they stand for or what they are mad at. Then I want you stand up, and get MAD! Watch the video, and keep it lit. Oh yeah, Steve Earle, you're my hero too, you have weathered the storm brother, and you got the wife I should have.
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's Friday, and it's almost X-Mas, a little gift from DailyKos and Bill in Maine
The Democratic Leadership's New Oath of Office:
I, [State your name], do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully warm my chair in Congress. And will, to the best of my ability, remember to put my coat on the correct peg in the cloakroom, flush after I go pee or poopies, show up to work fully clothed, brush my teeth twice a day, hold hands when crossing the street, use the plastic safety scissors instead of the sharp ones that the grownups keep in the high-up drawer, give the President all my lunch money, and use my indoor voice at all times.
I promise to collapse, cave and kowtow in the name of political calculation, even when soldiers are dying daily in a war I have the power to stop,
To convince Americans that I lack courage, conviction and common sense in the pursuit of a brass ring that can't be grabbed for another year,
To do everything in my power to meet the needs of my Republican friends and colleagues across the aisle, lest they get upset with me and give me wedgies. So help me god.
The Republican Leadership's New Oath of Office:
I, [State your name], do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully do whatever the hell I feel like and get away with it. Goddamn this is great. Oh look! There's a Democrat! Wedgie squad...Go!!!
Thank ya, Jesus!
I, [State your name], do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully warm my chair in Congress. And will, to the best of my ability, remember to put my coat on the correct peg in the cloakroom, flush after I go pee or poopies, show up to work fully clothed, brush my teeth twice a day, hold hands when crossing the street, use the plastic safety scissors instead of the sharp ones that the grownups keep in the high-up drawer, give the President all my lunch money, and use my indoor voice at all times.
I promise to collapse, cave and kowtow in the name of political calculation, even when soldiers are dying daily in a war I have the power to stop,
To convince Americans that I lack courage, conviction and common sense in the pursuit of a brass ring that can't be grabbed for another year,
To do everything in my power to meet the needs of my Republican friends and colleagues across the aisle, lest they get upset with me and give me wedgies. So help me god.
The Republican Leadership's New Oath of Office:
I, [State your name], do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully do whatever the hell I feel like and get away with it. Goddamn this is great. Oh look! There's a Democrat! Wedgie squad...Go!!!
Thank ya, Jesus!
Robert Wexler wants hearings, let's all join him
Rep. Wexler of Florida wants impeachment hearings for this criminal White House. Join him at Visit the site and sign the petition. For the future of our country, we need our lawmakers to examine the criminal behavior of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney. Thank you Congressman Wexler for bringing the issue to the table again.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Drinking with Soldiers

Well, I have not had a beer with this soldier, but there are few I have. I within the last few months had a pal return from duty in Iraq, and I recnetly had drinks with a young guy I now would consider my Air Force friend in Germany while he was home on leave for his Grandfather's funeral. We talked to great extent about society and the culture on the outskirts of Detroit, politics, the war, and better beer...Oh yeah, and his Liberal Grandfather. (I didn't really forget that part!)
The right-wingers had a field day with John Kerry's botched joke about ending up in Iraq if you don't get an education came to mind as I post this. I got the joke ! George Bush is a half-wit, I believe nearly every soldier and upstart blogger could do a more competent job...even Senators who shouldn't tell jokes could. My buddy who just returned a few months back came to me at the pub after few beers before his deployment, had reservations and had dozens of questions about news of the war, the lies, the scandals, the politics etc. I told him to be safe, do his job, pay attention to his brothers and sisters backs who are watching his, and keep up with the politics of all of it and don't break the law. After giving him my friendship and all the info I could mutter after a few beers, I thought to remind him that he was the same soldier who bought me a Busch Beer after John Kerry was defeated in 2004. I declined politely for a habit of 1.) better taste and 2.) the obvious. Afterwards, we laughed and decided it was shot o'clock.
People call it partisan to be against the war in Iraq, it's not, it's human. Look no further than the protests around the globe, from the start to the present, look no further than or . Speaking with my newest military beer drinkin friend, whom I will refer to as "G", we oddly agreed. Not much a surprise, since he refered to his Grandfather as a liberal, possibly more than myself. This kid was smart, I think possibly a bit from Grandpa, and otherwise to just paying attention and a little bit to the Air Force. He is a little bit out of harms way being Air Force, but is unsure of this debacle, like many in the world who knew it long ago. By looking things up like voting records,history,financial records, and theologywe can see the war economy's true motivation.
I thank these soldiers for their efforts and patriotism, I personally thank "J" and "G", "J" knows the obvious reasons that I won't mention, but "G" I thank for the conversation of intelect, his grandfather, and of course the drinks he paid for. For those of you who are paying attention, vote with your brain and heart (they do work and unison), think of these soldiers and every other, think that liberalism is not as bad a word as you think and if you can't get past it call yourself a Progressive, or god help you a conservative. If you are a military fella, keep smart, keep safe, and don't tell our cute friends home to join just cause you have a crush!!! That means you "G"!!!!!!!!!! I will talk to all of you soon, watch your backs, and yes...CHEERS!!!!!!!!
A must read from Huffington Post
The vets of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have gotten pretty shoddy treatment from our Congress. Republicans, as well as some Democrats, but not nearly as many, have blocked numerous bills including funding,dwell time, healthcare etc. etc. Jon Soltz posted this at Huffington Post, and I hope we all pay attention, and see how important 2008 is for our country, our vets, and our future.
One Of Our Own Is Going to Take Down McConnell
Posted December 13, 2007 11:03 AM (EST)
As an Iraq war veteran, today is pretty exciting for me and all the other vets I talk with. Today, one of our own took the first step towards knocking off Senator Mitch McConnell in 2008. Iraq War Veteran Andrew Horne jumped into the race.
Andrew Horne, who had to step down as a Senior Advisor to to run this race, not only has a good shot to beat McConnell, he has a tremendous shot. That's got us Iraq veterans pumped because not only will we have a voice in the Senate that comes from our own ranks, but we're also going to take down the guy who is the single most responsible person in Congress for the war in Iraq, as well as the defeat of pro-troop, pro-veteran legislation.
Let's take just a small walk through the record of Mitch McConnell (Warning: Hold your nose):
• He led the filibuster of the Webb-Hagel "Dwell Time" amendment that would have given our exhausted troops as much time at home as in the field.
• He led the all-night filibuster of legislation that would have set us on a real change of course in Iraq, that would have allowed us to give Iraqis more responsibility, while freeing U.S. forces to take on the real threat to America -- al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
• He consistently worked his side of the aisle against the same veterans he's been fighting tooth and nail to keep in Iraq, beating back amendments to ensure a funding stream for veterans' health care, increase Veterans' medical services by closing corporate tax loopholes, and guarantee full-funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
• And, most recently, he callously quipped that we ought not feel too bad about those who died in Iraq, because, afterall, "remember, these are not draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers."
Andrew Horne is going to serve Kentucky well. I've known Andrew for a couple of years now, and he's one of the brightest, toughest guys I've ever encountered. But, more importantly, he's fiercely loyal. At any point over the last couple of years, he could have broken away from the veterans movement and tried to make a name for himself. But, he didn't. He felt a profound sense of responsibility to those he was fighting alongside, something that we all feel in the military. Kentucky can trust that he's never going to abandon them and "go Washington" like Mitch McConnell.
But, more importantly for the readers on here, Andrew's candidacy represents the best shot beat the largest obstruction to veterans care and responsible use of the military that Congress has ever seen.
For all McConnell has done to hurt troops and veterans, how sweetly ironic it is that it's going to be an Iraq War Marine that sends him packing.
That's why, today, I'm truly, truly excited.
Read more about Andrew and consider making at donation at
One Of Our Own Is Going to Take Down McConnell
Posted December 13, 2007 11:03 AM (EST)
As an Iraq war veteran, today is pretty exciting for me and all the other vets I talk with. Today, one of our own took the first step towards knocking off Senator Mitch McConnell in 2008. Iraq War Veteran Andrew Horne jumped into the race.
Andrew Horne, who had to step down as a Senior Advisor to to run this race, not only has a good shot to beat McConnell, he has a tremendous shot. That's got us Iraq veterans pumped because not only will we have a voice in the Senate that comes from our own ranks, but we're also going to take down the guy who is the single most responsible person in Congress for the war in Iraq, as well as the defeat of pro-troop, pro-veteran legislation.
Let's take just a small walk through the record of Mitch McConnell (Warning: Hold your nose):
• He led the filibuster of the Webb-Hagel "Dwell Time" amendment that would have given our exhausted troops as much time at home as in the field.
• He led the all-night filibuster of legislation that would have set us on a real change of course in Iraq, that would have allowed us to give Iraqis more responsibility, while freeing U.S. forces to take on the real threat to America -- al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
• He consistently worked his side of the aisle against the same veterans he's been fighting tooth and nail to keep in Iraq, beating back amendments to ensure a funding stream for veterans' health care, increase Veterans' medical services by closing corporate tax loopholes, and guarantee full-funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
• And, most recently, he callously quipped that we ought not feel too bad about those who died in Iraq, because, afterall, "remember, these are not draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers."
Andrew Horne is going to serve Kentucky well. I've known Andrew for a couple of years now, and he's one of the brightest, toughest guys I've ever encountered. But, more importantly, he's fiercely loyal. At any point over the last couple of years, he could have broken away from the veterans movement and tried to make a name for himself. But, he didn't. He felt a profound sense of responsibility to those he was fighting alongside, something that we all feel in the military. Kentucky can trust that he's never going to abandon them and "go Washington" like Mitch McConnell.
But, more importantly for the readers on here, Andrew's candidacy represents the best shot beat the largest obstruction to veterans care and responsible use of the military that Congress has ever seen.
For all McConnell has done to hurt troops and veterans, how sweetly ironic it is that it's going to be an Iraq War Marine that sends him packing.
That's why, today, I'm truly, truly excited.
Read more about Andrew and consider making at donation at
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ghost of Wellstone Endorses...

Furthermore, Dennis and his lovely wife Elizabeth are the only ones on the campaign trail promoting a Dept. of Peace. In my opinion, a Department of Peace is the only viable remedy to end this debacle in the Middle East. As for Iraq, Dennis is for an immediate pullout. Dennis' 12-point plan can be read at . President Kucinich, also proposes a viable plan to secure jobs for Americans IN America. Withdrawing from the WTO and canceling NAFTA will help prevent American companies from outsourcing jobs overseas and across borders. Dennis is the candidate I believe can rebuild our longstanding patriotic pride that we hold so close to our hearts, stability to the Middle East by taking diplomatic measures with not just our allies, but our adversaries. I also firmly stand behind the idea that Dennis Kucinch will heal the distrust many, if not most Americans have for their Government. I encourage everyone to visit to learn about the candidate that in 8 years of hard work and Passion will hopefully have us only debating the idea of who has actually seen an unidentified flying object and who has not. VOTE KUCINICH! VOTE YOUR CONSCIOUS!
Special Comment
I have been away for a month, to the day to be exact. Now to play catch up...
With the amount of news and scandals of the Bush Crime Family, I can count on Keith Olbermann to sum up the Liar in Chief's continued lies about Iran and WWIII, the NIE Report, and fearmongering. Here you go
With the amount of news and scandals of the Bush Crime Family, I can count on Keith Olbermann to sum up the Liar in Chief's continued lies about Iran and WWIII, the NIE Report, and fearmongering. Here you go
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