Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Conscience of a Liberal

Over the the last 8 years, alot of people have shook their heads in disgust at the American political system.Many people turned their backs, and some others asked "What would Wellstone do?" Senator Paul Wellstone inspired me,not because he was a hero in the United States Senate,but because he was morally persistent in causes greater than himself. His efforts on behalf of Minnesotans and the American people were an example of how high the bar should be set when someone decides to run for office. It's not about power, money, or favors to is about representing the rights of the people, it is about protecting the lives of all of us, it is about improving the lives of people.

In 2002, Paul Wellstone tragically died in a plane crash. With him was the voice of reason in a politics of corruption and dirty pool. As a man who, without shame, wore his liberalism on his sleeve. He recognized that honesty in politics helped engage everyone, of every political stripe could organize, and show we can do better.

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