Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Are voters smarter than 5th graders?

The past week or so has been a meltdown the U.S. economy, and Wall St. appears to be getting their way with Washington. Naomi Klein put it best when she noted that the Republicans and Wall St. seem to embrace "Crybaby Capitalism". They are for deregulation until they bottom out, and seek the Government's help. The most promising proposal I have seen is Congressman Kucinich's , which gives every American $2300 in shares, because that is what it is going to cost us. Now, I do not wish to spend this post reflecting on Wall St.'s "bailout", but it is important to note, Americans are not doing the math. The deregulation that has led us down this path of insanity was created by Republicans and a handful of Democrats.

While reading and watching the Presidential coverage intensely, it is clear the direction we need after the past eight. A refresher course, a War based on lies that gave out no-bid contracts to big Republican donors, a natural disaster in Katrina that became a human disaster in handling it, cronyism and politicization of nearly every public office, and continued deregulation of financial institutes. That is just a few. Now, we have the McCain /Palin ticket. John McCain a candidate, who in 2000 even many Democratic voters felt was ok. However, the so-called "Maverick" is no more. This man has flipped and flopped on nearly every position. It is one thing to adjust your positions slightly, but a complete 360 is just pandering. Then there is Sarah Palin, who was Governor for Alaska, the least populated state, and the receiver of the the largest amount of earmarks. Over $400 million. Although, she denies that fact. So, this is slightly partisan, as I am an Obama supporter, but when you vote this November, ask yourself "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"?.

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