Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kucinich to introduce another 25 Articles of Impeachment?


  1. With former Senator Mike Gravel calling for a NYC 9/11 commission, forgetting the original report got it right the first time and Kucinich seeking to impeach a guy who will be gone in a few months. Who needs swiftboating?

    They each seem determined, in their own inimitable ways, to make a Presidential vote for fellow Democrat, Barack Obama, seem like a vote for the crackpot party.

    This is the sort of thing that will get a republican in the White House once again.

  2. No, it will not. Mike Gravel is irrelevant. The efforts of Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler should be applauded. When we have two Congressmen joined by Republicans to vote in favor of Impeachment, we get a glimpse of once was "rule of law". In addition, McClellan's testimony is damning.


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