Monday, February 11, 2008

To the Superdelegates: Step aside

The Democratic Party is going to have a very big problem if the party's superdelegates annoint a Presidential nominee. Given what this country's Democrats put up with in 2000, 2004, and the ramifications of the disastorous Bush Crime Family, one would hope Democratic Leadership would leave this one up to the voters. Dan Abrams of MSNBC, intends to hammer away at influential party members to exclude the super delegates. For our continued efforts to avoid hypocrisy and heal the country after 8 years of the Republican errors, we cannot afford to allow those efforts to be undermined. The New York Times also ran a good op-ed on the subject here .
The voting Democrats in this country are split right now, we have the voters who appreciate Hillary's withstanding of the right-wing attacks. Her ability to stand there, fire back at the right-wing noise machine. The fact that many of us see the Clinton era as "the good ol' days", with a small handful errors. The very clear thinking Progressive Dems also look at a bad idea of Regan/Bush, Bush/Quayle, Clinton/Gore, Bush/Cheney, and then Clinton/? That just looks like a very bad idea that the Rahm Emmnauels of the country need to look at. Barack Obama has presented voters with a glaring moment of change. The voters have spoken this past weekend , and around the country throughout the country during this campaign. We have spoken loud and clear, is the Democratic Leadership listening?

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