Friday, August 15, 2008

John McCain is unfit to lead


  1. In 2004 Jerome R. Corsi’s wrote “Unfit for Command,” which inspired the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in their attack of presidential hopeful Senator John Kerry. His new book “Obama Nation.” is a similar hit piece on Barack Obama. Corsi is by his nature is racist, anti-Semitic
    believes 911 Was an Inside Job.

    Told you these guys were nuts

  2. Obama - The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate
    by Webster Griffin Tarpley

    "Barack Obama is a deeply troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by the intelligence agencies, using fake polls, mobs of swarming adolescents, super-rich contributors, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-circuit normal politics and seize power. "

    WOW! Obama seems to bring out all the nut jobs!
    For those who are not familiar with Tarpley, he is one of the "9/11 Inside Job, Bush did it" loons. His book "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA", was one of the mainstays of the "New world order is going to get you" paranoid peoples brigade.

    It almost seems these people want a conservative to win as to make it easier to sell their brand of conspiracy theory hype.

    "Barack Obama is an Inside Job"

    You also have to chuckle a little at conservatives who want to cut down Obama and find they are in bed with these crackpots.

  3. Keeping to the theme of whacked out conservatives we have Mark Dice, AKA John Conner, another of the Christian conservative loonmuffins who believe 9/11 was an inside job. AND he recently launched a boycott of Starbucks, calling the company "Slutbucks", after featuring a logo of a topless mermaid figure.

    Mark Dice

    Can you say, KOOK?


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