The week did however, show a unified Democratic Party. We have long struggled with unity, and it was never a lack of passion or commitment, it was a diverse and mixed message. Senator Obama delivered a fantastic speech. Touching on the American Peoples concerns, the energy crisis, the war in Iraq, jobs, and security. The purpose of this past week was too feel good about our candidate and party, "mission accomplished"! For a party that has struggled with message and victory, I now believe we have arrived. Thank you to the Democratic Party, the artists that performed, the workers behind the scenes, and the protesters, who risked arrests, police abuse, and other ramifications for reminding our fellow liberals and Democrats why we speak up.
Barack Obama, the next best thing to Brian Moore. Democracy is all about compromise, so all hail comrade Obama!
Our work doesn't end when Obama takes office, so we should hail the ground troops of a campaign. Take care.