Friday, August 29, 2008
The DNC week has ended

The week did however, show a unified Democratic Party. We have long struggled with unity, and it was never a lack of passion or commitment, it was a diverse and mixed message. Senator Obama delivered a fantastic speech. Touching on the American Peoples concerns, the energy crisis, the war in Iraq, jobs, and security. The purpose of this past week was too feel good about our candidate and party, "mission accomplished"! For a party that has struggled with message and victory, I now believe we have arrived. Thank you to the Democratic Party, the artists that performed, the workers behind the scenes, and the protesters, who risked arrests, police abuse, and other ramifications for reminding our fellow liberals and Democrats why we speak up.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Why I voted for John Kerry in 2004, and why he still has my admiration
In 2004, nearly half of the country, stood up with literature, facts and passion, grabbed their clipboards and hit the streets. We worked hard and had our hearts broken. However, the candidate failed us. That is what the Republicans and disgruntled Democrats would have you believe. The candidate we had, John Kerry, has truly arrived in support of Barack Obama. With all of the spotlight on the Clintons and Michelle and Barack Obama this past week. From what I have seen the most effective indictment of poor Republican judgement was delivered by Senator John Kerry.
Senator Kerry, who we knew, had the foresight to see what we were in for. Unfortunately, too many people were too scared, too deaf, or too willing to accept the "Swift Boating". The purpose of the National Conventions is to instill a sense of "unity", the GOP will have it next week. We do however, have an American duty to recognize the errors of our opponents , to recognize the disastrous Presidency that has gotten here, and too recognize what could be. John Kerry delivered that wisdom last night. John Kerry did lose in 2004, but he was victorious in rallying Democrats from Detroit to Duluth. We woke up!
Last nights speech by Senator Kerry went unnoticed by the mainstream media, but it was another rallying call. It was a reminder of what we are capable of, and why defeat is not an option this time. John Kerry's candidacy in 2004 was clear and descriptive of what Barack Obama's candidacy is now, it is a reminder that "things do not change, we change".
Senator Kerry, who we knew, had the foresight to see what we were in for. Unfortunately, too many people were too scared, too deaf, or too willing to accept the "Swift Boating". The purpose of the National Conventions is to instill a sense of "unity", the GOP will have it next week. We do however, have an American duty to recognize the errors of our opponents , to recognize the disastrous Presidency that has gotten here, and too recognize what could be. John Kerry delivered that wisdom last night. John Kerry did lose in 2004, but he was victorious in rallying Democrats from Detroit to Duluth. We woke up!
Last nights speech by Senator Kerry went unnoticed by the mainstream media, but it was another rallying call. It was a reminder of what we are capable of, and why defeat is not an option this time. John Kerry's candidacy in 2004 was clear and descriptive of what Barack Obama's candidacy is now, it is a reminder that "things do not change, we change".
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dennis Kucinich at the DNC
- Update: The Obama campaign has reviewed every speakers speeches prior to their appearance, all have been edited. However, Dennis Kucinch's speech only had this line removed.
“They’re asking for another four years — in a just world, they’d get 10 to 20.”
We were given this compliments of cspan.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Obama picks Biden as running mate
Obama/Biden 2008! Barack Obama has chosen Senator Joe Biden (D-De) as his Vice President. I for one am comfortable with this choice. While, Joe has his flaws, they are few. I would suggest everyone review his voting record .
I do not agree with all of any ones voting record, but overall, Joe Biden will be a formidable opponent for the Republicans. Bringing 35 years of experience to a candidate who has been dogged because of his, or lack thereof. Chair of the Foreign Relations, Senator Biden, sees the Iraq war as an issue of great importance to numerous issues that have been ailing our country. Being one who voted in favor of authorizing the President to take us quickly down this insane path in Iraq, he has been quick to suggest he did not recognize the incompetence that made it as bad as it is. I do believe his background, his support for veterans benefits, his roots in swing states (Pa, Mi, and Oh) into play. It has recently been reported, Biden's son, Beau, Delaware Attorney General and Jag Captain in the National Guard will be deployed Iraq as soon as October.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Obama's Vice President?
Well, it is Friday night, and we thought we would know by now....we don't. While many of us should know on Saturday morning, but don't hold your breath for too long. The list has been short, it has included Senators Clinton, Bayh, Biden, Gov. Tim Kaine, and the longshot General Wes Clark. I would personally prefer the latter of the group, but...well, you know. It is looking like it will be Senator Biden in my opinion. I have always like Joe, and I have disagreed with a number of his votes, so there is a contradiction, I know. I guess right now, we wait.
Off the Record
This one is really fun. Long loving this song, I felt this election season seemed like a good one. Enjoy, and for my friends who I know will love this, your welcome, you know who you are.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
John McCain the elitist?

For all of the GOP attempts to paint Senator Obama as an "elitist", they surely know what qualifies. In an interview with Politico, John McCain was asked how many homes he has? He responded "I think — I'll have my staff get to you,".
There have been numerous reports as to how many there actually are, and I have heard as many as 6, 7 and 10. In addition, calling his opponent "elitist" is comedic, as he campaigns around, soaring through the air in one of his wifes private jets. I am sure kicking off the $520 shoes is a luxury up in the friendly skies.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Stephanie Tubbs Jones dies

Friday, August 15, 2008
It's all about the Clintons

While, their respective campaigns are insisting this is an act of "unity", many Democratic pundits and voters are fearing it will be an act of sabotage that benefits the Clintons. I share that thought. As painful as the primary was, and what was demonstrated by her campaign, Hillary lost to BarackObama. Many Democrats no longer can express their trust and affection for the former First Family. Delegates and super delegates are free to change their vote at the Convention, which could lead to the New York senator being the nominee for the Democratic Party . Should this transpire, I do not see "unity", I see a disastrous outcome in November with John McCain becoming President. The Clintons need to sit down and shut up for once. With the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia and Georgia, and the sabre rattling with Iran, a McCain presidency will have dire consequences for the United States.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
From my friend Margaret
If you want to understand what Net Neutrality really means... watch this video... and why Corporations and Government are very interested in ending it. This is an issue all about keeping democracy alive. Be informed! Be active! Be Free!
Another Shooting

Again, we have a Democrat shot! From the Unitarian Church shootings fueld by "hate of liberals", and now this because he "lost his job". Now, politics is not the motivator all of the shootings we have had over the years, however these last two are peculiar. We were able to get some insight into the head of Jim Adkisson, because he is alive. Timothy Johnson is not alive, as we probably will not know what pushed him over the edge. But, why the Democratic Headquaters? Because Democrats generally support stricter gun laws? I don't know. While the details of Mr. Johnson have yet to be released, we can only now give our condolences to the Gwatney family and staff of the Arkansas Democratic Party.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Which side are we on?
The country is a eerie place right now, or maybe it always has been. When we review the past deeds of our Government, it is chilling. Any of you who know me, or this blog, know I care deeply, but we are in distress right now. Whether the shock and awe is a act of war, a natural disaster, or criminal politicians, it is worrisome. Dissenters are told to sit down and shutup by people who either wish we had not done the research, or the one who have not lifted a finger to understand what the consequences could be. When I listen to diplomats, politicians, activists, weapons inspectors, military analysts speak, I seek rationale speak, there are only a few cohevise individuals. I have been revisting Operation Northwoods, and I truly believe we fall for the hoax to line the pockets of the powerful.
When, or if when, we seek out leadership, we must be informed. Unfortunately, we generally are not. I really fear for my country's future. The American Dream, that's what it has become for many, a dream. We need to wake up, and elect principaled leaders. If we do, we can concentrate on issues and not worrying about gaffes, or "flip-flop", or sex scandals. This is not a partisan issue, this is a We the People issue. I heard a co-worker make comment about Detroit's embattled Mayor, who is mired in scandal. She said, "Someone just ought to shoot him", I was beside myself, and responded "Umm, we do have something called the Bill of Rights, and we have courts". It got uglier as the converssation continued, she said "Fuck the Bill of Rights". That is, as un-american as calling the Constitution a "goddamn piece of paper". This is where we have arrived. If don't like him or her, just shoot 'em! WTF? Is this the American Dream we are being taught now? I hope not. When we look at our incumbent politicians, whether they are Democratic or Republican, are you reviewing their votes? Are they listening to you when you call their office? If we collectively get up off our asses, recognize what is being done by people we elected, and hold their feet to the fire, we may see some results. On the other hand, we could just let the GOP and Blue Dog Dems dig our country deeper into debt, and depression.
When, or if when, we seek out leadership, we must be informed. Unfortunately, we generally are not. I really fear for my country's future. The American Dream, that's what it has become for many, a dream. We need to wake up, and elect principaled leaders. If we do, we can concentrate on issues and not worrying about gaffes, or "flip-flop", or sex scandals. This is not a partisan issue, this is a We the People issue. I heard a co-worker make comment about Detroit's embattled Mayor, who is mired in scandal. She said, "Someone just ought to shoot him", I was beside myself, and responded "Umm, we do have something called the Bill of Rights, and we have courts". It got uglier as the converssation continued, she said "Fuck the Bill of Rights". That is, as un-american as calling the Constitution a "goddamn piece of paper". This is where we have arrived. If don't like him or her, just shoot 'em! WTF? Is this the American Dream we are being taught now? I hope not. When we look at our incumbent politicians, whether they are Democratic or Republican, are you reviewing their votes? Are they listening to you when you call their office? If we collectively get up off our asses, recognize what is being done by people we elected, and hold their feet to the fire, we may see some results. On the other hand, we could just let the GOP and Blue Dog Dems dig our country deeper into debt, and depression.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Off the Record pt. 2 for this weekend
I received a very complimentry e-mail from a old friend, it was smile of the week. So, keeping with my impeccable taste in music for my periodic music video posts, and my liberal faith, this one is for you Anne ;p
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wal-Mart's high cost of your rights

Wal-Mart, a company never too far from poor headlines. However, I think they thrive on it. Well, they have now taken one more step into yet another ring of hell. The Executives at Wal-Mart are forcing the store managers and supervisors to attend mandatory meetings to inform them that a Democratic victory in November could make it easier for employees to unionize. They are calling the meetings "educational", I call it a threat. The meetings are intended to tell the management staff that the Employee Free Choice Act is bad for profits. They want them to explain this to their staffs in the field. Is Wal-Mart breaking the law? Indeed they are.
As the Wall Street Journal points out, Wal-Mart is within it's legal responsibility to advocate for candidates to it's salaried employees. That said, The Federal Election rules do not allow them to extend this influence/intimidation to hourly employees, ie; Dept. Supervisors. Should Wal-Mart wish to influence how it's employees vote, it should adhere to Federal laws, and only encourage voting. Yet, they have long been advocates for the GOP, and would hate to see Unionized employees in their stores. God forbid another sexual harrassment allegations, God forbid an employee getting paid for hours worked (on the damn clock), and God the employees have the protections and metaphorical safety net a Union can provide. Wal-Mart has long turned my stomach over their business practices, their "cheap plastic crap", and total disregard for workers rights. They have now broken Federal law, and should be held accountable. Yes they have gotten away with breaking laws in the past, but this one should stick. Many of us have known better over the years, my Mother, many of my friends, myself, and probably you if you are reading this. My question is, how many times have you heard of a friend or relative who said "I got such a great on this at Wal-Mart", what was your response? Did you excuse yourself? Did you explain to them why it is bad to shop at Wal-Mart? I hope it was the latter. It's Friday, take care and keep it lit.
The Race Card?

Senator McCain's campaign is desperate right now, and it is clear they are grasping for straws. That was evident when Senator Obama traveled through the Middle East and Europe with great response from the countries he was in. The McCain camp recognizes they are being beat on nearly every issue, and are now relying on race to scare voters. Mr. McCain, the majority of us under 40 are not scared, we never have been. Senator Obama clearly appreciates his heritage, and to joke that no other African-American has achieved what he has shows humility, and a sense of humor for a guy who has gone through life named Barack Obama. The "race card" vs. the "age card" is what we are sadly going to see. However, recognizing what the brain goes through in the head of a aging white man versus the brain of a fairly young and intelligent black man makes our choice easy. Both candidates have said this election would be about "judgement", and would stay above the fray of "dirty politics", well we can see one candidate had the judgement to do just that.
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