Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fred Phelps, Its First Friday.Com, and Max Blumenthal

While purusing news sites and blogs, we all know there is a tremendous amount of news and opinion out there. You may have found this. Late last week I dug into the story of the Westboro Baptist Church recieving a judgement against them in the sum of $10.9 Million for punitive damages, and compensatory damages. If you have not read the story, here. Fred Phelps and his flock of half-wits preach pure bigotry and hatred of gay and lesbian citiziens of our country, and in doing so protest the funerals of soldiers killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yeah, that makes sense doen't it? Their rational for this, is "God is punishing our country for tolerance of sodomites" I applaud the of family Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder for seeking damages, the courts and jury for awarding it, and even Congress for their efforts to bar protests at Federal Cemetaries...I hope they are not done yet. WBC's actions are however protected under free speech laws. Well, I am a card carrying member of the ACLU, so you know where I stand, I however take issue with the decency of this. If the soldier died defending the a country that tolerates gays, then I would guess he's not going to care if he's dead, right? So al they are doing is tormenting the already mourning members of his/her families. As for the the judgement, it is known that Phelps and his pack of braindead thugs will seek an appeal. I certainly hope the courts in Maryland and around the country stand behind this order and proceed with decency. As for free speech, we all know right from wrong. I may say the Republican Party is full of gay-hating-gay Republicans, or George W. Bush is a lying son of bitch, pc...probably not, but I never refer to Muslims and Arabs as C**** Jockeys, or African Americans as the "N" word, would not hang a noose on my neighbors door etc. Which brings me to the guys at First Friday. I asked them to team up with me on this issue of Free Speech and decency, through a mutual friend they declined. My thought on the issue was that I am against the war, they are self-proclaimed conservatives who support the war. I thought it was a good chance for the up and coming all-stars of the Conservacrit Party and Anti-war liberal to take a stand on support for our military and their families. Put the partisan bickering aside about who supports the troops more, take on what pretends it's a church. But nope, not even a nibble. I was, to say the least surprised. Knowing one of the FF guys for 20+ years, I know he is socially liberal by most accounts, yet rubs elbows with Republican Christian Elite and then plays host to the world famous atheist Christopher Hitchens, and won't speak out against a group of indecent thugs like Phelps and Co. Hmmm, I smell hypocrisy like a fart in a car here.

Ahhhh, now that I got that rant out, I bring you to Max Blumenthal. I have long read his articles for the Nation and Huff Post, but his video blogs are what have me cheering him on lately. From his award winning performance at this years CPAC. To his recent visit to the Value Voters Summit et al. Max's commitment to equal rights and the values the Bill of Rights and the American way are admirable. I admire Max's passive wit to expose the likes Ann Coulter, Mitt Romney, Rotten Rudy, extremist christian Republican groups, Larry Craig for their hypocrisy. Oh, yeah, at the VVS, one that stuck out for me was Star Parker's proclaimation the they "want the sodomites quaranined", or James Dobson "quarantined restrooms". I consider myself a follower of Jesus, not any religion, I am proud of that, and can withstand criticism of that statement. I am not afraid, I do not look a Max Blumenthal or remember Paul Wellstone, and think that looks great I think I will be Jewish, or see a gay male couple and fear it could jepordize any relations I have with women, or yes, even you Star Parker, whom I found to be a very attractive black woman, and thought if I were only black....hmmm, and a bigoted Republican hatemonger, who hangs with those looking for the Second Coming tomorrow. Max keep up your efforts, and we need to press the likes of Fred Phelps, the guys at FF who rub elbows with the likes of the Heritage Foundations misguided ideals, Tom Delay, with all of their fears of diversity and ask them what exactly is it you are afraid of?

**Note, I am not aware of any actual Oscars Mr. Blumenthal has recieved, but if he will accept it? He will be awarded the Ghost Of Wellstone award which is simply a thank you and a couple drinks.

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