Friday, November 9, 2007

Bill and killers!?

Over at Fox News, or News for Dumb Fux to be realistic. They offered time to Kathleen Willey, former White House employee in Bill Clinton's White House. She is another Clinton sexual assault accuser, and in her new book, she now claims Hillary ordered the killing of her cats on Hannity and Colmes. Thank Jesus for Alan debunking every allegation she has, but the cat killings is just absurd, even for the staunchest Hillary hater. The funniest part is Fox Noise continuing to give this news time. The story was not only debunked by Colmes, but alledged feline hitman Jack Paladino, the books publisher World Ahead Media, and FBI documents have shown her to be a habitual liar since the suicide death of her husband in 1993. The worst part about this is Fox News took this as a serious piece, and continued the following morning, where it was discussed at length, and ended with Brian Kilmeade asked "does the name Fluffy mean anything to you?", of course he was referring to the cats actual name, ironically named Bullseye...cute huh? Fox continues it's rabid obsession with the Clintons, Rosie, Liberals, and Keith Olbermann to the point that they discredit themselves to the point that self-professed "Fair and Balanced" is truly uncredible. I hope the News for Dumb Fux police team doesn't come for me ....scary!

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