Moderate Liberal Ed Schultz, who with one of the highest rated Progressive, tends to lack staunch liberals to his audience now and again. For myself, give me Thom Hartmann, and Mike Malloy. Ed's rhetoric sometimes sounds like a talking points memo from the DNC offices. However, I enjoy his show, usaually tend to agree with him some of the time. Ed certainly should have every leftie in the country buying him a cold one. He and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fl) discussed Dennis Kucinich's HR 333 to impeach vice president Dick Cheney. Many Democrats blocked this from coming to a debate. The heated conversation between Ed and the Congresswoman was splendid. Wasserman-Schultz took her stand as many other Democrats did...weak. Ed took her to task for not supporting the resolution, and you could easily hear she was irritated. She fired back with everything Congress is working on from the War, healthcare, etc. She made a comment Ed shredded as soon as she stated "Ed this is not on the front page of papers". I will leave his follow up to your imagination. Ed then continued to persistently nail her on how and why this is an issue to the American People. Dick Shooter Cheney has been hovering around 10-11% approval for a few years now, and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. We need to send a message that we will not allow another Presidency this disastorous. Dennis Kucinich listened to many troubled Americans who have voiced their opinion, who have wandered around in protests wondering where the defense of our Constitution is. Thank you Dennis, you have given us a voice on the floor. Debbie, you have failed us, you have failed the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. Apparently, due to the efforts of Reps. Kucinich, and Wexler, John Conyers will hold hearings on this. Thank God! If weak kneed Dems choose to only look to headlines, polls, and 08, they will alienate their base. If this were not on the minds of many Americans , why did Speaker Pelosi make a non-issue the first thing off the table? Ed, and the Reps, and American citizens...Thank you and Cheers! Impeach Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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