Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 Upheld by California Supreme Court

The California Supreme Court upheld the vote to ban equality marriage in the state. This not unexpected, however I have to agree with the always witty and lovely Lizz Winstead "California Uber Assholes!". Many good people across the country agree with this decision, yet their only explanation for their opinion is either 1.) It's in the Bible or 2.) Well, Barack Obama also thinks marriage is between a man and a woman! That said, no Gay Marriage is not traditional, but if the individuals love one another, why is it God's business, or ours?

There was a time in our country when whites could not marry blacks because it was not traditional and that was overturned. As a straight man, with friends who oppose marriage equality, and friends who support it and we have all agreed that none of us have ever seen a gay or lesbian couple and felt encouraged to be gay. Most don't care. Yet, we have the Christian Conservative right-wing saying it threatens traditional marriage. Huh? The only way it would threaten your marriage and lifestyle is if you were harboring some closet tendencies. The 18,000 same sex marriage that took place will remain legal, and the decision will likely be appealed.

Furthermore, Larry King discussed this on his show this evening, with opinions from both sides. The right again, was clinging to the Bible and the left continued embracing equality. Question; If a couple marries in a Church, and divorces in a courtroom, why is it the Churches business who marries?

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