Saturday, April 19, 2008

Shame on us!

Veteran's care, an issue discussed quietly by people who give a damn and people who don't. Some of us shout about it. Well, Mike Malloy graciously spoke about a study by the Rand Corporation about 300,000 Iraq Vets are suffering injuries, and are not getting the care they need. I take all of this personally, as my friend "Pfc Unnamed" takes his own twists and turns with life home from war. When he and I speak, we appreciate each others political leanings, yet could drink and argue all night. However, one thing we discuss is veteran's care, respect for our vets, and where political differences have gotten this country, and for the most of those said talks...we agree 90% of the time. I have attended rallies, made my placards, spoke critical of this war since it's conception and first and foremost, my thoughts and prayers were with American soldiers that would lose their lives...permantly! Whether it death or injury, it was a cost too high. When you think of the talks of not invading Iraq, the anti-war folk were labeled "un-patriotic", and told to sit down and shutup. Now, much of the country agrees with us, but what are we doing? Writing a blog? Writing a Congressperson? Calling a talk show and bitchin about it? Not F'n good enough! This is a shared responsibilty, this is a human responsibility, this is an American responsibilty! I can mention however, a group, Homes for Our Troops , is providing assistance with events and fundraisers, I applaud them. We as a whole community will make some sort choice in November, if we can, I hope we make a choice for someone to begin to end this crap we have gotten ourselves in. We get to vote for a President, we get to vote for Senators, we get to vote for Congresspeople, we get to vote, essentially, we can vote for actual support for our troops . The following YT audio is from an angry Mike Malloy, and I urge you to listen. Shame on you Republicans, shame on you Democrats, shame on you the American citizen, and shame on me. Talk to everyone about this, stand up! Share your opinion, 'cause son of a bitch, this is a non-partisan issue.

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