Friday, July 10, 2009

What's Really Going On With Gov. Quitter?

Sarah Palin is the gift that just keeps giving in the political theatre. Her astonishing resignation last week left many speculating on why? The run on sentence and few breaths included basketball analogies, her love for Alaska, and our troops. Not really saying anything aside from her version of "cut and run" because things got tough, she managed to squeeze out a number of lies as well. "Every one - all 15 of the ethics complaints have been dismissed. We've won! But it hasn't been cheap - the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to "opposition research" - that's money NOT going to fund teachers or troopers - or safer roads." She has defeated 15 ethics complaints, but there are still three more to go, including one filed after her press conference. The striking lie, er lie here is the State has wasted THOUSANDS of hours of YOUR time and shelled out some two million of YOUR dollars to respond to "opposition research" On the surface this reason appeared to be primary for her resignation. However, the "some two million" was already allocated for Government attorneys. It is based on their salaries, not ethics complaints.

What's really going on? Does Alaskan blogger Shannyn Moore have news? The radio host /blogger seemed to have stroke a nerve in her speculations about Gov. Palin's dealings a building contractor. So much that, following her resignation, the Governor invited Andrea Mitchell to a fishing photo-op to further discuss her reasons, in which she references the "U.S Department of Law" and names the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, and Shannyn Moore. Former future son in law Levi Johnston has some thoughts as well, "I think the big deal was the book. That was millions of dollars,". This will all pan out in the coming weeks, where many of these alleged complaints and scandals will break, she cannot stay out of the camera's lens for too long.


  1. Realistically, cashing in is the smart move for Palin. She's inarticulate and is out of her league on any serious political stage. She just fell into the Governors office and was only VP candidate because she fit the suit. I don't see how she could possibly survive in any run for the White House when she would actually have to answer to town halls, face the media, and could no longer hide behind pretty smile and impeccable voice inflections. That can only take you so far. To cash in on a few million should really exceed her wildest expectations for a person of her caliber.

  2. I agree with that, yet there is alot more going on it seems. The scary part is though, her current defenders will either turn on her very quick or push her through only because it is "Princess Sarah". They are to say the least, unhinged these days.

  3. I can't see that her defenders can push her through. It could have happened as VP last years for several reasons. She was introduced late in the season as a Carol Brady/success story/Governor/ pro gun hunter/golly-you-bethca Supermom. She delivered the same canned speech while hiding from the media. What few interviews she was forced to do (real interviews, not Hannity pampering), she failed miserably. I honestly believe her own family was intentionally and strategically used to provide a shield for her for any scrutiny.
    A run for POTUS is a different story. She'll have to do town halls, primary debates, and interviews. I don't see her being able to pull it off. Even if she were to start hiking her skirt up a bit while she winks, I can't see that as enough for the fading right wing extremist to pull it off.

  4. Andy, I gotta say the "hiking up her skirt" line was good. You are probably right, but who knows these days. It appears to me, like Bush and Cheney, they are ready to defend anything she does, and some Dems, and liberals are ready go to war with the Blue Dogs. That is the difference.


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