Witnessing the implosion of a major political party and it's base is humorous, and sad at the same time. They claim to be "Patriotic" while wishing "the President to fail", they claim to be of "Family Values" while members of their party get caught up in extra marital affairs, they are frightened to death the bad ass liberals are "going to take our guns! and promote a gay agenda" and are hopelessly caught up in a conspiracy that Barack Obama was not born in America. The aforementioned are a small example.
It's easy to laugh after the bruising eight years under Bush. Yet the underlying issue is serious. Progressives, Liberals, and Democrats know all about isolating ourselves with rhetoric that some may find offensive, and we won't apologize for it, but 2004 showed how ineffective it was. Most citizens of the U.S. right now are concerned with healthcare, jobs, responsibly leaving Iraq, and how big a disaster Afghanistan may be. Conservatives have isolated themselves in many ways. They banked on a far-right Christian vote, and the rich. While most people are not rich, and many do not affiliate themselves with any religion, the moderate left, and left have been able to cover alot of ground. The hardcore right, is a flutter, again wrapping themselves in the flag, thumping their Bibles and pointing their guns expecting it to work again. The country, however, has shifted. Raised by staunch Christian parents, an independent and a Republican, they clearly see how diverse their children are. It is also clear that families across America have made that leap as well.
The Christian Conservative base blindly keeping the shrinking Republican Party together has only shown how tattered their "family values" are. From Governor Sarah Palin's nonsensical behavior, to the infidelities of Senator John Ensign and Governor Sanford, to the disaster of the Bush Admin. Their arguments no longer has the zeal it once did. Willfully supporting war, the death penalty, and not allowing a woman's choice to privacy, the hate talkers on the right are now aimlessly wandering. You may wonder why I care? It is entertaining, I must say. However, in these critical times where compromise is needed to achieve success, they have repeatedly turned their backs on bi-partisanship. They are demonstrating that if you do not bend, you break.
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