Veiled Racism
John McCain and Sarah Palin's goal of the White House is quickly becoming out of reach, and they are resorting to tactics we did not see coming from the "Maverick of the Senate". John McCain seems a bit xenophobic these days, which is a far cry from the man who said "we're going to run a different kind of campaign. They are expressing in veiled terms, that Barack Obama is"different"from the rest of us, and letting low information voters connect their own dots. Sarah Palin's recent rallies have brought out the worst in many people in attendance. From supporters shouting things like "traitor", "terrorist" , and "kill him " when the latest campaign slogan is uttered..."Who is the real Barack Obama?" The campaign even tried to reignite the imaginary friendship Obama had with William Ayers. Ayers who committed domestic acts of terror in the late 60's and early 70's with the Weather Underground. The acts were done at a time when Barack Obama was 8 years old. Both Michelle and Barack acknowledge they know him through their neighborhood in Chicago. They also sat on an education board together, but still have no relationship.
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