Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hate fueled and racially explosive

The right-wing in this country is continuing it's race baiting at McCain and Palin rallies across the country. Today's event in Potsville,Pa. demonstrated more infantile behavior of bitter, gun toting, bible clutching racists. One man chanting "Bomb Obama" and two others claiming "I would never vote for a black man" and "No black man is gonna run my country". At a rally yesterday, Sarah Palin was interrupted after she stated Barack Obama's name by a presumably young woman shouting "He's a nigger!", and while the GOP's beloved Diva paused, she just didn't have it in her to denounce the language. The actions taken by Americans in this election season are disgraceful, and an insult to those who have either led by example, expressed their voice that we are all created equal, and numerous others gave their lives. We have a race problem in our country, and it exists in all communities. If we do not address this, we lose grip of the work done over 40 years ago. The work of Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, John Lewis, and Rosa Parks will simply be history if we fail.

I have addressed this before, and feel I must do so again. The history of African-Americans in the United States, I know from research, and friends...I do not claim to understand what life is like for a black man or woman,yet I will say, the discrimination felt day in and day out is a reality. It is on display over and over at these rallies. The continued efforts by, for fun let's say "real Americans" is threatened by this behavior.In addition to the race baiting rallies held by the GOP , there was yesterdays news of the Neo-Nazis arrested for a plot to kill 88 African-Americans, including Barack Obama. The news showed the lack of education and cultured upbringing these two men lacked.

Let me add, this hatred and race baiting is not just limited to African-Americans.All minorities are bearing witness to to what is going on.How many Mexican-Americans saw the news about Brandon McClelland from Paris,Tx.,who was dragged 200 miles to his death. The driver of the pickup was Shannon Keith Finley, who while in prison was in a white supremest gang.As Dennis Kucinich said recently, "We're losing our Democracy, it's up to us to save it, i's time to wake up".

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