Friday, October 31, 2008
R.I.P. Studs Terkel
"Still in touch, but ready to go" were his words in one of his last appearances in 2007. Studs Terkel dies today at the age of 96on Oct 31, 2008. Studs Terkel touched many lives, young and old with his popular radio show from 1952 to 1997, and his writings on numerous topics. In late 2003, I was given a copy of "Hope Dies Last-Keeping the Faith in Troubled Times", where Studs gives his accounts of meeting with and discussing historical moments with the likes of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Pete Seeger, Tom Hayden, and Arlo Guthrie among many others. Terkel's Pulitzer Prize winning "The Good War" examined how World War II emphasized unity in America, whereas our country's efforts in Vietnam have not, much like Iraq. His works are many and great. Studs' advocacy for Peace and Health Care for all Americans made him heroic for activists, yet his heart and soul were crusading for the right thing. I did not wish for this blog's 500th post to mourn the death of an American icon, so as Mike Malloy said on his radio show "I suppose at age 96 we should celebrate his life". Studs had many humorous and inspiring quotes...
"A lot of people feel, 'What can I do, (it's) hopeless.' Well, through all these years there have been the people I'm talking about, whom we call activists ... who give us hope and through them we have hope."
"I hope for peace and sanity — it's the same thing."
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dennis Kucinich and Melissa Etheridge
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hate fueled and racially explosive
I have addressed this before, and feel I must do so again. The history of African-Americans in the United States, I know from research, and friends...I do not claim to understand what life is like for a black man or woman,yet I will say, the discrimination felt day in and day out is a reality. It is on display over and over at these rallies. The continued efforts by, for fun let's say "real Americans" is threatened by this behavior.In addition to the race baiting rallies held by the GOP , there was yesterdays news of the Neo-Nazis arrested for a plot to kill 88 African-Americans, including Barack Obama. The news showed the lack of education and cultured upbringing these two men lacked.
Let me add, this hatred and race baiting is not just limited to African-Americans.All minorities are bearing witness to to what is going on.How many Mexican-Americans saw the news about Brandon McClelland from Paris,Tx.,who was dragged 200 miles to his death. The driver of the pickup was Shannon Keith Finley, who while in prison was in a white supremest gang.As Dennis Kucinich said recently, "We're losing our Democracy, it's up to us to save it, i's time to wake up".
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Conscience of a Liberal
In 2002, Paul Wellstone tragically died in a plane crash. With him was the voice of reason in a politics of corruption and dirty pool. As a man who, without shame, wore his liberalism on his sleeve. He recognized that honesty in politics helped engage everyone, of every political stripe could organize, and show we can do better.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Halloween Fun!
The Hoax
We have now all heard the story of Ashley Todd, 20, of Texas. She is a supporter of John McCain's, and working for the campaign in Pittsburgh, Pa. It was reported Thursday morning that was robbed and assaulted. The initial reports by Drudge had the suspect "as a Large Black Man, 6'4 . It was said she withdrew money from the ATM, she was approached , he robbed her, then saw a McCain/Palin sticker on her car, and became enraged. He then proceeded "to carve the letter B on her cheek". Ok, you know all of this by now.
My initial reaction was this is terrible, and wished her the best, as it it struck me as a robbery gone awry. As I debated the issue on a right-wing blog, I was attacked for questioning why she declined medical attention? Then another liberal came around, then a moderate, then it stopped making sense trying to speak of the moral issue at hand. Well, it turns out Michelle Malkin and Mike Malloy were, at the same time as the Pittsburgh PD. The irony there is Mike and Michelle agreeing on anything. Hi Mike...
It turns out the whole story was a lie, she was not disfigured as a right-winger on the aforementioned blog said, she was not robbed, she was not even at the ATM reported. She is a liar! She now faces charges from the Pittsburgh police for filing a false report. Well, it turns out, the story was pushed to the media by the McCain's campaign in Pa. John Verrilli of KDKA was contacted by McCain Communications Director Peter Feldman pushing the story. Ashley was not attacked or disfigured, Joe is not a plumber, Palin is not qualified...What next John? I seriously hope she is prosecuted for wasting the police's, reporters, and bloggers time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I was onto something, but Jon Soltz was better
Back in April, the seeds of the smear campaign against Senator Obama were being planted. What now has become "palling around with terrorists" began in April, when John McCain and his campaign started dropping the talking points that Barack Obama was the choice of Hamas, as if Obama had sought that statement of support.
In response to reporters' questions as to whether McCain stood by a fundraising letter which made the point, McCain said, "All I can tell you... is that I think it's very clear who Hamas wants to be the next president of the United States. So apparently has Danny Ortega and several others. I think that people should understand that I will be Hamas's worst nightmare....If Senator Obama is favored by Hamas, I think people can make judgments accordingly."
Right wing blogs went nuts. RightWingNews blared the headline, "Hamas Endorses Obama? Can Hizbollah And Al-Qaeda Be Far Behind?"
Well, yes, al Qaeda wasn't far behind. Today, they expressed a preference for Senator McCain. To revise what Senator McCain said above, "If Senator McCain is favored by al Qaeda, I think people can make judgments accordingly..."
In a message on an al Qaeda website, terrorists wrote of continuing the war in Iraq, "This requires presence of an impetuous American leader such as McCain, who pledged to continue the war till the last American soldier," the message said. "Then, al-Qaida will have to support McCain in the coming elections so that he continues the failing march of his predecessor, Bush."
There's no question that continuing the war in Iraq would prolong the strain that our military is facing, trying to fight a two-front war, and that continuing in Iraq saps resources in the fight against al Qaeda, where they are based - the border region of Pakistan/Afghanistan. Al Qaeda would be much worse off if the U.S. shifted priority from Iraq to going on the offense in Afghanistan, as Senator Obama has proposed.
But there's something else at play, here. The war in Iraq, as well as saber rattling against Iran by McCain and those who surround him, like Joe Lieberman, are an excellent recruiting tool for al Qaeda. That's not a new notion. The International Institute for Strategic Studies reported back in 2004 that the war in Iraq was pretty helpful to al Qaeda's efforts to gain new recruits, as it sought to rebuild its strength after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
Of course, this "endorsement" shouldn't itself influence voters, as Hamas' statement on Obama shouldn't. The American people shouldn't base their votes on the basis of what maniacs say.
But it once again underscores the question of who would be stronger in the fight against al Qaeda, which candidate is proposing a stronger plan to go after those who attacked us on 9/11, and which is for continuing the policy that has allowed al Qaeda to gain recruits and regain strength.A perfect Union?
In my last number of posts I have spoken,sometimes not well on our country's status, and where we go from here. I have spoken with my best friend Julie, and my fellow blogger Anthony on many topics, but my wishes are to create an outlet for my concerned friends. Comments on blogs are too often ignored, so I want to create an opportunity for creative friends/people to vent somewhere other than Facebook. My thoughts on who is "pro-Amercia vs anti-America" has my head spinning, so,should you wish, e-mail me and have access , I will respond with a password for you.
I have the power to say no or edit, but I'm liberal, I will likely not use it.
Kyle Klebba
Monday, October 20, 2008
Threats to ACORN offices and Barack Obama
People for the American Way and John Amato at Crooks and Liars covered this, but I have to state my opinion. ACORN offices has come under attack since the voter fraud non-story. Following the repeated stories on Fox News, Conservative talk radio, and John McCain himself, ACORN has had two offices vandalized. In addition, they have received racial and hateful e-mails and voicemails regarding their group, and Barack Obama. Right Wing Watch has the audio of two voicemails here . Reading the content of this e-mail (below) by a woman proves that no matter how many of us that evolved out of the hateful era of our country, far too many have not.
“Hi, I was just calling to let you all know that Barack Obama needs to get hung. He's a fucking nigger, and he's a piece of shit. You guys are fraudulent, and you need to go to hell. All the niggers on oak trees. They're gonna get all hung honeys, they're gonna get assassinated, they're gonna get killed.”
I certainly hope that come Nov. 4th, the minorities in our country, and I am referring to the racists, see what diversity really looks like. I hope they recognize the hard work of ethnically mixed communities took years of effort that we pride ourselves on. Turning back the clock on what has been accomplished in America has been ignited by the right-wing in our country, and unfortunately John McCain calls them his "base". I hate to point that out, but the fuel thrown on the fire has stoked behavior that many believed we had turned the page on.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The return of Jeff Farias
Obama supporter attacked in Wisconsin
Saturday, a supporter of Barack Obama was attacked by a homeowner while canvassing for the candidate. Nancy Takehara, 58, was spending the day going door to door when she approached, what she called a "disgruntled homeowner"
“The next thing I know he’s telling us we’re not his people, we’re probably with ACORN, and he started screaming and raving,” Takehara said. “He grabbed me by the back of the neck. I thought he was going to rip my hair out of my head. He was pounding on my head and screaming. The man terrified me.”
While the report of the matter is being investigated by police, the implications of the incident paint an ugly picture of how divided we are. Here's a thought for the homeowner, ask the person to leave your porch. I am reminded when I hear/read stories like these of Michael Moore's book " Dude, Wheres my Country", or the David Bowie/Pat Metheny song "This is Not America".
What the hell is wrong with Michelle Bachmann
MR. MATTHEWS: Well, he's a United States senator from Illinois. He's one of the people you suspect as being anti-American. How many people in the Congress of the United States do you think are anti- American? You've already suspected Barack Obama. Is he alone, or are there others? How many do you suspect of your colleagues as being anti-American?
REP. BACHMANN: What I would say -- what I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America? I think people would love to see an expose like that.
Her performance on Hardball demonstrated a hateful part of America, the threatens the fabric of our country. In 2004, as a liberal Democrat, I was called "un-patriotic", I was told "love it or leave it", now in 2008 it is "anti-american", and I find those labels hurtful. I love my country, and wish for it's best, and right it's wrongs. Differing views in America is one the many things that makes the country great, and that sort of name calling hurts us in social communities. Michelle Bachmann's wish to see the media do an expose on members of Congress to see who's pro-America, and anti-America leaves one's head spinning, and yet, unfortunately it has become too common. Both the left and right have taken part in behavior that is unbecoming of a country that chants "USA!" political rallies and the occasional sporting event. For Ms. Bachmann, I would like for her to tell me exactly what "pro-American" is? Because in my opinion, what represents us is the desire to help others in need of a hand, caring for our Veterans with detailed care and respect, defending the Constitution, support for women's and minorities rights, education, and protection among others. If I am wrong, I would be happy to have her try and correct me.Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama
A message from Matthis Chiroux
When you support the efforts of veterans, you read,hear, and see troubling things. However, those images are nothing compared to what the soldiers witnessed in war, and even worse what find after they return home. This message was sent to me from Matthis Chiroux concerning last Wednesday's final debate between Senators Obama and McCain.
Hooves of fury stampede veterans/U.S. Constitution Oct. 15
Matthis Chiroux of the “Hempstead 15" recounts his debate experience
While on the bus, the officers mocked us, calling us idiots and whiners. When we arrived at the Nassau County Detention Center, the hazing did not cease.
One officer, when I brought up the prospect of speaking to a lawyer, threatened to, “put me in the back (jail),” where, “the big boys will pop your cherry!” When I asked this officer if he had just threatened an honorably discharged veteran of Afghanistan with prison rape and told him I wanted his name and rank, he refused and told me to look it up on the police report which the Nassau County Police Department has refused to provide us a copy of.
While detained, the three females who were arrested with us, including Marine Reserve Capt. Marlisa Grogan, were sexually harassed by the police who went so far as to hold Ids next to the chained women’s faces and make comments like, “you look like you came out of a Barbie magazine.”
All night, they didn’t stop. “You’re cowards, you’re idiots,” they said. The hostility was thick and unwarranted.
“This non-violent protest stuff is retarded,” they said (as if they’d prefer the alternative). “See how it got your friend’s face fucked up?”
Literally, they said this when they brought Nick in and chained him to the bench. The harassment only increased from there.
“Look at you friend’s face,” said one officer. “You’re responsible for that.” As if I gave to order to charge horses onto a crowded sidewalk.
I saw this same officer in the Colony diner where we went to eat after we were charged with disorderly conduct and released. He was with the one who threatened me with prison rape, and when I approached them respectfully and again asked for their names, he leapt to his feet, threw his finger in my face and began threatening to “beat my ass” if I didn’t drop it.
Afterward, one of his friends, also a police officer, approached me, accused me of being drunk and said I was about to get arrested again. I retorted that his accusations were false (considering I’d only gotten out of jail 30 minutes prior) and that I was only interested in learning the names of the officers who arrested and harassed us as I have the legal right to do. He responded with only his name, which he said was Peter Sikinger, but refused to reveal the names of his partners, though to his credit, he did back down from threatening me with arrest.
I am outraged at the egregious conduct of the Nassau Country Police Department and the failure of Det. Calvert to make good on his promise to “make things go as smoothly as possible.”
But mostly, I must put this on the candidates.
Barack Obama and John McCain, you have failed to properly address the occupation of Iraq and veteran and servicemember issues in this campaign. You failed to hear from us, the veterans and servicemembers, at the conventions. Your overwhelming concern for “Joe the Plumber” at the final debate while veterans are killing themselves at a rate of 18 per month is inhumane to say the least.
The fact that you allowed your veterans to be arrested, brutalized and harassed for simply trying to be heard by you is inexcusable. Forever should your consciences be scarred for what you allowed to take place to veterans on American soil.
But our questions still stand, and we still demand answers.
Obama, are you ready to support members of the military refusing to participate in the occupation of Iraq which you have termed “illegal?”
McCain, as a veteran, how can you account for your abysmal failure to vote in favor of post-2003 legislation to fund the V.A. which provides life saving services to men and women who gave all to serve this nation?
Besides which, you both owe the Hempstead 15 an apology. You owe Nick Morgan an apology for the reconstructive surgery he’ll be receiving and the permanent, violent altering of his face that is a result of your failure to hear from us.
You owe every veteran in history a public statement condemning the sidewalk trampling of Nick and Carlos Harris, an Iraq veteran, who also had his foot broken by a horse. As well Geoff Millard, a disabled veteran of Iraq with degenerative spine disease who was knocked to the ground, dragged from the sidewalk and arrested, and Nadine Lubka, one of our supporters, who was kicked in the face by a horse.
And we the people are not done forcing this issue.
I encourage every person who reads this to contact both the Obama and McCain campaigns and demand they answer our questions and condemn the actions of the police Wednesday night.
They don’t own this election, the media doesn’t own this election, we the people own this election, and we deserve to have our voices heard. Any candidate who disagrees with that statement is unworthy the Presidency of the United States of America.
Peace and Solidarity,
Matthis Chiroux
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
from floor 7: Election 2008 (from the other side of the pond)
Obama to hold the lead, McCain to take it back. McCain must show that he can get a grip on Obama leading by 7 percentage points. McCain succeeded but at the same time, he showed how badly he felt about Obama. It does not usually go home with voters.
Bo Inge Andersson, political commentator, SVT
No shit, Sherlock.
Anthony Memisovski, blogger, Sweden
In September 2006, the people of Sweden decided to turn away from the comfort and safety of a Social Democratic government and decided to fulfill the Eddie Murphy sketch about people getting drunk and voting for Jesse Jackson just for the sheer fun of it - only to find out, to their big shock, that he had won the election.
"Let's vote for Jesse Jackson. [chi-ching] I just voted for Jesse Jackson! --- He fucking won!?"
I'm sure most Swedes must've felt that way when Fredrik Reinfeldt and his right-wing cronies took power and started to drag everything down the dirt. How about that FRA Law, for instance? The law that Google says would fit perfect in countries like China and Saudi Arabia and similar beacons of freedom and democracy? Yummy.
Look at the picture to your left. Some supporters of the Bush/Cheney ticket back in 2000 - but wait a minute. Who's that bald person with the sun glasses in the middle of the picture? That's right - the current Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt. Wanna hear something surprising? Prime Minister Reinfeldt has endorsed Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election. Nope, I'm not making this up. Sweden's right-wing Prime Minister is endorsing Barack Obama.
Bush supporters seeing the light and voting for Barack Obama. But Reinfeldt isn't the only Swedish politican to support Obama, even if the two stand on different ends of the political spectrum. A local Social Democratic politician from my city of Malmö, Luciano Astodillo, has also endorsed Obama and written some positive articles about him on his blog. And a recent survey shows that 83% of MP's in the Swedish Parliament support Obama in the upcoming election.
Where am I going with this? I'm saying that politicians in Sweden are very excited with the Obama campaign and the possibility of him becoming Number 44. What do the people of Sweden think about Obama v McCain? Let me bring up some newspaper polls...
Expressen: Obama - 71% McCain - 29%
Dagens Nyheter: Obama - 80% McCain - 20%
Svenska Dagbladet: Obama - 75% McCain - 25%
Interestingly enough, the biggest newspaper in Sweden - Aftonbladet - aren't putting a poll up. Which shows how professional they seem to be taking the coverage of the election season, when the people aren't allowed to vote. Not.
"Hey, let's not let the people vote in the poll who they want as President. They're gonna have to live with us supporting John McCain and the Maverick Hockey Mom™ Sarah Barracuda Palin in 2008! Let's just put up another article about how drinking milk can give you leprosy - that'll make our sheep flock to our stands!"
I could write about how Swedish corporate media would love to see John McCain turn around his poll deficit and win in three weeks from now, but I would only be repeating myself. The debate, you ask? I was just surprised to see that McCain didn't unfold his October Surprise - entering the stage with Usama bin Laden in one hand and a treasure coffin with 500 trillion dollars in gold coins in the other hand.
(Yeah, I usually think weird thoughts when I wake up in the morning. And that was one of those thoughts. I apologize if I made you say WTF to the computer screen.)
So with the people of Sweden and their elected politicians (yes, there's probably a few of them happy with Reinfeldt and his right-wing politics) watching the election season hitting the home stretch and Obama maintaining a strong lead in the polls - is there reason to remain focused, and stop worrying about if Obama is going to win on November 4?
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much either. As a (not so) wise man said once: Fool me once, shame on...shame on you...
... fool me, you can't get fooled again!
PS Our next election is in September 2010. Prime Minister Reinfeldt is already jumping onboard the Obama bandwagon (Jesus, did I just say that?!) and is having the website of Moderaterna (his party) redesigned to look like something out of Obama's campaign. If Reinfeldt starts shouting "Yes, we can!" during the 2010 campaign, I'm moving to Japan.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My lovely little Hero
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Good radio does not die, it just finds a new place on the dial
Listeners were devastated when the break up of Jeff Farias and NovaM Radio happened. Tempers and emotions were high, and many still don't know the story. The good story is, that tentatively, on Monday 10/20 Jeff will return to the air. Links will be provided as I get them. This was news fit to Jeff's passion for a true Democracy, his listeners opinions and really good taste in music provide one of the best shows in Progressive radio.
Moments ago I was informed of this news, and could not be happier. When a host prides himself on his well researched material, as well as a respect for listeners beyond what some are capable of makes good radio. Woody Guthrie had painted on his guitar "this machine kills fascists!", the same could be said for Jeff Farias' radio show.
Check back for updates throughout the week!
Army preventing soldier's wish to return from Iraq with rescued dog.
While other animals have been released to the United States, the Army has yet to give a statement on why Ratchet is being prevented from having a home with the soon to be Vet. My thought is this, if politicians, the Pentagon, and military send our soldiers in to harms way, right or wrong, with the possibility of long-term complications, it is not unreasonable for allowing them the chance at a longtime companion in a dog or cat. The Middle East is not region in the world where dogs and cats are loved as they are in the United States, so please follow the link, sign the petition, and let's get Ratchet out of Iraq for Sgt. Beberg. Support Operation Baghdad Pups.
In addition, the ugliness of a U.S. Marine being filmed throwing a puppy off a cliff in Iraq put on display the ugliness of cruelty. Allowing good people to rescue these animals would certainly put that imagery further in the rear view mirror.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Rep. John Lewis has addressed this in previous days, and it appears with the numerous incidents of race and hatred being injected into the campaign, we are in for a long three weeks. It once could have been said that there are isolated incidents, but that is not the case. At rallies, McCain and Palin supporters have shouted "terrorist", "traitor", and "KILL HIM!". John McCain himself, and admirably I must add, had to quell a supporters opinion of Senator Obama. In my opinion, like many, McCain and Palin need to get away from the character assasination of the Obama, and stick to the issues. At this rate, they are bringing out some of the worst characteristics of our country's past. While, I applaud their efforts in recent days, it may not be enough.
Philly fans boo Palin!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Veiled Racism
Monday, October 6, 2008
It's Over!
Perpetually fretting Democrats will not want to accept it. The campaigns themselves can't afford to believe it. Many journalists know it but can't say it. And there will certainly be some twists and turns along the way. But take it to a well capitalized bank: Bill Ayers isn't going to save John McCain. The race is over.
John McCain's candidacy is as much a casualty of Wall Street as Lehman or Merrill. Like those once vibrant institutions, McCain's collapse was stunning and quick. One minute you are a well-respected brand. The next you are yelling at the messengers of your demise as all around you the numbers start blinking red and stop adding up.
McCain's road was difficult to begin with: the President of his party has had record-low approval ratings for two years and the number of Americans who say the country is heading in the wrong direction is stratospheric. He also had the misfortune to be pitted against an exceptional candidate running an extremely well-executed campaign.
Still, before Wall Street's collapse Senator McCain was ahead. His approval ratings remained high, his VP pick had generated excitement and interest, and his campaign operatives were capable, on any given day, of winning news cycles and giving their opponents fits. And then the underpinnings of American capitalism begin to sink -- and with them sunk McCain.
An election dominated at its inception by the war in Iraq is now overwhelmingly focused on the economy. More than half of voters in polls say that the economy is their top concern and Senator Obama enjoys double digit leads among voters asked who can better fix our economic mess. Put simply, there is no way Senator McCain can win if he continues to trail Senator Obama by double digits on the top concern of more than half of voters.
State polls are beginning to reflect this. If the election were tomorrow, Obama would win all of the states John Kerry carried and add Iowa, New Mexico, Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Ohio and Florida. Barack Obama is campaigning in Indiana, which last went for a Democrat in 1964 and North Carolina, which has gone for a Democrat only once in thirty-four years. At the same time John McCain has pulled out of Michigan and Sarah Palin has been forced to visit Nebraska.
This dynamic is very unlikely to change. John McCain's goal in the first debate was to discredit Senator Obama as a credible Commander in Chief and elevate the issue of foreign policy and national security. He didn't come close. Absent a domestic terror attack the economy will remain the number one issue in the race, and there is little Senator McCain can do to make up his gap with Senator Obama on it. Oh, Senator McCain will try to make issues of Bill Ayers and Tony Rezko and Rev. Wright, and that might hurt Senator Obama around the margins -- but it will not prevent him from winning. The economy is simply bigger than the rogues gallery that John McCain is conjuring up.
Why is this? Why won't the swiftboat tactics work this year?
Its easy to lose sight of it in the day to day coverage, but the collapse of Wall Street in the last weeks was a seminal event in the history of our nation and our politics. To put the crisis in perspective, Americans have lost a combined 1 trillion dollars in net worth in just the last four weeks alone. Just as President Bush's failures in Iraq undermined his party's historic advantage on national security issues, the financial calamity has shown the ruinous implications of the Republican mania for deregulation and slavish devotion to totally unfettered markets.
Republicans and Democrats have been arguing over the proper role of government for a century. In 1980 voters sided with Ronald Reagan and Republicans that government had become too big and intrusive. Then the economy worked in the Republicans' favor. Today the pendulum has swung in our direction. Republican philosophies have been discredited by events. Voters understand this. This is a big election about big issues. McCain's smallball will not work. This race will not be decided by lipsticked pigs. And John McCain can not escape that reality. The only unknowns are the size of the margin and the breadth of the Democratic advantage in the next Congress.
Howard Wolfson also blogs at
Gotham AcmeSaturday, October 4, 2008
"Waving the White Flag of Defeat"
The McCain/Palin campaign has decided to pull out of Michigan to direct resources at other target states. The choice did not please potential VP Sarah Palin, who said "Oh come on, do we have to?" Living in Michigan I find this odd, as the states history leans Democratic, it does however have some Conservative voters. The trend in polls leaning to Barack Obama nationally have to have the McCain camp worried, but to concede a swing state the day after highly touted debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin is odd.
Michigan long afflicted with poor leadership from both parties, the longest economic draught in the country, and a manufacturing sector swimming in trouble should have proved competitive for both candidates. With a voting electorate that is extremely diverse, and roughly divided on both social and foreign policy issues. The state voted for both Al Gore and John Kerry in respective elections, but had some tough state and local elections in 2006 and improvements are still not visible. My thought is McCain and his advisers see Michigan as a lost cause, which cannot be beneficial to the GOP. With Sarah Palin on display with Katie Couric this past week, her inability to actually answer anything during her debate, and McCain's sagging numbers nationally they apparently think allowing Michigan to sink deeper is ok. Joe Biden, in his emotional closing statement in Thursday's debate, people are looking around for help. The McCain camp has apparently recognized that voters here are hurting and are not stupid. By cutting off direct mail, and removing staff from the state, proves their campaign is in disarray with about 5 weeks left.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The right's attack on Gwen Ifill
Tonight's debate between Senator Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin is being labeled "Must See TV" for obvious reasons, but the underlying issue is debate moderator Gwen Ifill. Not an issue to myself, but to Fox News. Ifill, the host of PBS' "Washington Week"is under criticism from conservatives like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Michelle Malkin for the selection due to a book she has due out on inauguration day. The book , "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama", Ifill claims the chapter(s) on Obama are not even written yet. I will admit it is fair to question her selection, yet on Aug.6th, both John McCain and Barack Obama agreed to it.
My opinion is this, an African-American woman, a longtime journalist with knowledge of American history and politics...How dare she write a book about this topic?! Please. Ifill's professionalism has long been admired by fellow talking heads, politicians, and political junkies for years, now John McCain joins the choir on Fox to criticize her abilities as moderator.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Couric/Palin interviews rated "R", for ridiculous
Anyone who seen any of the coverage of Katie Couric's interviews with Gov. Sarah Palin likely have found them painful, to say the least. The latest of the series of "gaffes" came the other day when Katie Couric asked the potential VP "which newspapers have read to keep up on events in the world?" Sarah Palin's answer was "all of them". Myself, and numerous other News junkies cannot even find the time to read all of the world's papers. According to her answer, she would spend more time reading the WSJ, New York Times, USA Today, The Boston Globe, LA Times,The Chicago get the point. It appears that even the Conservative base itself is seeing the poor judgement used in choosing her as a running-mate. The best part of the clip below, is how we can even see Katie Couric's disgust at the :38 mark. Just watch.