Much is said about politicians that move us to act, but these days they are few and far between, Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich come to mind. A new addition to my blog will be giving credit to those who inform us, entertain us, and motivate us. Those in print, on the airwaves, on the television, and those that live on our streets. I would like to start with my favorite talk show host, Mike Malloy. With producer and wife Kathy, Mike provides listeners an opt-out of the crap the Bush Crime Family has done to our country. Vents the frustration that true liberals in America feel Monday through Friday on NovaM Radio . In these trying times, unity is must. Without knowing it, Mike and Kathy provided a meeting place for progressives from Detroit, Sweden, Chicago, Phoenix, and Alabama (to name a few) a time to enjoy the show and share ideas. I am of course speaking of Democracy Interactive . Mike's humor, wit, and smarts provide a gloves off relief for disgruntled democrats, and concerned citzens around the world. In addition to his uniting efforts, it should be noted that Mike and Scott Ritter did a recent event for KPHX hosted by another patriot, Jeff Farias, who will soon find himself a subject here.
This post is more of a thank you to the true base of the Democratic Party than anything else, but I hope it serves to drive liberals to the various outlets that get us through these times by arming us with knowledge, and for introducing folks like me to the fine Nova M crowd. Coming soon for this new feature will be Sam Seder, Jeff Farias, and Thom Hartmann. Peace.
Check out Jeff Farias Show out takes at www.wewillberightback.com