Why I am endorsing
Barack Obama for President, and what I believe it means to see him in the White House. We all discuss how far we have come in this country, and we have, yet much it was accomplished as a country divided. That saddens me. From the civil rights movement, to women's rights, to worker's rights we always faced some sort of opposition. People joke about the "divided states of America", well it is no joke, it is true. Blacks, whites, Democrat, Republican, rich and poor, Baptist, Catholic, non-denominational, or Muslim, it is a diverse crowd in our communities, yet remains divided. Our country needs, as Dennis
Kucinich said "we need a healer" to lead. We need to be lead out of war, we need to be lead into unity. Given
Barack's background and strength at withstanding pressure, I cannot see anyone more qualified. Most of this country has come to realize what many of knew back in 2000, George Bush is a failure, and cannot lead, and subsequently, much of the country can't stand him. Can we tolerate 4-8 more years of division? No. Can we afford to spend the next 100 years in Iraq as Senator McCain suggests? Hell no! Half of this country cannot stand Hillary Clinton, I have become one of them. I did not used to be, it was this primary season that soured me on the
Clintons. I have always said, "having the White House occupied by Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton is not very Democratic", yet did not feel disgust at her as I do now. When I hear people mention that they cannot vote for a black man, I am quick to remind them that one of the greatest leaders in our country was a black man in the form of Martin Luther King Jr. , when I hear someone say he's probably only going to do things for the black community, I am quick to remind them that "our" communities are all ailing in one form or the other, and the best method is to lift up all Americans. When I hear someone say "
eeeek! A Muslim!", I am quick to point out that the e-mail garbage that many of our friends and family
received was propaganda spread by the Clinton campaign, and then proceed to ask them whether it was "yesterday, or last month that they were upset by that ex-marine, Baptist
Reverend Wright?" which is it? Withstanding all of this is tiring on
Obama supporters and I can only imagine what it is on him. With that said, no matter tiring it is, it is up to us to right the damages done to our country, and having a leader that had the foresight to oppose a war from it's onset is a good start. Having a leader that brings together citizens from each community together is even a better start.
Peace. (Yes We Can!)
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