Monday, May 26, 2008

Progressive Patriot Profile

This profile...finally Sam Seder. Longtime Air America blogger and host has vigorously promoted liberal ideals that make us all smarter, and of course laugh. Sam has been given the shaft by AAR too often, and it has distanced many listeners of the network, yet his fanbase remains intact. Sam and Janeane Garofalo hosted the Majority Report, which went on to be the Sam Seder Show, which then became Seder on Sundays, which you probably understand his fans disgust. However, Sam recieved an overwhelming amount of support from Brave New Films, who posted an online petition to give him his own show (again). His priceless blogging, his work with 23/6, and his insomniac like efforts filling in for Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, and former host Al Franken whose is running for Senate (and I can imagine Sam offering to fill for that as well, just imagine that), and now the American Afternoon, show his commitment to what many of us see our country being... progressive.
Sam over and over gives tough Liberals ammunition to stand up to the Religious-wrong, and corporate Dems who have put our country in so much danger. Below, one of the best displays of fearless, and funny progressive agression, let's all take these people on. Thanks Sam.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The insensitivity of the Clinton obsession

Well, Hillary's latest use of imagery regarding her campaign was idiocy at it's finest.
"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it."

What?! The tastelessness of this woman's hunger for power is not just offensive, it is just emabarrassing for people like myself, who not just supported her and her husband over the years. Her downright greed, and downright lies have put the Democratic Party in a spiral to hell. Mrs. Clinton, your divisive tactics, and -mispeaks- over the course of you campaign have left true Progressive Democrats shaking their heads in disgust. The dangers Senator Obama has encountered to achieve his goal of healing this great nation, is not only admirable, but brave. And for you to invoke the horror of what happened to Bobby Kennedy is downright sad. Senator McCain has skated along his camapign, fairly unscathed for the most part with your help. If you cared for this nation as you claim, you would recognize your insensitivity to our party, to our minorities, and to the world.

Game over, would be an understatement at this point Mrs. Clinton. Please, for the love of God, thank your supporters, give a conseciossion speech, exit stage left. The Clinton(s) era(s) are over. Jim Hightower made an interesting statement regarding the Democratic primary, he said "it's not Obama, it is the phenomena, he has the potential to not just get himself into the White House, but a chance to get all of us into the White House". Read that statement Mrs. Clinton, all of us, yes a chance for average people to have a say on war and peace. All of us in this country have our woes in this country, and the last eight years have been horrifying don't prolong this. We want to be proud again as a nation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Caught in a Webb

My thoughts on Barack Obama's Vice Presidential candidate. Anyone that is the tinyist bit familiar me can understand a few obvious things, I am Liberal, I am very supportive of veterans benefits and care, I am vehemently against this war in Iraq, I am a patriotic populist, and I am against any Republican occupying the White House forever. That said, it is down to the general election for all extensive purposes, unless the Clinton's pull off some crap with the Michigan and Florida delegates. We are all beginning to think about Obama's running mate, not who we think would agree with him all of the time, or the toughest anti-war candidate, it's about the ticket that can beat John McCain and the Republican smear and fear machine. I believe the two men to accomplish that is Barack Obama and Senator Jim Webb. There are those that worry about his seat in the Senate, there are those that worry that he is a former Republican, there are those that think because he worked under Ronald Reagan is a major flaw. Well, yes, those are legitamate concerens, but weak. Jim Webb, former Secretary of the Navy under President Reagan, Vietnam Vet, a recepient of two Purple Hearts, two Bronze Stars, and a Silver Star and the Navy Cross while serving in Vietnam. He fought in a war, and would be impossible to Swift Boat like John Kerry was. In addition, Jim Webb will take on the Republicans head on, a bit different than Obama's "high-road". As far as his seat in the Senate, remeber the Governor of Va. will appoint someone to his seat if they succeed, and if we don't like it, then we can hope Mark Warner wins his run for Senate. I suggest everyone visit , read throught the speeches, and writings. At that point make a deciscion on whether he is too "conservative" as a caller to Jeff Farias claimed. Below is my call to Jeff on this subjct.

Hillary or McCain in the White House?

That idea is for the birds, just ask Smokey the Parrot...

Progressive music

I have long thought about music with a message, or lack thereof in these stressful times. Sure we have had mainstays like Neil Young, Bill Bragg, Michael Franti, and Ani Difranco to name a few. We do however have to dig the crates for alot of it. Paul Hipp, who I am sure many of you have seen write over at Huffpo has written a new song. It is fantastic, and will stick with ya for the day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is just fun

Everyone's favorite Youtuber, our delightful happy-clappy liberal friend, Anthony in Malmo Sweden calls Jeff Farias.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Progressive Patriots

Jeff Farias of KPHX 1480 in Az is consistently recieving praise from all over. The KPHX community is not limited to the Phoenix area, and delivering an educational and inspirational show after Randi Rhodes and before Mike Malloy has gained him listenership from Detroit to Sweden. Jeff wears his liberalism on his sleeve, but also takes a moral american responsibilty of what the Bush Crime Family has done and what Democratic leadership has not done. His show airs M-F, 6-9 est, and is consistently loaded with guests like Dennis Kucinich, Mary Tillman, Phil Donahue and Thom Hartmann to name a few.Providing an open debate with callers from all walks of life, even Joe from Tempe. for progressive communities, even in the red states. Touching on issues of the war, impeachment, and the delicate issue of race in America, Jeff's honesty is why I have chosen to add him to my Progressive Patriot list. Those who are not household names, are the ones doing the work, aside from his show Jeff also is the Democratic Party District Chair for LD-14 AZ. From the likes of this site, Democracy Interactive, and I am sure Sarge and Monique, we thank you Jeff for being a model member of what being a liberal/Progressive means to people of our ilk. Jeff is also aided by producer extrodinare, Ian Hough, who is responsible for the dumped calls by half-wits like Joe from Tempe, and the humor you hear in the video provided.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Politico reports on behind the scene John Conyers conversation

The imprisonment of former Governor Don Siegelman of Alabama may be what does Bush's brain in. Karl Rove is expected, within one week to appear before the House Judiciary Commitee to give testimony regarding his involvement with the popular Democratic governor's jail time. John Conyers told the Crypt that "We'd hold him in contempt. Either that or go and have him arrested."

Kevin James make Dubya look brilliant

Special Comment

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann gives another Special Comment. This time on Mr. Bush's sacrifice for the soldiers has sent into the murder machine of his creation...Iraq. Mr. Bush's sacrifice was giving up golf. Golf! When I first read this story on Monday I was sickened. When I heard Keith's take on it, I was pleased that someone had the spine to say what went through my head on air. Watch for yourself.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The race issue in America

I have no idea what it is like to be a black man in this country, no clue. I do however feel I have put forth a strong effort to fight against racism. Blacks and whites had their heads beaten in the 60's in an effort to promote equal rights, and I would think they now are simply sad. Race has become a hot topic right now, and rightfully so. We have seen far too many incidents of police brutality, the sadness of Katrina, racial slurs in the workplace, schools, and streets of our communities, we see unfair jail sentencing, and unfair reporting of a man who's about to be President. The race card has two sides to it, I mean how people have you heard say "some of my best friends are black, I am not racist", or "You won't take my check at this resturant 'cause I'm black!" (I personally experienced the latter), or how about "Kyle, who you voting for? You want that n****R in the White House! WTF!". What age are we living in? This is a topic I get heated about, cause when my single mother raised me, she taught me from a young age, that I see humans, that's it. It has stuck with me for 36 years, thanks Mom. The issues that need discussed is what are whites afraid of, why the KKK or Neo-Nazis are not yet extinct. When we look at race crimes in this country that are played over and over by the media, it's no wonder whites might think they ought to be scared, and blacks angry. Take the Jena, La. beating of a white male by six young black men over the hanging of a noose. The media played the tape of that to death, and what did it accomplish? Nothing. It did not spark conversation amongst black and white colleagues or neighbors of why the noose was hung, did it? It sparked more racism. Or take Katrina, poor blacks and whites stranded in a city full of water, and what got more attention than the Bush Crime Family's horrendous reaction...yep, Kanye West's comment . I feel shame when I hear people of all colors say "we have come so far", we have not accomplished enough. We have made progress, but we have a long way to go. The following video says that much.

We, as Americans always praise ourselves for our "compassion", but I ask, what is it we are so compassionate about? Our ignorance to what a diverse safe community we could have? I am always intrigued when I hear a PSA about crime in our neighborhoods and how we should discuss it with people on our streets or in our apartment complex. I always wonder how many people discuss race issues, or political topics that revolve around race with those same people? I was chatting with the folks over at Democracy Interactive about race last night, and see the frutration growing in the country over the issue. If we choose to move on and pretend it's not there, then we run the risk of it rearing it's hateful head again. Let's honor those that fought for all of our rights by standing proudly in the way they visioned... unified.

UPDATE: Gov. David Paterson make clear that noose hanging in the form of a threat will now be punishable by law. Will other states follow suit?

Equal radio & Stephanie Miller fire back at the right-wing tool Brian Maloney

Blogger and Youtube extradonaire Anthony, aka Malmo Blue gives Stephanie Miller a hand pointing out the weak work by radio eaqualizer Brian Maloney, who probably listens to too much liberal talk radio. Failed radio host Maloney takes time away from his life to go after the likes of Steph, Mike Malloy, those that rock it from the left. As a daily listener of the Stephanie Miller, Maloney's effort to attack her for comments made for a good laugh. I find it amazing that someone who calls himself the Radio Equalizer never takes the time to point out the racist, the sexist, the calls for terror, the ignorant and hateful things that come out of the mouths of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Brit Hume (Oh hell, any Fox host), or Bill Cunningham, Michael Savage or Rush Limbaugh. Oh, wait he does mention it, he mentions when he defends these ass-hats. Brian when you try to promote "equal" airtime for hosts, it should include praise and criticism to both the left and right. This idiot attacks Stephanie Miller for an actual funny comment from a talk show host/comedian, confusing the two jobs must be really tough for real journalists, right Brian? Oliver Stone has a new film coming about the Bush Crime Family, maybe when he is done he could get started on the story of a failed talk show host, who goes on to pander to Billo at Fox Noise, then sees the light and realizes "equal" defines balance, and then goes on to creating a successful blog. He then covers a story of a closeted gay Republican lawmaker, and realizes how bad conservative "values" are. Oh wait, that's a true story. Nevermind Mr. Stone, my bad.
Here's Anthony's work from youtube.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Progressive Patriots

Stephanie Miller, the absolutley funniest talk show host is the new subject for my Progressive Patriots post. The ability that her, producer Chris Lavoie, and voice deity Jim Ward possess to make us laugh make politics a process we can all stomach. Always willing to find the humor in the dark days of the Bush Crime Family's time in the White House takes talent. Being the daughter of former GOP veep candidate Bill Miller, Steph was able to see the wrongs of the Republican Party at an early age. With a successful show , numerous appearances on Larry King, Dan Abrams, and sometimes tough enough to appear on Fox Noise, although I would think she shows up at the Fox Studios with her big giant dogs for protection . Joined by Chris and Jim, the Stephanie Miller provides a look at Republican hypocrisies that many Americans are aware, some choose to ignore, and some right-wing tools attempt to challenge, which Steph and crew manhandle...with a laugh. Listening to The Stephanie Miller Show can also be hazardous to your composure, since many topics and words will stick with you throughout the day..."Guy Lafleur!!", "Bark Park", "Cheyboygen", and many other words, rants, Jim Ward's impersonations will just make you laugh out loud to nothing in the middle of a work day. The efforts to promote progressive politics make the show one of the funnest and finest of the genre.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

An important test from The Young Turks

Progressive Patriots

Here's another nod to the progressive individuals who donate their efforts to better our country by pointing out the obvious truths we all know are there. Keith Tucker, cartoonist, and patriot is trying, like many of us to wake America from it's pathetic little Fox Noise coma. Keith's work for Marvel, Warner, Universal, and Disney are impressive, but given the state of despair many Americans find themselves in, his work now that provides an entertaining and facsinating glimpse at where the last 8 years have led us. Having recent contact with Keith, I will tell ya, he's as concerned as the rest of us. If you doubt that, then I encourage you to look at his work, or trust the Godess of Talk Radio, Randi Rhodes, whom has said she'd "decorate her house" with his work. We have alot work ahead of us, whether or not we get Barack Obama into the White House, thank God we have artists, writers and hosts to make it a little less lonely.

A little more fun with Hillary

This one is compliments of Ian at 1480 Kphx

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

George McGovern speaks up

George McGovern reverses his endorsement for Hillary's candidacy. The former Senator and Presidential hopeful from South Dakota took a leadership role many of us expect from our current party heads. George McGovern is obviously much better at math than the Clinton camp, for that matter much of the country is. It is mathmatically impossible for Hillary to win the nomination. George McGovern apparently made his move to urge her to step aside because he acknowledges what her denial is doing to the party faithful. Thank you Mr. McGovern. Hillary's run for the White House has tarnished many good memories of the Clinton era, which is over. Many Democrats across the country are frustrated with this primary, and yes Mrs. Clinton it is silly season, and it has been perpetrated by you. Look at your own voting record as Senator and you will see why most of us no longer trust you. For the sake of the America and the Democratic Party, please listen to George McGovern, and drop out.

On another note

Progressive Patriots

Much is said about politicians that move us to act, but these days they are few and far between, Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich come to mind. A new addition to my blog will be giving credit to those who inform us, entertain us, and motivate us. Those in print, on the airwaves, on the television, and those that live on our streets. I would like to start with my favorite talk show host, Mike Malloy. With producer and wife Kathy, Mike provides listeners an opt-out of the crap the Bush Crime Family has done to our country. Vents the frustration that true liberals in America feel Monday through Friday on NovaM Radio . In these trying times, unity is must. Without knowing it, Mike and Kathy provided a meeting place for progressives from Detroit, Sweden, Chicago, Phoenix, and Alabama (to name a few) a time to enjoy the show and share ideas. I am of course speaking of Democracy Interactive . Mike's humor, wit, and smarts provide a gloves off relief for disgruntled democrats, and concerned citzens around the world. In addition to his uniting efforts, it should be noted that Mike and Scott Ritter did a recent event for KPHX hosted by another patriot, Jeff Farias, who will soon find himself a subject here.

This post is more of a thank you to the true base of the Democratic Party than anything else, but I hope it serves to drive liberals to the various outlets that get us through these times by arming us with knowledge, and for introducing folks like me to the fine Nova M crowd. Coming soon for this new feature will be Sam Seder, Jeff Farias, and Thom Hartmann. Peace.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An endorsement for Barack Obama

Why I am endorsing Barack Obama for President, and what I believe it means to see him in the White House. We all discuss how far we have come in this country, and we have, yet much it was accomplished as a country divided. That saddens me. From the civil rights movement, to women's rights, to worker's rights we always faced some sort of opposition. People joke about the "divided states of America", well it is no joke, it is true. Blacks, whites, Democrat, Republican, rich and poor, Baptist, Catholic, non-denominational, or Muslim, it is a diverse crowd in our communities, yet remains divided. Our country needs, as Dennis Kucinich said "we need a healer" to lead. We need to be lead out of war, we need to be lead into unity. Given Barack's background and strength at withstanding pressure, I cannot see anyone more qualified. Most of this country has come to realize what many of knew back in 2000, George Bush is a failure, and cannot lead, and subsequently, much of the country can't stand him. Can we tolerate 4-8 more years of division? No. Can we afford to spend the next 100 years in Iraq as Senator McCain suggests? Hell no! Half of this country cannot stand Hillary Clinton, I have become one of them. I did not used to be, it was this primary season that soured me on the Clintons. I have always said, "having the White House occupied by Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton is not very Democratic", yet did not feel disgust at her as I do now. When I hear people mention that they cannot vote for a black man, I am quick to remind them that one of the greatest leaders in our country was a black man in the form of Martin Luther King Jr. , when I hear someone say he's probably only going to do things for the black community, I am quick to remind them that "our" communities are all ailing in one form or the other, and the best method is to lift up all Americans. When I hear someone say "eeeek! A Muslim!", I am quick to point out that the e-mail garbage that many of our friends and family received was propaganda spread by the Clinton campaign, and then proceed to ask them whether it was "yesterday, or last month that they were upset by that ex-marine, Baptist Reverend Wright?" which is it? Withstanding all of this is tiring on Obama supporters and I can only imagine what it is on him. With that said, no matter tiring it is, it is up to us to right the damages done to our country, and having a leader that had the foresight to oppose a war from it's onset is a good start. Having a leader that brings together citizens from each community together is even a better start.
Peace. (Yes We Can!)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Governor Don Siegelman, smiling a little more these days, since his release from prison, out on bond pending an appeal. His case, closely watched by many, ignored by the MSM until recently, is getting traction. Convicted in 2006 for bribery and other charges that seemed politically motivated. Karl Rove has been named by many researching the case. Raw Story, Dan Abrams, Crooks and Liars, Unfiltered News Network, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann and numerous others have linked Rove to stories reported by Alabama attorney Jill Simpson. The one time Republican volunteer revealed stories of Rove and other GOP operatives pushing the Justice Dept. to seek a conviction. When that failed the first time, Simpson claims Rove asked her to find evidence that Siegelman was cheating on his wife. The Rove machine knows no shame does it?

Well, all of this has finally caught the attention of Congress . Rove's attorneys have exchanged words with Dan Abrams for covering the story, and Abrams invited him on his show to present his case. He declined. Now Congress is pushing for Rove to testify under oath, he again is claiming "executive privelege", please!!! He can go on Fox News, discuss the case, and deny any involvement, yet, when he is challenged by not only an MSNBC host, and Congress, he can't? What are you hiding this time Karl? If Congress makes good on their threat of subpoena, we can be sure Bush and Co. will come running to his rescue. Will Rep. Conyers show the backbone we know he has? We hope. We do not jail political opponents in the United States. In the United States we jail criminals like Karl Rove. The following is a fantastic interview of Don Siegelman with Thom Hartmann.

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