If you do not...YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE! Many Progressives are not happy right now with the field of candidates who actually get to talk at the debates. Conservatives are suffering the same problem, the guys at First Friday expressed the same concerns I am about to. As much as I enjoy diasagreeing with them, because it's laughable to see guys so influenced by talking points, and not independent thought. I share their fear of who the next President will be. I certainly will not be voting for any Republican, I have my doubts about the top 3 on the Democratic side. Hillary's voting record is the complete opposite of what she talks about. Barack Obama has used his opposition over the war as a platform, yet continues to vote to fund it. John Edwards portrays his campaign of that of the "working familes" of America and I believe him, but his record with hedge funds campaign donations give room for doubt. All three speak about monies from lobbyists, and all 3 are lying in some form or fashion as you can find over at open secrets . So, as much as I hate to agree with the First Friday crowd, nope, no true conservative is coming, but guess what? No true Progressive is either. That is why my continued support is behind a Kucinich Presidency, and I won't back down from this. Peace!
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