equal-radio.blogspot.com wasn't there. I was most certainly astonished that my fellow Detroiter peterwerbe did not make the cut. Anthony and I are liberal upstarts, so maybe in a couple years? Anyway here's their listhttp://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/01/the_twenty_most_annoying_liber.php
And now here's mine...
10. Right Wing News. Their defining moment is daily spinning facts into Republican talking points to fit typical conservative b.s. that has our country in a funk. And not searching a bit harder to include those who work hard at being annoying to the flying-right monkeys.
9. Sean Hannity. Defining moments...well they are often repeated, just think "Hillary! Hillary!Hillary!" He can't even get through an interview without mentioning her.
8. Bill Kristol or "William the Bloody" as John at Crooks and Liars
calls him. His weekly drool about toruring this person, removing this one from power bombing this country or that one etc. etc. cnl had a good clip of examples
7. Ann Coulter. Her defining moments are countless. But recent memory takes me back to the summer when she appeared on Chris Matthews, and Elizabeth Edwards called in to defned responsible dialogue during this election cycle. Elizabeth, with all of her glorious demeanor, put forth direct statements on being a roll model, a fighter for the good, and somewhat of mentor model for those that heard this. Take a look.
6. www.itsfirstfriday.com . Well, Mike Malloy once spoke of losing friends over this process, I certainly hope this has not happened in my case. Defining moment, www.itsfirstfriday.com . Similiar to Hannity's "Hillary! Hillary! Hillary" rhetoric. I have been friends a member of the FF team for years, when he suggested in a late night rant in a debate over the war, he suggested that he would pay for my trip there, and then pay to have my dead body brought home, I was shocked to say the least. He has yet to apoligize for that. On their blog, well yeah I took some shots, that got deleted, but you can't play in politics if you can't take a personal shot. Just view their blog.
5. The Bush Crime Family. George and Dick's crimes are endless. If you are on this blog you know how long the list is so I won't go through all of it. If you stumbled here by accident, then go to www.impeachbush.org . I am sick of it!
4. Mike Huckabee. His deliberate abuse of influence in an incident involving his son and a stray dog's demise, the firing of the investigating officer, and current constant denial define this man's "pro-life" attitude. Go to hell Huckabee!
For the three most pathetic, check back tomorrow.
Keep it lit!
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