Saturday, January 26, 2008
Dennis "No"08

Where is the meaning behind the music anymore?

One recent act of censorship was this past fall, when radio conglomerate Clear Channel banned it's music stations from playing anything from Bruce Springsteen's "Magic". The reasoning was that at age 58, The Boss is too old to be played to younger audiences, so just play his early hits, cause people won't recognize the new ones. Well, of course not if you do not play them. In reality, we can take notice that the Boss' "The Last to Die" from this album, has a clear anti-war message. Granted, there are pro-peace artists you can hear on the radio, such as Dave Matthews, Pink, the Dixie Chicks, Jimmy Eat World, Serj Tankian, Melissa Ethridge and the Foo Fighters. Yet, the tracks you will hear are songs that are going to provide the cultural soundtrack of these times. Voices like Ani Difranco, Michael Franti, Steve Earle, Billy Bragg, Flooging Molly and others get little or no play. At what point do we take back our culture? At what point do we tell Politicians and CEO's you can't hide the dead behind a lapel pin, and that we want voices of dissent in our arts. It was that creativity that created artistic history in our country and made it a beacon of freedom. If this censorship by corporations, the FCC, and the government continues, then I must ask, if we lose freedoms of thought, expression through the arts, speech, and the right to gather peacefully to collectively show our discontent, then, haven't the terrorists won?
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Vote for the President you want to have...

If you do not...YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE! Many Progressives are not happy right now with the field of candidates who actually get to talk at the debates. Conservatives are suffering the same problem, the guys at First Friday expressed the same concerns I am about to. As much as I enjoy diasagreeing with them, because it's laughable to see guys so influenced by talking points, and not independent thought. I share their fear of who the next President will be. I certainly will not be voting for any Republican, I have my doubts about the top 3 on the Democratic side. Hillary's voting record is the complete opposite of what she talks about. Barack Obama has used his opposition over the war as a platform, yet continues to vote to fund it. John Edwards portrays his campaign of that of the "working familes" of America and I believe him, but his record with hedge funds campaign donations give room for doubt. All three speak about monies from lobbyists, and all 3 are lying in some form or fashion as you can find over at open secrets . So, as much as I hate to agree with the First Friday crowd, nope, no true conservative is coming, but guess what? No true Progressive is either. That is why my continued support is behind a Kucinich Presidency, and I won't back down from this. Peace!
Friday, January 18, 2008
A horrifying birthday card!
Epitomy of the Flying Monkey right!
I was lookin around youtube to see what crooks and liars videos there may be. But, I stumbled across this tool, Gordon Bloyer. While I lokked at few of his videos, certainly the one where he goes after Crooks and Liars for "treason", he comes across as an unconcerned,unpatriotic,unapoligetic half-wit that can't get through a sentence without mentioning a Clinton. These righties are so content to sit back, watch the neo-cons destroy our country. They get upset when us liberals fight back, hello Gordon YOU GUYS PICKED THESE FIGHTS! Watch if you can stomach it.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Liberal Fascism? Gimme a break

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Where's the conviction? My take on voting, and Michigan
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich offer both partisan voters hope, yet are shut out. This in America? Is this where the "free market" has taken us? Networks get to decide who gets to be viable? What about a process of progress? I stand by my thought that the herd was thinned on the Democratic side by the Clintons' and Edwards' campaigns. When I stood in the cold, the people out there with me were "with me for Dennis" or Ron Paul supporters, who really cares? It's heartbreaking to see the ignorance in voting for Hillar-"ious" or "Mutt". Not as Dems, nor Rrrrrr's, I couldn't get it out. We deserve better. Living in Mi. is depressing enough, when our parties forget Michigan is in dire straits, use talking points, it makes me think of "no state left behind". If the parties keep this up, it will be no state behind left. Shame on the Democratic Party! Shame on the Michigan Democratic Party! Shame on the system that lets the media leave the voter behind. I proudly support Dennis Kucinich, because I am not going to settle ever again. I urge all voters, no matter where you lean, don't settle! You find nothing in the middle of the road except dead animals,and yellow lines. Keep it lit.
I don't belong to any organized political party
With Michigan being the mess it is, we look to ourselves and leaders. As a Progressive Liberal Democrat, it broke my heart to see my party overlook, intentionally, the state of Michiagn. The only candidate to do anything was Dennis Kucinich. I like Senator Obama, yet when I expressed my thoughts on Mi., this is what I got....
"Dear Kyle,
Thank you for contacting us. Obama for America filed paperwork to remove Barack's name
from the ballot in Michigan because Barack gave his word to honor the national party rules
and campaign only in contests before February 5 that the DNC has authorized. All of the
Democratic presidential candidates joined us in making this pledge, and every major
Democratic presidential candidate, with the exception of Senator Clinton, has also removed
their name from Michigan’s ballot.
Barack encourages the Michigan Democratic Party to continue working with the DNC to adopt
a plan that complies with party rules and allows the voters in Michigan to have a voice in
the 2008 nominating process. We hope that Michigan will do so because Barack is eager to
vigorously seek the support of Michigan voters, and if such a contest occurs, we will
expand on our already strong foundation in the state to build a winning campaign.
When Barack is the Democratic nominee, the tens of thousands of people already involved in
our campaign in Michigan will provide the organizational backbone for a general election
victory in November 2008.
Obama for America"
At what point do "we the people" have a say?
"Dear Kyle,
Thank you for contacting us. Obama for America filed paperwork to remove Barack's name
from the ballot in Michigan because Barack gave his word to honor the national party rules
and campaign only in contests before February 5 that the DNC has authorized. All of the
Democratic presidential candidates joined us in making this pledge, and every major
Democratic presidential candidate, with the exception of Senator Clinton, has also removed
their name from Michigan’s ballot.
Barack encourages the Michigan Democratic Party to continue working with the DNC to adopt
a plan that complies with party rules and allows the voters in Michigan to have a voice in
the 2008 nominating process. We hope that Michigan will do so because Barack is eager to
vigorously seek the support of Michigan voters, and if such a contest occurs, we will
expand on our already strong foundation in the state to build a winning campaign.
When Barack is the Democratic nominee, the tens of thousands of people already involved in
our campaign in Michigan will provide the organizational backbone for a general election
victory in November 2008.
Obama for America"
At what point do "we the people" have a say?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is America #1?
Digging through the metaphorical crates, I found an oldie, but a goodie from Bill Maher. He pretty much answers the question I have been asking for 7 years, and it will make you laugh, and understand how much work "We the People" have in front of us.
Kucinich in the Debate?

Since Dennis Kucinich's campaign for a country gets stymied from pathetic media,the flying monkey right, and progressive's, who aren't progressive enough to actually vote for him. It is good news to hear that after Dennis filed a lawsuit against NBC for excluding him from tonights debate, Judge Charles Thompson had the good sense to side with Dennis, and rule that he be included in the debate, or it will be shut down.
My thought is this, shut it down! For the most, this country whines about left and right and middle. Well, Jim Hightower said it best, he said "all you find in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead armadillo". For the most part in America, the left is the middle, and it is the mainstream. We deserve to be heard. Dennis Kucinich that voice! If the debate is shutdown by Judge Thompson (bless ya), it will garner more attention than him having Tim Russert and Brian Williams act like he is not there. This is all pending NBC's appeal which takes place at 1:30 pm in a Vegas courtroom. We'll see what happens. I say, no debate! Let the people hear the truth, we deserve it after seven years in hell. Michigan voters...especially Democrats...send a message to our party and let's hand Michigan to Dennis Kucinich!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Conspiracy Corner? maybe not...
This just flat out sucks! Now NBC has excluded Dennis from the January 15 debate in Nevada. Apparently, his 4th place showing does not reach the criteria to participate. It did meet the standards yesterday though. From the Kucinich press release "Less than 44 hours after NBC sent out a congratulatory note and invitation to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to participate Jan 15 Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas, the network notified the campaign this morning it was changing it's criteria, rescinding it's invitation and excluding Kucinich from the debate."
WHAT!!!???? Who is instructing this? Who is responsible? This in America? The day after Dennis is granted a recount in New Hampshire to look into irregularities, he gets snubbed again. This on the 15th of January, Michigan's primary. Give me a break. I got to thinking about John Edwards and Hillary Clinton's private little conversation on stage here in Detroit.
Is this cause for alarm? You better believe it! I have had enough of this crap. I have heard some disgusted Democrats and Republicans who have said "I don't have a dog in this fight". Well, I do, but I hardly get to hear him. Has this been a concerted effort by the Clinton campaign? I don't know. It does look that way though, maybe Edwards as well. I hope this is looked into. Henry Waxman, this means you....
WHAT!!!???? Who is instructing this? Who is responsible? This in America? The day after Dennis is granted a recount in New Hampshire to look into irregularities, he gets snubbed again. This on the 15th of January, Michigan's primary. Give me a break. I got to thinking about John Edwards and Hillary Clinton's private little conversation on stage here in Detroit.
Is this cause for alarm? You better believe it! I have had enough of this crap. I have heard some disgusted Democrats and Republicans who have said "I don't have a dog in this fight". Well, I do, but I hardly get to hear him. Has this been a concerted effort by the Clinton campaign? I don't know. It does look that way though, maybe Edwards as well. I hope this is looked into. Henry Waxman, this means you....
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Top Three Most Pathetic Conservatives

2. Michael Savage. His daily dose of fear,bigotry,and hypocrisy define this worthless piece of dna. Any man or woman who fear race,sexual orientation,progressive political views,and then proceeds to proclaim this is the way to spread Democracy? You figure it out...
1. The American Conservative Voter. Yep! I said it! By continuing to vote against the peoples best interests because you call yourself a pro-lifer, bible-thumping, Republican! I must ask you, do you know what you have done to this country? Your insistence on sticking your nose into a woman's right to choose and her privacy has stymied sexual education,and contraceptive needs in poverty stricken communities. You perverse views of science, and what stem cell research can accomplish, your unwillingness to separate church and state for good because you think "This is Christian nation", when our founders knew that spirituality is a personel issue, not one to crusade for. Your blind support for a party that continues to leave sick,homeless,poor,elderly,minorities and vets in dire straits is pathetic. But hey, at least one war is going well...you know...the one on the middle class.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Top 10 Pathetic Conservatives of 2007

equal-radio.blogspot.com wasn't there. I was most certainly astonished that my fellow Detroiter peterwerbe did not make the cut. Anthony and I are liberal upstarts, so maybe in a couple years? Anyway here's their listhttp://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2008/01/the_twenty_most_annoying_liber.php
And now here's mine...
10. Right Wing News. Their defining moment is daily spinning facts into Republican talking points to fit typical conservative b.s. that has our country in a funk. And not searching a bit harder to include those who work hard at being annoying to the flying-right monkeys.
9. Sean Hannity. Defining moments...well they are often repeated, just think "Hillary! Hillary!Hillary!" He can't even get through an interview without mentioning her.
8. Bill Kristol or "William the Bloody" as John at Crooks and Liars
calls him. His weekly drool about toruring this person, removing this one from power bombing this country or that one etc. etc. cnl had a good clip of examples
7. Ann Coulter. Her defining moments are countless. But recent memory takes me back to the summer when she appeared on Chris Matthews, and Elizabeth Edwards called in to defned responsible dialogue during this election cycle. Elizabeth, with all of her glorious demeanor, put forth direct statements on being a roll model, a fighter for the good, and somewhat of mentor model for those that heard this. Take a look.
6. www.itsfirstfriday.com . Well, Mike Malloy once spoke of losing friends over this process, I certainly hope this has not happened in my case. Defining moment, www.itsfirstfriday.com . Similiar to Hannity's "Hillary! Hillary! Hillary" rhetoric. I have been friends a member of the FF team for years, when he suggested in a late night rant in a debate over the war, he suggested that he would pay for my trip there, and then pay to have my dead body brought home, I was shocked to say the least. He has yet to apoligize for that. On their blog, well yeah I took some shots, that got deleted, but you can't play in politics if you can't take a personal shot. Just view their blog.
5. The Bush Crime Family. George and Dick's crimes are endless. If you are on this blog you know how long the list is so I won't go through all of it. If you stumbled here by accident, then go to www.impeachbush.org . I am sick of it!
4. Mike Huckabee. His deliberate abuse of influence in an incident involving his son and a stray dog's demise, the firing of the investigating officer, and current constant denial define this man's "pro-life" attitude. Go to hell Huckabee!
For the three most pathetic, check back tomorrow.
Keep it lit!
Monday, January 7, 2008
All the cheap shots at Hillary....
So now all the flying monkeys on the right are taking shots at Hillary for tearing up a bit on the stump. Looking at the blogs and hearing all the pundits has made me wonder a bit what people want in the White House? She is human, and one thing every human has in common is tears. She showed some emotion, and to her credit, most politicians don't. On January I will still be casting my vote for Dennis Kucinich, but I will not criticize someone for tearing up a bit. Here's a couple videos for you right-wingers.
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