Then we had the story of the week, Senator Larry Craig's bathroom incident in Minneapolis. His plea of guilty to misdemeanor charges of lewd and disorderly conduct after being arrested by an undercover officer proved the hypocrisy of the Republican party. Senator Craig's signals under the stall wall of hand gestures, foot tapping, and peering through the door led to his arrest and as of today likely his resignation. I have a few issues here, one, if you vote against laws that help the gay community feel safe against hate crimes, vote against civil unions and gay marriage, vote against gays in the military, then you are a hypocrite if you are in fact gay. Second, I am as liberal as they come, and could care a less if you prefer the same sex. I do however believe a sitting U.S. Senator should know that lewd behavior in public restrooms puts you in a very not so "family values" position. How many parents travel with their children and allow them to use a public restroom to witness that? Well, the list gets longer for the Republicrits to find Jesus, ask for forgivness, and prove the Democratic majority to be the party of values and diversity. Mr. Craig, just come out, you will feel better, and your retired life could full of Cher records remixed by some young stud. For more of the Republican's version of "family values" visit, www.republicansexoffenders.com .
Next, the announcement of Mr. Tony Snow"job" will leave the prestigious position of White House Press Secretary. Seriously, I do hope his helath is ok, perhaps he will have the class of Lance Armstrong and Elizabeth Edwards and provide hope and courage to cancer victims around the globe. Mr. Snow cited his departure as a financial decision...WHAT? You mean to tell me we are not paying him enough?
Anyway, theres the week, and for laughs see my previous post on Mr. Craig's coming out, set to song.
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