Was MoveOn.org's ad on General Petraeusover the top? I do not believe so. The right-wing of the Republican Party was outrage, which was no surprise, the guys over at
http://www.itsfirstfriday.com/ really had their boxers in a bunch yesterday. The ad itself gave voice to 3.4 million menbers, and many other americans who have had enough of this war in Iraq. I am confident the General has all the credibilty, and competence to do the job in Iraq, however, when he became Bush's boy the credentials and competence got muddied. We were sure the initial draft was created by the White House as it was reported in the Washington Post. When you are in charge of an unpopular, your boss is George W. Bush, and when this White House even got Colin Powell to lie...we simply have a hard time believing you General.
Oddly, what we were not told of sectarian violence was the numbers of deaths varied. David Petraeus spoke of casualties in August were lower than in they were in July, but were higher than they were in June. Hmmm. The report also does not disclose the number of refugees around the globe. The following is taken from
http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/"Total number of Iraqi refugees
At least 2.2 million, with another 2 million displaced inside Iraq
Number of Iraqis fleeing each day
Number of Iraqi refugees in Jordan
Number of Iraqi refugees in Syria
Between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000
Number of Iraqi refugees accepted by the United States in 2007
Number of Iraqi refugees accepted by the U.S. who fled since 2003
less than 100
Number of Iraqis currently working for the US government according to State and Defense Department records.
Number of Iraqi translators killed according to L-3, the contractor that hires them for the US military
So, if this many people are leaving, that in turn leaves less that can be killed. That is pretty simple math. Are achieving meaningful progress? No! General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker's answers were, as the protesters made clear with actual dogs and ponies, a dog and pony show. After watching c-span today as the two Bush boys continued the lies of this White House, and the General sadley became General Betray Us. It is a sad day when one of our decorated miltary leaders gets his career tainted by the Bush Crime Family, and we cannot believe him. His answers to Senators Warner, Feingold, Biden, Clinton, Obama, and McCain were incompent and lies. While, we continue on supporting our troops by fighting for their direction home, our mission in the bring them home now movement gets tougher. Take the General's reponse to Senator Warner's question of whether the war is making America safer...yes, he reponded "I don't know".