Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Senate candidate wishes to do away with Americans with Disability Act??

  Kentucky candidate Rand Paul, who has garnered great support from the Tea Party crowd, stated in an interiew 

" like for example if you have a three story building and you have someone apply for a job, you get them a job on the first floor if they’re in a wheelchair as supposed to making the person who owns the business put an elevator in, you know what I mean? So things like that aren’t fair to the business owner. [...]"

  Paul, son of Republican/Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul is sure to today's Kentucky primary against Trey Greyson. However, for his wish to support business over the individual shows a deep disregard for the work of Richard Pimentel. Pimentel, a public speaker and Vietnam war vet who lost his hearing and crusaded to train businesses and Government agencies in employing and training Americans with disabilites. The Americans with Disabilities Act is great achievement of his.

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