Monday, February 2, 2009

The RNC's latest move to be relevant

The Republican Party has taken another step to find themselves and selected Former Lt. Governor Michael Steele to chair the RNC. After being called the party of "old fat white men" for years, they have chosen another ideologue to look diverse. While Michael Steele is respectable on certain levels, his positions on numerous policies are no different than the likes of Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. Granted, Steele is not the embarrassment you get in the likes of Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, or George W. Bush,as he regularly will appear on Fox with a demeanor that is engaging.Although, he is clinging to falsehood that the 1994 power grab by the GOP, "Contract for America" is a good thing. While that campaign was spearheaded by Newt Gingrich, it served as nothing but to define the party, much like we witness today, the "party of no".

While the message of the Republican Party has been murky since the initial (s)election of Bush in 2000, the party faithful struggled to stay on track. Now they find themselves bloodied after two election cycles in which they continued their fall into the abyss. If your rhetoric is more tax cuts and Iraq was a good policy, you are stymied. Failing to recognize the needs of a country and the needs of our troops in harms way and offering no plan is not the strategy of leadership. When asked about what plans the party has, Steele as I mentioned, refers to policies that got us where we're at, Rep. Cantor's response this weekend, when asked of the "plans" of the GOP, he responded "I will get back to you".

We can only hope the party of "NO " does not resort to biting the ear of their Democratic opponents as Michael Steele's former brother in-law Mike Tyson did in the ring. Continuing on their current path of irrelevance, which could slide even more in the coming days does have a benefit, Democrats will be able to do work on behalf of their Districts and states truly represent the American people.

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