The Republican Party apparently has decided it's own fate, and it is evident that it is a deathwish. With the current field of 2012 Presidential candidates being incredibly weak, they have taken the next step of "loyalty oaths". This demonstrates a lack of confidence and a certain fear. 19 states have open primaries, in which no party affiliation is required. However, in the GOP primary this March in Virginia, voters are being required to sign on to support whoever the GOP nominee is. This was ruled unconstitutional as recent as 2000 by the Supreme Court.
Each candidate has their base. Mitt Romney's base is that which states "We hate Obama so much, we need this guy to beat him, but he clearly stands for nothing", then there is the Ron Paul crowd who seem to think we live on an island of 50 people, Newt Gingrich has a limited base. His is that which clearly have fallen for a huckster, a man so bitter in his latter days that he let's his temper, arrogance and bravado get the best of him. I heard it said that "Newt Gingrich is what stupid people think smart people sound like". Then of course there is the God crowd, who blindly follow the likes of Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum (don't google his last name). The RNC must believe all of these candidates so awful that requiring voters to sign off on a loyalty oath would at least give them a chance against an incumbent. I am reminded of an Husker Du song, "Dead Set on Destruction"
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