Today's right-wing, for the most part resemble the "Know Nothing Party" of the 1850's. Don't believe it? Well, let's look at what motivated the Know Nothing Party, and see if it looks familiar. The Know Nothings particulary were against immigrants coming from Europe, specifically Irish Catholics, and it sometimes resulted in riots, protests and fights. As their fearmongering got louder, some within already established political factions espoused Know Nothing/American Nativist ideology. The Republican Party had members who took part in that. Part of that ideology was a promise to keep immigrants out of the country. Sound familiar yet? In fact, President Abraham Lincoln wrote this about the Know Nothing Party,
"I am not a Know-Nothing. That is certain. How could I be? How can any
one who abhors the oppression of negroes, be in favor of degrading
classes of white people? Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be
pretty rapid. As a nation, we began by declaring that “all men are created equal.”except negroes.” When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read “all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics.”
When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where
they make no pretence of loving liberty — to Russia, for instance,
where despotism can be take pure, and without the base alloy of
Today's "Know Nothings" have not limited their fears to "immigrants"which can be seen on right-wing blogs or on talk radio shows such as Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or Michael Savage, and it can even be heard from some of the current Republican candidates for President. The hate and fear of "others" has extended to today's American Muslims, African Americans, the LBGT community, free thinking liberals, atheists and non-Christians and any government oversight of the country. Rememebr the chants of "Love it or Leave it!" when opposing views were discussed? Or how about the fight over the "Ground Zero Mosque"? Or gay marriage? Or health care reform, after all it is "socialism" In fact, it was so "socialist", that President Obama was pictured as a "African Witch Doctor" with a bone through his nose. I mean, he was born in Kenya, right?
The list goes on and on. So, I am suggesting that as we pay attention to the GOP primaries, we now refer to the as the "Know Nothing Primaries".Now, there are some rational Republicans that are still out there, and we can offer them "waivers". But until the time comes when they come forward, they will be "Know Nothings".
Friday, December 30, 2011
Positive Progressive!
Think Progress has reported on a Pew Research poll that "Progressive is the most positively viewed political label in America" Now, before we begin hearing conservative heads exploding around the country, let's be honest. Many of us who are generally considered "progressive" still embrace our liberalism. As the country staggers out the recession, many of us clearly see the benefits of progressive policies. It was progressive policies that got us out of the Great Depression with the New Deal. It was progressive policies that pulled the country away from prejudicial ways that harmed women and minorities. And it was progressive tax policies that kept us afloat for years. Read it and weep righties!
GOP Loyalty Oaths
The Republican Party apparently has decided it's own fate, and it is evident that it is a deathwish. With the current field of 2012 Presidential candidates being incredibly weak, they have taken the next step of "loyalty oaths". This demonstrates a lack of confidence and a certain fear. 19 states have open primaries, in which no party affiliation is required. However, in the GOP primary this March in Virginia, voters are being required to sign on to support whoever the GOP nominee is. This was ruled unconstitutional as recent as 2000 by the Supreme Court.
Each candidate has their base. Mitt Romney's base is that which states "We hate Obama so much, we need this guy to beat him, but he clearly stands for nothing", then there is the Ron Paul crowd who seem to think we live on an island of 50 people, Newt Gingrich has a limited base. His is that which clearly have fallen for a huckster, a man so bitter in his latter days that he let's his temper, arrogance and bravado get the best of him. I heard it said that "Newt Gingrich is what stupid people think smart people sound like". Then of course there is the God crowd, who blindly follow the likes of Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum (don't google his last name). The RNC must believe all of these candidates so awful that requiring voters to sign off on a loyalty oath would at least give them a chance against an incumbent. I am reminded of an Husker Du song, "Dead Set on Destruction"
Each candidate has their base. Mitt Romney's base is that which states "We hate Obama so much, we need this guy to beat him, but he clearly stands for nothing", then there is the Ron Paul crowd who seem to think we live on an island of 50 people, Newt Gingrich has a limited base. His is that which clearly have fallen for a huckster, a man so bitter in his latter days that he let's his temper, arrogance and bravado get the best of him. I heard it said that "Newt Gingrich is what stupid people think smart people sound like". Then of course there is the God crowd, who blindly follow the likes of Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum (don't google his last name). The RNC must believe all of these candidates so awful that requiring voters to sign off on a loyalty oath would at least give them a chance against an incumbent. I am reminded of an Husker Du song, "Dead Set on Destruction"
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