Monday, June 7, 2010

The Clarification

So, I feel compelled to address this after a brief, yet disturbing conversation with a dear friend. Let's clarify something...liberals are not against the troops, we are against war! In the midst of discussing with her meeting of an old friend of mine, she stated, I paraphrase "Well Kyle, sometimes you do come off as though you are against the troops, you've pissed me off at times". That said, I was bewildered as I have never spoken against the troops. I have shared my disgust at the over 4,400 U.S. casualties in the Iraq war, the nearly 1,200 in Afghanistan. I shared my disgust at the 100,000 + dead Iraqis and the unknown number of civilian deaths in Afghanistan.  I share my disgust that the war in Afghanistan is the longest in our country's history. I share my disgust that the deficit hawks are willing to spend to kill and be killed while spending over a trillion dollars.

This misconception from the right-wing and moderates is baffling, when alot what is seen as support is nothing more than a bumper sticker or flag waving. In 2006, a young liberal minister and a older conservative started "Homes for Vets", which they helped find and finance homes for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. I had the great opportunity to sit down with these gentleman and share my ideas, They did run out of funds in early 2008. However, some vets are still in these homes due to our efforts, no matter how big or small. Walter Reed and the Dingell VA Medical Center received contributions from Street Corner Music, my old employer, of DVD's ,books, and music from us to help occupy time and provide entertainment while our soldiers heal. I was often in the the right place at the right time for an ex-girlfriends son who fought in Iraq and faced numerous challenges upon returning home. It took him over a year to gather himself after war and often finding himself falling down drunk, and it was often myself picking him up and getting him home.

  Further, fiery liberal dog rescuers at Metro Detroit Shelters are putting their efforts forward to help veterans and active duty service members pets, not to mention the work vets like Luis Carlos Montalvan's does for and with  service dogs. There is also the fantastic efforts of IVAW and IAVA do, not to mention, all of whom I was happy to  march with members in D.C. to protest war. Many who share my political views.

 So, for those who wish to present "opposition" to war, I urge you to recognize it is not opposition to our brave men and women who were sent off to war by President Bush and continued by President Obama. So, the clarification is many people can blindly say they support out troops by waving a flag and simply stating "I support the troops", I say do the little things, do the big things, do what you can


  1. War is part of the human condition and, as such, is necessary for human survival. Seems to be a bit of an oxymoron but I've noticed that many who identify themselves as 'liberals' tend to also support abortion rights while decrying the death penalty as inhumane. Life is a complicated puzzle.

  2. I hope you will return the favor.

    Just because I say I support the soldiers does not mean I "love" war.

    Opposition to the war is certainly fine and acceptable. But opposition to the war "can" often look like opposition to the soldiers. You have to admit that.


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