Monday, January 5, 2009

Senator Al Franken!

As the Minnesota Senate recount came to an end, and Democrat Al Franken is the victor...for now. The slim 225 votes, which he held over incumbent Norm Coleman is going to be challenged in court. While this was a hotly contested race, the significant result is that Minnesota now has two Senators. For Liberal Democrats, like myself, it is a joy to have the late Senator Paul Wellstone's seat filled by Al Franken. Norm Coleman's term in Senator Wellstone's seat was an insult, not because of the vile things he said over the years, but that he was President Bush's lap dog, lock-step with the agenda that has our country in a mess.

After Coleman defeated Walter Mondale for the seat following the tragic plane crash that took the Minnesota Senator's life he uttered words like
"I will be a 99% improvement over Paul Wellstone," Norm Coleman declared upon winning.
"Get over it" -Coleman on constituents grieving Paul's death

As I mentioned, declaring Al Franken the victor is going to the courts. Lawsuits are already in the works, as Coleman's lawyers are feverishly began filing in recent weeks. While the courts have favored Franken during the recount, the other issue will be the Republican Party, which numerous members have said they will fillibuster the seating. John Cornyn has stated that the Senate GOP will attempt to block the inevitable seating.

The following video is just class speaking of Paul Wellstone

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