These stories are not far fetched in Metro Detroit, it never ends in a city that has been begging for a bailout for decades. Gamblers are angry that the ATF raided a local bar for gambling, friends and family are grieving the death a 27 year old prescription drug dealer who U.S. Marshalls shot 18 times after he barricaded himself in his home for 10 hours, the rash of auto theft in the area. I mention these stories, well knowing there are thousands of these around the country, but these are in my immediate area. Look at where we are America? Unemployment claims are at a 26 year high, and people are scared. This does not justify the actions of criminals, but it does make one wonder whether or not the wounds that ail America are self inflicted? Bill Maher was spot on when he stated that we look a "little silly waving the big foam #1 finger chanting USA, when we rank 67th in this, 42nd in that and on and on".
I don't have any answers, I only have questions. With health care providing looking more like thieves than caretakers, Wall St. looting the federal reserve, the Big 3 in turmoil, trade agreements making the working class obsolete, and federal funds to essential social benefits being cut quicker than the melting ice caps is it any wonder we are here? With a newly elected Congress and President-Elect we see a glimpse of rescue, but the roads we must travel in the next handful of years are full of twists and turns that some won't survive. While this post of cynicism lacks any self deprecating humor I usually indulge in, I hope it serves as a reminder that while we all were walking on sunshine after Barack Obama became the 44th President, the work ahead is going to require diligence and compassion.
I am really surprised you would repeat rumor as fact!
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard of the police shooting the kid 18 times my first response, Bullshit!, it doesn’t smell right, sounds too much like your typical third person word of mouth thing.
Checking the facts from multiple legitimate news account paints a different picture. for one he was shot by Redford swat not Federal police. After negotiations failed they viewed the room with a small camera and he appeared to be asleep or unconscious. When the police entered the room HE fired at them and they returned fire hitting him once.
When you hear something like that you should ask the logical skeptical questions. Where 18 shots indeed fired or was it one of those rumors that get bigger with each telling? If 18 shots how many were police and how many the the culprits? It could well be 17 shots from the kid and one fatal shot from the police. Did this guy give the police an option, or was it Suicide by Police?
I can't help but think if he had been zapped with a tazzer we would be hearing rumors how the poor kid was "Tazed" mercilessly.
FYI, Since Aug Michigan State Police Gaming Section and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission has been doing "Operation Unplugged" a crackdown on illegal poker machines. I doubt the ATF has any real interest unless federal law were found to be broken. I think it's too bad the Keno machines were not taken. Lets face it gambling and Keno in particular are a suckers bet, the more you play the more you lose.