Many news sites are reporting that Ann Coulter's jaw is wired shut because it was broken. Nobody seems to know how or who is responsible, but it is not beyond imagination somebody hit her.Crooks and Liars and Mike Malloy both had good takes on this, Mike pointed out that Ms. Coulter "says hateful things about people who do not deserve it", noting that he also says "hateful things...about Ann Coulter". C & L was not as harsh as Mike, mentioning that "For one thing, we've had friends who've had their jaws wired shut and it's a singularly unpleasant experience we wouldn't wish on anyone, not even miserable excuses for humanity for whom it might be a small piece of karmic justice. Getting your meals through a straw for months on end really, um, sucks". The photo here is also compliments of Crooks and Liars. This news of Ms. Coulter reminds me of when you were a child and found a cute puppy, and said to your parents "Please, Please,Please can we keep her?!"
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