Wednesday, November 26, 2008
6,400 absentee ballots in Mn. uncounted
It is unknown why the ballots were rejected, but this is a kick to the shins for Al Franken. The race itself has been heated since the start, and the slim lead Norm Coleman has could flip to Franken if the ballots were counted. The current number between the two is now somewhere between 100 to 200 votes. Now it is conceivable that these ballots are military votes, and likely would benefit the Democrat vying for the late Paul Wellstone's seat. Franken's work with the USO over the years earned him gracious receptions in his visits overseas to entertain and socialize with our Troops.
Please, Please, Please can we keep her?
Many news sites are reporting that Ann Coulter's jaw is wired shut because it was broken. Nobody seems to know how or who is responsible, but it is not beyond imagination somebody hit her.Crooks and Liars and Mike Malloy both had good takes on this, Mike pointed out that Ms. Coulter "says hateful things about people who do not deserve it", noting that he also says "hateful things...about Ann Coulter". C & L was not as harsh as Mike, mentioning that "For one thing, we've had friends who've had their jaws wired shut and it's a singularly unpleasant experience we wouldn't wish on anyone, not even miserable excuses for humanity for whom it might be a small piece of karmic justice. Getting your meals through a straw for months on end really, um, sucks". The photo here is also compliments of Crooks and Liars. This news of Ms. Coulter reminds me of when you were a child and found a cute puppy, and said to your parents "Please, Please,Please can we keep her?!"
Friday, November 21, 2008
The American Worker from Rick Kepler
I am an American worker, and you are damn right I want the wealth to be shared and spread. I am talking about the wealth my hard work helped to create, but was taken from me by George Bush's base, the very rich, or as I know them, my corporate bosses. For the past eight years I have watched W.'s and McCain's (Country Club First) base grab the largest share of our country's wealth. Where did they take it from? They took it from my family's pocketbook, and my co-workers' families' pocketbooks. They stole the wealth that I was trying to build for me and my family when they stripped my pension plan from me and told me to invest in a 401k. Then they stole most of that 401k and other workers' 401k savings with this economic meltdown. This was a massive transfer of wealth from the workers' pockets into the already stuffed pockets of the rich. My retirement savings and my coworkers' savings all across America have been looted by the corporate bosses, who just got bailed out while we got left out. Again!
The American worker, whether black, brown, white, red, yellow, or rainbow color, has been fleeced over these past eight years. We are the ones who go to work every day. We don't own our places of work, nor do we help manage them. We just go in and do the job. And we must be doing one hell of a good job because we are told that we are the most productive workers in the world. We are working longer and harder, but our paychecks keep shrinking! Where are those productivity gains going then? Not into our pockets. Our standard of living has been going down these past eight years ($2,000 less in family income since W. took office) This is another damn transfer of wealth into the hands of the extremely rich.
Their greed is insatiable. Take our family's health care. They do. They keep passing on their increased costs to us, or they just drop coverage for the worker completely. That means we either join the 50,000,000 who have no health care, or we end up having to buy it privately, thus eating up a huge portion of our family's income. If we manage to hang onto our health care plans, our deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pay contributions keep skyrocketing. This amounts to another massive transfer of wealth from our pockets into the overflowing pockets of our corporate bosses.
The list goes on for the American worker. We saw overtime pay stripped from millions of workers during this past nightmare eight years. The worker was still working overtime, but due to a new "boss law" passed by W. and McCain's party that assists these thieves, the workers didn't receive overtime pay because they were declared exempt. They also weakened the workers' health and safety standards or just plain didn't enforce the laws already on the books. As a result, the American worker pays the price in lost days due to accidents from unsafe conditions or from lingering, expensive illnesses suffered from unhealthy working conditions. This too is a massive transfer of wealth from our pockets into our corporate bosses' bulging pockets.
To further sweeten their own pots, they took full-time jobs and converted them to part-time with no benefits, or they just made their employees line up and reapply for their exact same jobs at half the pay. Are we beginning to see what a true transfer of wealth looks like? So, do I want to see a spreading of the wealth? You bet your sweet hind-end I do. But all I ask of Obama is to give me and my co-workers the ability to retrieve some of the wealth that has been stolen from us.
Strengthen the laws that give workers the right to organize and bargain for a contract with our bosses. The current laws on the books have been torn to shreds by W. and McCain on behalf of their base. This is just part of their attack on American workers. Under globalization, the bosses seek a much cheaper workforce, which always means non-union, which means "can't fight back." That is why they have gutted the laws that protect workers. The laws that once gave us a level playing field with our bosses have been rendered useless, including our legal right to strike. That law said I had a right to strike, and could.
The American worker doesn't want a handout. Never did. We do want a hand up from our government. We still believe and have hope that this is a government of, by and for the people. We do want to know that our government will finally stand with us against this onslaught, this Robin Hood in reverse, being conducted by the bosses against the workers. The bosses know that W. and McCain have been on their side for the past eight years - and so do we workers. We just want our government to now stand on our side as we stand up against this corporate attempt to create third world working conditions right here in America. Restore our right to fight for a better living for ourselves and our families, and let the power of pissed-off workers, united in struggle, spread corporate America's stolen wealth back into the pockets of those whose pockets got picked these last eight years - the American worker.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
While I suspected the knuckle-dragging cheerleaders to make claims like (insert snarky voice)"It is the liberal medias fault!" and "He wouldn't have won if he wasn't black" or "He's a Marxist". It is the American people who are frightening me. I have personally been threatened for my t-shirt or hat by guys who could kick me so hard I would not land until 2012, so I would miss all the "Change". Or take the Mississippi middle school faculty who kicked two young boys off a school bus for mentioning Barack Obama's name, or the kids suggesting Barack Obama should be assassinated, or the teacher's aide who a classroom that Barack Obama "will be assassinated". Or better yet, the New Jersey supporters of Barack Obama who woke in the morning to find a burning cross on their lawn. Many of us were fortunate to have been raised by parents who preached tolerance and not hate, however it does not appear all of us were.
As I said, this is expected for the GOP's ankle biters like Ann Coulter or First Friday, because they hear the count on the mat. Should Mark Begich of Alaska unseat convicted thug Senator Ted Stevens, should Al Franken defeat Republican lap dog Senator Norm Coleman in Minnesota and put a peoples Senator back in Paul Wellstone's seat, and in Georgia, the runoff is favoring Democrat Jim Martin over Senator Saxby Chambliss. That would be the end of the Republican Party for the foreseeable future. They are scared, and they have scared the Republican voters into a regressive state of mind. As we all saw, much of this was stoked by the McCain/Palin campaign.
If I had the patience or time, I would reach out to every voter who carries some hate for African-Americans, Gays and Lesbians, Liberals, and immigrants or President-Elect Obama, I offer them this...Many whites who helped slaves escape through the underground railroad gave their lives for the opportunity to show that Thomas Paine's writings that "mankind is inherently good" was correct, the can be said for the straight men and women protesting alongside gays and lesbians against Prop 8 in California. The "liberals" that have stood up to it's own Government in protest of Guantanamo Bay or torture, do it because it is morally correct. The roads Barack Obama has taken on his way to the White House should be filled with admiration. For those of us who recognize the issues we face within our own country, and the problems infecting our Government, I am sure the likes of Lincoln, MLK, Jefferson, Paine, FDR, and RFK are smiling down on us.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
An Historic Election
Cindy's rise in becoming a household name came at a high price, the loss of her son Casey, who was killed in Iraq in 2004. Most of us know the story. Cindy's passion is driven by the death of her son, but but the platform she ran on was Progressive. Single Payer Health Care, ending the War in Iraq, legalizing gay marriage, ending the the War on Drugs, repealing the Patriot Act, among many others. Hoping to serve California's 8th District and the American people, and prove we can do better.
Now I do not share the disdain of Speaker Pelosi as many Liberals and most Republicans, however, had I been able to vote in Ca., I would have put my support behind Cindy's campaign. When one person puts their grief on display for the world to see, and suffer the criticism she did, it is clear that this is a tough woman who is not afraid to stand up. Was Cindy a viable candidate? Maybe. Maybe not. Nearly 37,000 voters believed she was, and she lost the election by just over 16%.
In 2005, I was honored to hear Cindy speak at one of the largest anti-war rallies the country has ever seen. In addition, I was able to speak with her briefly as well. That encounter took place at an event in support of protecting our men and women in uniform...demanding they are out of harms way. A topic that was left out of much of the discussion in the General Election. While the veterans of IAVA and IVAW struggle for realistic assistance, healthcare, and benefits their voice was relatively silenced by the media . I know the strengths of Cindy, Adam Kokesh, Paul Rieckhoff, Jon Soltz, and Matthis Chiroux will have some success now that silly season is over. I applaud all of you.
Morning Joe on MSNBC drops F-bomb
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Take it Back
The last eight years has been hard on far too many of us, and it is now time we TAKE IT BACK! We have done the work, we organized, we blogged, we made phone calls, we knocked on doors, we talked about this November 4th to everybody we know. We can probably expect long lines, possibly some intimidation, but do not back down. If you run into a long wait, and get worried about work...don't. They cannot keep you from voting. Stand in that line, and make your voice heard.
This election is far too important. The last disastrous eight years need alot of work from all of us to repair the damage done. We have already proven we could "get out the vote", and that was proven by the numbers of people that took part in states had early voting. However, we know the Republicans have trouble playing fair when it comes to us public doles. In 2000 and in 2004, the GOP treated us like we were as dumb as a bag full of doorknobs. They will try anything to stop us. Greg Palast and Robert Kennedy Jr. have outlined what we could experience tomorrow at Steal Back Your Vote.
The hours we have put in for either Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or even Dennis Kucinich over the last 21 months showed our commitment to righting the wrongs we have witnessed. I cannot stress it enough, get up and GO VOTE! If you are stuck in a line, I thought I would give you a song to hum from my friend Paul Hipp
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Help Save Sugar Kisses
Brian and Lisa Hack opened this bakery 5 1/2 years ago, and the property is being sold. Their personnel and great little bakery is in jeopardy of closing unless "the move" receives our help. Knowing Brian and Lisa have been great friends for years, their tireless work provided Royal Oak, Mi. with two people who know the importance of what "Main Street" and "Entrepreneur". Knowing the importance and dangers of what independent business is, they went ahead, with success to be a community landmark. Let's help out. Below is Brian's e-mail.
Option #1: Come shop with us while we're still here!
We are still open and fully operational through the end of November. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your co-workers to come on in! The more money we can make this November, the more likely it will be that we can afford to make the move.
Option #2: Buy a gift certificate!
If you are willing to gamble on Sugar Kisses, a gift certificate is a great way to help us out and yourself as well. If we are able to make the move, your support in the form of a gift certificate not only helps us, but gets you tasty treats wherever our new location happens to be.
Option #3: Donate!
For those of you that have left the area or may not be around for this November, we offer you this simple option to help us out. We are not asking for hundreds of dollars. Every gift of $1, $2, $5, $10, or whatever amount you choose gets us that much closer to our new location. Again, feel free to tell your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, second-cousins twice removed, and anyone else you think might have an extra few dollars they wouldn't mind donating to a couple of hard-working folks in these tough economic times.