Dennis Kucinich continues his agenda for Justice. Today, the Ohio Congressman announced that a Congressional subcommittee will look into police surveillance on Peace activists and Peace groups. The idea that police and Government will infiltrate groups, suspect them of undermining National Security is clearly a violation of privacy rights. The Congressman went on to say "[M]
ost people would be upset to know that police were spying on lawful citizens and infiltrating peaceful organizations, rather than chasing down real criminals," said
Kucinich in a press release delivered to
RAW STORY. "At a minimum, such police spying is clearly a waste of taxpayer dollars and a diversion from the mission of protecting and serving the people.
While many people just think liberals are paranoid, and we actually don't care what they think, but this is an issue all should be informed on. Your tax dollars are being spent to look into what myself and like minded people discuss when we meet at parks, librarys , cafes, and bars. The First Amendment protects all of us, it protects me, and you, and everyone else in this country. In 2007, the ACLU released a report showing that even the Pentagon uses widespread surveillance techniques on Peace organizations. As the hearings unfold, watch for more info on this.
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