I woke this morning to the sad news of George Carlin passing away. Needless to say, I was sad. I am 37 years old, and I must admit owning George's records when I was young, and I would sometimes stay up late to watch him on cable. My Mom was never aware of this , as most Moms would frown upon an 10-12 year old admiring George Carlin. I would put on a record, pop on the headphones and try not to laugh to hard, as I would have been caught. Thanks George.
George Carlin was a comedian who was always there over the years. He would turn up everywhere, from movies to bookstore shelves, in record stores, and even on some the talking head news shows. Always insightful, and always entertaining. His views on daily life, religion, politics, politicians, neighbors, and life after death were textbook lessons on seeing bullshit! Thanks George, we'll see ya on the other side.
The world has truly lost it's class clown. George Carlin was not only a comedian, he also held a mirror up to society and forced us to see the sheer absurdity of many accepted social mores. I was in the audience in Milwaukee, 1972 with my High School friends when he uttered the infamous "7 Words" on stage and got arrested. Even though they turned off his mike he refused to get offstage and stood his ground until the sound came back on and he was allowed to finish his show (and then get arrested). He performed right up til the end and made sure he gave us a good show. Thanks for the insights and the laughs, man.
The world has truly lost it's class clown. George Carlin was not only a comedian, he also held a mirror up to society and forced us to see the sheer absurdity of many accepted social mores. I was in the audience in Milwaukee, 1972 with my High School friends when he uttered the infamous "7 Words" on stage and got arrested. Even though they turned off his mike he refused to get offstage and stood his ground until the sound came back on and he was allowed to finish his show (and then get arrested). He performed right up til the end and made sure he gave us a good show. Thanks for the insights and the laughs, man.