Living in the mainstream can be quite tiring. Whether it be the burden of intellect that alienates you from people, or the utter disdain you tend to have when people's intellect or lack thereof disrupts positive change. We are in an endless war in Iraq right now, and only the right-wing pundits continue to cheer lead the effort. Most of the public doesn't want to discuss it. The left is tired...we have worked harder than most since the war began. We have blogged, we have campaigned, we have voted, we have called talk shows, members of Congress, protested, picked fights, studied, contributed money, only to find out no matter how many people agree with us nothing changes. As I stated, we are tired. Not to the point that we are ready sleep, so don't get excited righties.
I believe this fatigue we are feeling right now shows we need to change our plan of attack. I firmly believe we should continue all of our efforts, but we must also find small things to do along the way. For example, if your Congressperson is a Republican, call the them instead of John Conyers or Maxine Waters. Remember, Congress is easily scared, and they will be home in August. Raise the subject in conversation with a Republican, and have all of your ducks in row, it seems now many agree with us, but it's best to be ready for the White House talking points. We have always heard, don't mention religion and politics in a bar...hell, how do you think we got here in the first place. If we do our homework, study the works of Thomas Jefferson, and Thom Paine, as well as modern historians we can show how right the ilk of Bill Maher, Peter Werbe, and Mike Malloy have been for the last 7 years. I also urge everyone that is against this war and the current policies, VOTE FOR DENNIS KUCINICH IN YOUR PRIMARY! If we sit back and say "I like him, but he doesn't stand a chance", then he doesn't stand a chance. Every domestic problem we face right now leads to ending the big fat war in Iraq. We cannot fix anything until we end this war. It is very clear our politicians cannot multi-task.
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