While we witness the battle worn Congress and the arrogant White House over "Executive privilege", we must remember it is us, "We the People", not we the oil companies and weapons manufacturers. Keep in mind that Dick Cheney worked for Nixon, George W. Bush called the Constitution an "old document" and "a Goddamn piece of paper", and who knows what else they say in secrecy.
I would like to address a few things here if "We people" was meant to provide empowerment to the collective, which is how I interpret a simple statement such as that, then why are those so disgusted with the Republican leadership so damn lazy? Even if you describe yourself as a Republican, some of you are equally as lazy. The executive branch is running wild right now, and I know many of you will say I'm just a Bush hater, but if we can continue to sit on our collective asses and do nothing, then you will see a President Clinton, President Giuliani, President Romney or President Obama who may think they can get away with the same things. The powers entitled to them by us, their employer, requires them to serve and protect the American people, not special interest and profit. It is time to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales. The inconvenient truth here is that this will not be easy, and they will not go without a fight. So, I urge everyone to arm themselves with knowledge and facts...it is our best defense.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Living in the mainstream can be quite tiring. Whether it be the burden of intellect that alienates you from people, or the utter disdain you tend to have when people's intellect or lack thereof disrupts positive change. We are in an endless war in Iraq right now, and only the right-wing pundits continue to cheer lead the effort. Most of the public doesn't want to discuss it. The left is tired...we have worked harder than most since the war began. We have blogged, we have campaigned, we have voted, we have called talk shows, members of Congress, protested, picked fights, studied, contributed money, only to find out no matter how many people agree with us nothing changes. As I stated, we are tired. Not to the point that we are ready sleep, so don't get excited righties.
I believe this fatigue we are feeling right now shows we need to change our plan of attack. I firmly believe we should continue all of our efforts, but we must also find small things to do along the way. For example, if your Congressperson is a Republican, call the them instead of John Conyers or Maxine Waters. Remember, Congress is easily scared, and they will be home in August. Raise the subject in conversation with a Republican, and have all of your ducks in row, it seems now many agree with us, but it's best to be ready for the White House talking points. We have always heard, don't mention religion and politics in a bar...hell, how do you think we got here in the first place. If we do our homework, study the works of Thomas Jefferson, and Thom Paine, as well as modern historians we can show how right the ilk of Bill Maher, Peter Werbe, and Mike Malloy have been for the last 7 years. I also urge everyone that is against this war and the current policies, VOTE FOR DENNIS KUCINICH IN YOUR PRIMARY! If we sit back and say "I like him, but he doesn't stand a chance", then he doesn't stand a chance. Every domestic problem we face right now leads to ending the big fat war in Iraq. We cannot fix anything until we end this war. It is very clear our politicians cannot multi-task.
Monday, July 2, 2007
US Weekly does hit job on Paris...
No, not France, but none other than Hilton. I finally have a reason to applaud a tabloid. CNN reported the rag's reasoning was "due to Paris fatigue". Their efforts should provide a blueprint to magazines and papers who like to call themselves journalists, including you Larry King. My favorite commentator on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, even lowered himself to reporting the frenzy. He did however raise the bar when he spoke of Paris' potential schizophrenia as "molecular splitting". The news media's efforts to give attention to Paris, Lindsay, and Ms. Spears trials and tribulations only serve to provide an unattentive audience of real news something to talk about at the watercooler. We have corruption in our Goverment, with many Republicans in jail, we have Paris doing more time than the VP'S Chief of Staff, a dead Anna Nicole, a War (based on lies), contemp for the Constitution, Lindsay drunk again, an early Presidential campaign for 2008, Angelina may adopt again, a Spice Girls reunion, cover-ups on military deaths in the war, the immigration issue, the iPhone, poverty, New Orleans still devastated, and the worst White House in history...It is pretty easy to what the real news is here. I urge everyone to give US Weekly a golf clap for deciding not to continue to cover Paris, as for the rest of aforementioned, most of it is suitable for the tabloids, it is our duty to pay attention to the rest. Cheers!
A Letter to the President
Dear Mr. President,
On July 2, 2007 you commutated the 30 month sentence that was handed to I. Scooter Libby for lying to investigators,and obstruction of justice. You are within your Presidential powers to do this, however, this sentence and investigation were done diligently by an attorney and judge of your choosing. By commuting Mr. Libby you send a message to the people of this country that you and your elite friends are above the laws your elcted to uphold, sir! Your White House has become a political sauna that heats up like hell's kitchen, from Libby,to Rove,to Cheney,to Mr. Gonzales,to Ms. Miers, to Ms. Goodling, and of course the war in Iraq. The CIA released it's report stating that Valerie Plame was in fact covert, and her company was working within Iranian borders, the country your buddy Dick and Mr. Lieberman would like to bomb. Mr. Bush, with all do respect, please, for the last 18 months stop protecting the people that make your oil and arms manufacturers rich, and pay attention to the people in middle, and on the bottom. Many of those folks voted for you...twice...I was not one of them. It has reported in the Washington Post that you have been having heart to hearts with historians and political hacks to discuss "why does much of the country hate me?", and "why does much of the world hate America?", Sir, it is this kind of behavior that feeds your critics, and the country recognizes you supporters.... that is your answer. Your own Father said the "outing of a covert agent was treason", and you and Dick and Co. covered up that exact treason. For the sake of our country's future and that document you referred to as a "Godamn piece of paper", that "old document" the Constitution please start now in July to be straight with small donors of your campaigns, or the never donors, those of us who respect the law, and that "old document"...the American People. Sir, if you cannot do that, then please do not speak, just go away.
On July 2, 2007 you commutated the 30 month sentence that was handed to I. Scooter Libby for lying to investigators,and obstruction of justice. You are within your Presidential powers to do this, however, this sentence and investigation were done diligently by an attorney and judge of your choosing. By commuting Mr. Libby you send a message to the people of this country that you and your elite friends are above the laws your elcted to uphold, sir! Your White House has become a political sauna that heats up like hell's kitchen, from Libby,to Rove,to Cheney,to Mr. Gonzales,to Ms. Miers, to Ms. Goodling, and of course the war in Iraq. The CIA released it's report stating that Valerie Plame was in fact covert, and her company was working within Iranian borders, the country your buddy Dick and Mr. Lieberman would like to bomb. Mr. Bush, with all do respect, please, for the last 18 months stop protecting the people that make your oil and arms manufacturers rich, and pay attention to the people in middle, and on the bottom. Many of those folks voted for you...twice...I was not one of them. It has reported in the Washington Post that you have been having heart to hearts with historians and political hacks to discuss "why does much of the country hate me?", and "why does much of the world hate America?", Sir, it is this kind of behavior that feeds your critics, and the country recognizes you supporters.... that is your answer. Your own Father said the "outing of a covert agent was treason", and you and Dick and Co. covered up that exact treason. For the sake of our country's future and that document you referred to as a "Godamn piece of paper", that "old document" the Constitution please start now in July to be straight with small donors of your campaigns, or the never donors, those of us who respect the law, and that "old document"...the American People. Sir, if you cannot do that, then please do not speak, just go away.
From the Young Turks
Pretty accurate...
"The Republicans Aren't Even Trying Anymore
posted by Cenk 06/29/2007 11:36:08 AM EST When is the last time a Republican candidate spoke about ending poverty, or fixing healthcare, or figuring out how end discrimination against minorities in this country? It almost seems laughable, right? You must be wondering -- why would they talk about those things?
When did the Republican Party become so callous that we don't even expect them to address these issues anymore? Perhaps more importantly, when did the press stop asking them the questions or expecting answers?
I haven't heard anyone ask the Republican candidates what their plan to fight poverty in America is. Do they have one? Or are they officially admitting that they couldn't care less?
How about healthcare? They're very good at picking apart Democratic proposals or demonizing efforts to make the system better, but what's their plan? Do Republican candidates have to address this issue or is it expected that they would do absolutely nothing about the healthcare problems in this country, just like the Bush administration has for the last six years?
And if that is assumed by the press, maybe they should let the public know. It might be relevant when you're voting to know what both sides plan to do about vital issues like healthcare and poverty, rather than just the Democrats. It would certainly be relevant to know that one side doesn't care at all.
And how about the plight of minorities in this country? For example, what is the Republican plan to help black people in this country? Are you done laughing yet?
So, the Republicans don't even have to bother pretending that they care to find a solution to the significant inequalities between different races in this country? The press lets this go with barely a mention.
Look, this is not a demand that Republicans agree to affirmative action. I don't even believe in affirmative action. But just saying you don't believe in affirmative action isn't the answer to the problem. It's simply a statement against one of the suggested fixes. That shouldn't be the end of the conversation, that should be the beginning.
Remember when Republicans like Jack Kemp talked about empowerment zones and changing the educational system. You might have agreed or disagreed, but at least he was trying. Is it now simply assumed that breed of Republican is extinct? Is Kanye West right -- do Bush and the Republicans not care about black people?
Based on the Republican candidates for president, this administration and the priorities of Republicans in Congress, the emphatic answer must be YES. They really don't care.
If I was in the press, this might make for an interesting story. Have we become so jaded that the fact that one of the two major parties in the country don't care about black people, poor people or the sick is not really a news story?
And if it's this commonly accepted, for the love of God, let the American people know before they vote again. I was given to understand that the job of journalists is to report the facts to the public.
Of course, the Republican presidential candidates could prove me wrong by coming out with comprehensive proposals for healthcare, fighting poverty and ending racial discrimination. Have you stopped laughing yet? It seems like an outlandish possibility, doesn't it? There is a better chance that they will come up with a plan to stop global warming.
If they are this callous and indifferent to such a large chunk of the population, journalists might do well to report that fact. Or at the very least ask them about it? John McCain, what is your plan to fight poverty? Rudy Giuliani, what are you going to do about racial disparities in this country? Fred Thompson, when you're done writing letters for Scooter Libby, will you ever get around to writing a healthcare plan?
The answers, or lack thereof, might prove to be very interesting."
"The Republicans Aren't Even Trying Anymore
posted by Cenk 06/29/2007 11:36:08 AM EST When is the last time a Republican candidate spoke about ending poverty, or fixing healthcare, or figuring out how end discrimination against minorities in this country? It almost seems laughable, right? You must be wondering -- why would they talk about those things?
When did the Republican Party become so callous that we don't even expect them to address these issues anymore? Perhaps more importantly, when did the press stop asking them the questions or expecting answers?
I haven't heard anyone ask the Republican candidates what their plan to fight poverty in America is. Do they have one? Or are they officially admitting that they couldn't care less?
How about healthcare? They're very good at picking apart Democratic proposals or demonizing efforts to make the system better, but what's their plan? Do Republican candidates have to address this issue or is it expected that they would do absolutely nothing about the healthcare problems in this country, just like the Bush administration has for the last six years?
And if that is assumed by the press, maybe they should let the public know. It might be relevant when you're voting to know what both sides plan to do about vital issues like healthcare and poverty, rather than just the Democrats. It would certainly be relevant to know that one side doesn't care at all.
And how about the plight of minorities in this country? For example, what is the Republican plan to help black people in this country? Are you done laughing yet?
So, the Republicans don't even have to bother pretending that they care to find a solution to the significant inequalities between different races in this country? The press lets this go with barely a mention.
Look, this is not a demand that Republicans agree to affirmative action. I don't even believe in affirmative action. But just saying you don't believe in affirmative action isn't the answer to the problem. It's simply a statement against one of the suggested fixes. That shouldn't be the end of the conversation, that should be the beginning.
Remember when Republicans like Jack Kemp talked about empowerment zones and changing the educational system. You might have agreed or disagreed, but at least he was trying. Is it now simply assumed that breed of Republican is extinct? Is Kanye West right -- do Bush and the Republicans not care about black people?
Based on the Republican candidates for president, this administration and the priorities of Republicans in Congress, the emphatic answer must be YES. They really don't care.
If I was in the press, this might make for an interesting story. Have we become so jaded that the fact that one of the two major parties in the country don't care about black people, poor people or the sick is not really a news story?
And if it's this commonly accepted, for the love of God, let the American people know before they vote again. I was given to understand that the job of journalists is to report the facts to the public.
Of course, the Republican presidential candidates could prove me wrong by coming out with comprehensive proposals for healthcare, fighting poverty and ending racial discrimination. Have you stopped laughing yet? It seems like an outlandish possibility, doesn't it? There is a better chance that they will come up with a plan to stop global warming.
If they are this callous and indifferent to such a large chunk of the population, journalists might do well to report that fact. Or at the very least ask them about it? John McCain, what is your plan to fight poverty? Rudy Giuliani, what are you going to do about racial disparities in this country? Fred Thompson, when you're done writing letters for Scooter Libby, will you ever get around to writing a healthcare plan?
The answers, or lack thereof, might prove to be very interesting."
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Barking at Romney! and all other stupid dog owners...
Well, for anyone that knows me, knows that I love dogs and do my best to help,rescue, and teach stupid dog owners how and why they should have dogs. Down the street from me, a family I don't know aquired a Jack Russell Terrier. Other neighbors said they had it for about week or so, then on a 94 degree day they went to work as most of us do. However, while most of us get let the dog(s) out, feed, get fresh water,out again, then back in, these half-wits tied their terrier to a tree and left for work. This story could go on forever, but I will cut to the inevitable chase, literlally. The dog chewed the rope, left the yard, I attemped to catch it on my own way to work to no avail. To my knowledge the dog has not yet been found. As I continue to keep an eye for this dog, I find an interesting story on Pres. hopeful Mitt Romney in the Boston Globe http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/06/30/story_about_dog_on_car_roof_comes_back_to_bite_romney/
You actually considered this an ethical idea?! And your defense was "my dog likes fresh air"? What the hell is wrong with you? If you strap your dog in it's crate to the roof of your car for 12 hours, and it then defecates which begins to run down the back window, I would think you all would like fresh air you half-wit! I say much about the current White House, but I will say this, George W. Bush is good to his dogs, very good to the best of my knowledge, he may have a horrible foreign policy, and poor english skills , but I can tell Barney and Mrs. Beasley are his best friends. If you cannot choose to provide simple decency to an Irish Setter, I hate to see what you might do to a liberal who defecates on your windshield. On to the next part, as I continue to keep an open eye for the terrier, I find another loose dog on a Saturday night. Great, just what I want to spend my Saturday...no problem though, the beautiful Sheppard mix was only an overnight house guest, whose dog sitters were smart enough to call the police when they knew it was missing, but too stupid to listen to the actual owners who directed them to leave it outside during the day while they were out celebrating the 4th of July. People, take note, the 4th is difficult for many domesticated animals, to them it's a warzone and that stress disorients them as they look for shelter. Please be a pet owner responsibly, that means you too Mitt! Woof!
You actually considered this an ethical idea?! And your defense was "my dog likes fresh air"? What the hell is wrong with you? If you strap your dog in it's crate to the roof of your car for 12 hours, and it then defecates which begins to run down the back window, I would think you all would like fresh air you half-wit! I say much about the current White House, but I will say this, George W. Bush is good to his dogs, very good to the best of my knowledge, he may have a horrible foreign policy, and poor english skills , but I can tell Barney and Mrs. Beasley are his best friends. If you cannot choose to provide simple decency to an Irish Setter, I hate to see what you might do to a liberal who defecates on your windshield. On to the next part, as I continue to keep an open eye for the terrier, I find another loose dog on a Saturday night. Great, just what I want to spend my Saturday...no problem though, the beautiful Sheppard mix was only an overnight house guest, whose dog sitters were smart enough to call the police when they knew it was missing, but too stupid to listen to the actual owners who directed them to leave it outside during the day while they were out celebrating the 4th of July. People, take note, the 4th is difficult for many domesticated animals, to them it's a warzone and that stress disorients them as they look for shelter. Please be a pet owner responsibly, that means you too Mitt! Woof!
Fairness for Fridays
It pains me to say that the gentlemen at http://www.itsfirstfriday.com/ are well studied. However, their interpretations and ignorance is what gets to me. Their attacks on Progressive Democrats, and Liberals, and blind support for the Conservative agenda is shortsighted at best. Take their interpretation of the Fairness Doctrine, they call it an assault on free specch. Introduced in the late 1940's, it profesed that broadcast companies were liscensed to be public trustees, which with all of the "red state and blue state" rhetoric, station owners would provide many opinions on controversial issues. The "dude" as he chooses to refer to himself on their podcast refuses to acknowledge that this Doctrine was within the rules of the 1937 Communications Act in article 315. When the Reagan Administration dissolved the doctrine in 1985, we began to see the rise of Rush Limbaugh and his ilk, and talk radio began it's darkest days. The Roger Ailes funded propaganda hot-air,oxycotin poppin machine began it's long life. With that we saw, huge companies buying up entire markets to promote their agenda. The right argues that talk radio is market driven, and it's the buyers choice. Wrong again "Dude"! If one comapny owns the majority of the high wattage stations in a market with one agenda, then that is a monopoly, not consumer interest. Elements of the Fairness Doctrine should be put back into legislation, and enforced by the FCC in all major markets to provide "fair and balanced" interests, and checks and balances. Oh, and by the way, I believe it's Mike Malloy who has earned awards in major markets like New York and Chicago, not Druggy Limbaugh....
The Great Leap Forward!
Well, in the coming weeks, this site will provide up to speed analysis,critique,rebutal, and downright debunking to the half-wits of conservative regressivness at www.itsfirstfriday.com . Their attempts at humor, their hatred for progress, and their misguided approach will only muddy the political waters worse than they are. In the meantime, enjoy this http://youtube.com/watch?v=FknxIkLbn7E
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