Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Near the end of a "nerd Monday" of Heroes on NBC, Bill Maher on Jay Leno, Michael J. Fox on The Hour w/ George Stroumboulopoulos , I then tuned into Nicole Sandler. Nicole was spot on in a rant on "compassionism." She also noted filmmaker's John Waters' quote on Real Time w/Bill Maher, "I expect a hint of socialism, an ugly word for a beautiful thought"... a moment of brilliance from John Waters. Now this rhetoric is not new to me, as I have been on this quite some time. Like Nicole, I beleive we are no longer the "land of the free and home of the brave", we have become "land of the greed, and acting brave while we lose our homes". So, at what point do we recognize that the status quo is not working?

We all either know someone or ourselves have filed bankruptcy for health care or over extending ourselves. That said, we are quick to ridicule the 11.3% of welfare recipients, the homeless, the poor, and the ignorant, yet we hardly recognize these are our fellow citizens. Why? The cost. Yet we never queston the cost of war(s). For clarification, it's ok to spend $914,855,665,297.00 to blow up other countries, but not get our own country in order. What have we become?

We have become a nation of liberals who don't make the message clear and teabagging idiots who continually oppose our own best interests. We get caught up with television with robust enthusiasism, sports, or whether Tom Delay survives "Dancing with the Stars", yet hardly recognize we have alot wrong with America these days. 11.3% of welfare recipients, a national average of 9.7% unemployment rate, a 17.3% rate of veteran suicides, and on and on. We have been dumbed down to worries of "welfare Cadillacs" and "socialism" and "death panels". The best place to start is health care, then education, then spending responsibly and try a little "compassionism".

Friday, September 25, 2009

World's Worst

Keith Olbermann slams Glenn Beck over Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Leaderless GOP turns to dolls

Jason Linkins at Huffington Post blogs "OH, SWEET. Look who got an action figure! South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson, that's who!" He is correct. While Republicans search aimlessly for leadership besides Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, they are now turning to dolls. Now this is not in the least bit a surprise, as it was just in July that Glenn Beck played with dolls as journalism. Tea Parties, rowdy town hall meetings, death threats to journalists and talk show hosts, and racism has left the conservative movement leaderless. A time out may be in order in the form of reconciliation.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Our women are hot!"

Jason Mattera of the Young America's Foundation appeared at this past week's Values Voters Summit, and refreshed a defense of conservatism..."our women are hot!" Now this defense is not new, as right wing blogs have taken to this nonsense before. After the right-wing's year long ogling of Sarah Palin and the Fox News cheerleader squad, Mattera takes it further, and makes a reference to David vs. Goliath.

"“You know his daughter must have been beautiful because there’s no guy whose gonna die for an ugly girl,” Mattera chortled. “Our women are hot. We have Michelle Malkin. Who does the left have, Rachel Maddow? Sorry, I prefer that my women not look like dudes.”

This shallow adulation of right-wing women is not surprising. Mattera offers props to Michelle Malkin, who in her book "In Defense of Internment" had to issue errata, and who factually gets it wrong on Fox News. He takes a cheap shot at Rachel Maddow, who gets it right the first time and generally referred to in the news media business as the "smartest there is". Further, the Value Voters Summit also featured former Miss California Carrie Prejean, who became a household name after her display of intolerance to gay marriage and loss of her crown for breach of contract. So, her speech...promoting tolerance. I am not sure if there is a "contradiction crown". Further, Sarah Palin was also scheduled to appear, but was a no show.

All of this really is fodder, however, when we here Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson declare "we want to go back to the good ol' days ", translation; segregated schools and women in the kitchen. We can likely expect more of this as rumors swirl that eventually Carrie Prejean will land as a host at Fox, along with Sarah Palin as soon as she arrives at political irrelevance.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"YOU LIE!" outburst a stolen idea?

Last week's outburst by Rep. Joe Wilson during President Obama's joint session speech to Congress garnered plenty of press, however, it was hardly original. As Megan Carpentier blogs at Air America, a disgruntled Toledo man heckled mayoral candidate Ben Konop. During a press conference, the Toledo resident named "Maxwell" booed and shouted "Liar!" at the candidate before they moved down the street. The clip, something out of a SNL or Mad TV skit.

Teabaggers get testy

Well, 9/12 came and went, and the teabaggers descended on the National Mall. Initially , the predominately white crowd inflated the numbers, claiming there 1.5 to 2 million people. However, historically if a D.C. protest of that proportion it reaches 3rd street it is about 60,000-70,000. Armed with only signs indicating the President is a Socialist,Commie,Muslim,Monkey,Marxist,Nazi", this not so well thought out message only shows many people cannot come terms they lost.
More photos can be seen here and here.

Since at least the late 50's the conservative talking point has been a hatred of bias in the media, insert "it's the liberal media! They won't cover us!" However, during the eight years of President Bush, numerous war protesters gathered around the world to little coverage. The Washington Post gave the teabaggers front page coverage this past weekend, and in 2005 100,000+ war protesters were pushed to the metro section. The 9/12 protesters also saw sponsorship from the Freedomworks, CPR, Fox News, and received television coverage from Fox, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN.
With all said and done, it should be pointed out how the protests were organized and funded. The 9/12 Project, initially started by Fox's circus clown Glenn Beck. Quite possibly a good idea at first. Encourage Americans to stand as one like we had after 9/11, ok, a nice thought. However, it was the 9/12 Project that encouraged mobs of angry conservatives to town halls throughout August. Their mission....to disrupt. So, Glenn Beck really had no desire to bring folks together, he chose to capitalize on an American tragedy. Keep in mind too, that Glenn Beck once stated he "hated the victims of 9/11 families". Also on the carousel of conservatives, Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, and now chairs Freedom Works, a conservative advocacy group with ties to big business like AT&T, Verizon, and helps lobby for insurance companies. So, I will admit, a portion of the protesters were grassroots, encouraged from watching Fox , or an e-mail from their libertarian brother's, friend's ,sister's neighbor. Other than that, it was "astroturfing". Here is Dick Armey denying that notion.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We're Number 37

Republicans mistake Presidential address for town hall meeting

President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress last night to discuss fact and fiction regarding health care reform. However, Republicans grimaced, booed, shouted out, waved their own bill in the air and held signs in protest. We are not Parliament, this was not a town hall, and it was disrespectful to the office of the President to say the least. It should be noted, that over the years the opposition has shown, well opposition, but not in this fashion.

President Obama laid out his plans for health care, debunked the lies that were going viral last month and explaining his expectations from members of both parties. None of this was clear to Rep. Joseph Wilson (R-SC), who in a weird turrets moment shouted out "YOU LIE!" He was booed by both Democrats and Republicans for his behavior, with one shouting "Throw him out!" . Internal House rules dictate that any outbursts or verbal assaults of contempt at another official is grounds for censure. Rep. Wilson also served in the National Guard until 2003, and that behavior would have led to a court martial.

"Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."

Note: Following the Presidential address Senator John McCain and Rep. Jeff Flake both issued statements suggesting Mr. Wilson apologize.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blacklist Flashback

Open ended challenge to Congressman McCotter

When it comes to Michigan's 11th Dis., discussing policy with your Congressman is an arduous task. Green Party candidate in 2008, Erik Shelley has attempted this for over one year. By their own admission, the congressman does not notify the district office of appearances, making it difficult for constituents to challenge his policies or giving him a chance to defend them. In his numerous calls to Thaddeus McCotter's office, Mr. Shelley was somewhat threatened with a "cease and desist" order by his Chief of Staff Andrew Anuzis. As Mlive.com points out, this is in the "blackmail strike zone", as Mr. Anuzis stated "we can meet with you after the youtube videos are taken down."

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