Tuesday, March 31, 2009
GOP Hypocrisy
The fight continues in the Minnesota Senate race. With a ruling to come down any day now from the three judge panel, Republicans and defeated incumbent Norm Coleman are threatening "WW III" if Al Franken is seated. The opposition , led by Texas Senator Jon Cornyn is apparently horrified at the possibility of "Senator" Al Franken being the Democratic Majority's "59th" vote. Devoting his energy preventing the victor in Minnesota from seating in the Senate, I am sure Texas voters are thrilled. With this potentially headed to the Federal Supreme Court, it could go on awhile. David Boies, one of the recount attorneys in the 2000 Florida recount has declared that Franken has won. If you recall, in 2000 Republicans all but rioted in Florida to stop the counting, now in Minnesota they want counting to continue after they completed a recount that declared the victor. The issue here is that the people of Minnesota have one voice in the Senate, and at this point it is feasible that even Coleman voters have had enough.
Joe (not a Joe) the Plumber (not a plumber)
UNION MEMBER #1: Joe the Plumber, he don’t have a license. He ain’t a plumber.
UNION MEMBER #2: So for the Republican party to take a position that this is the epitome of a working person makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to anybody here that has to pay taxes.
I could not agree more with Union members. Republicans have always been savvy with framing the conversation, "Americans for Prosperity" is a good example. Presenting Joe as their working class icon is incredibly shallow, and shows no respect to hard working Union and lower and middle class Americans. His credentials are fraudulent and one would think his 15 minutes were over. His resume is about is as valid as Elmer Fudd's .
Thanks to Huffington Post, Amanda Terkel and Think Progress covering this in greater detail.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Right-Wing Crazies attack Quiznos, African-Americans, and Gays
What I gather here is a group of scared white men, who for no other reason than their own bigotry,simply attacking minorities in this far fetched manner. The ad is worth a laugh, although reading their comments will have you laughing harder.
Former Cheney aide offers insight to Seymour Hersh allegations
Appearing with Wolf Blitzer, John Hannah watched an interview with Mr. Hersh and offered this:
"There’s clearly a group of people that go through a very extremely well-vetted process, interagency process…that have committed acts of war against the United States, who are at war with the United States or are suspected of planning operations of war against the United States, who authority is given to our troops in the field in certain war theaters to capture or kill those individuals. That is certainly true."
While most in the country wouldn't argue that the former VP had his own agenda while serving his two terms, but this is clearly a war crime as suggested by John Dean. In 1976, then President Gerald Ford signed the executive order prohibiting anyone who is employed by the U.S. government from conspiring or engaging in political assassination. We'll see how this unravels. Keep in mind, high ranking Bush/Cheney officials are being sued by a Spanish Human Rights lawyer
Republicans still use 9/11 for political gain
Using this imagery and audio is abusive to every American,we all remember far too well the horror of that day. If we are sentencing terrorists to death, they become martyrs, life behind bars is by far a more just punishment. I have long stated that killing people who kill people in order to teach that killing people is wrong, is not justice. I have not seen any comment on the ad from Republican challenger Jim Tedisco. Following is the GOP ad, and an ad from Scott Murphy.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Rush Challenge?
"If you are reading this newspaper, the likelihood is that you agree with the Obama administration's recent attacks on conservative radio talker Rush Limbaugh. That's the likelihood; here's the certainty: You've never listened to Rush Limbaugh."
What is being asked, is that we endure a daily rant of Rush's racist, homophobic, sexist, greed filled ideology. He goes on ," I have never heard the man utter a single racist, hateful or stupid word." Really? Andrew? Was it not just this past Friday when Rush was discussing the Red River flooding to make "dike" jokes? That is not satirical, nor is it appropriate when nearly 30,000 people will go to shelters in the coming days. Stephanie Miller is satirical! While Klavan's piece attempts to be full of moderation, and his own ego, it is nothing more than the sad ramblings of a man who's Neo-Con party is in trouble. Rush recognizes this, Hannity recognizes it, and the country recognizes it.
Mr. Klavan's description of those of us who do not listen to Rush, is that we are "intellectual cowards", Huh? Since 2001, it has been Conservatives using fear tactics to scare the country into a hateful and divided country. It is the likes of Limbaugh and his ilk have resorted to words and phrases like "Marxist", "Socialist", "Communist", and "Terrorist", who's the coward Andrew? Like your talk show host, you demonstrate a clear disregard for what our nation is facing, and it is painfully clear by your view on Rush. While the Democratic Party continues to have plans, with actual numbers, that may or may not work, your ilk comes up with nothing. I have taken your challenge, and I now issue my own. Take a couple hours a week and listen to Thom Hartmann, or sit down and read Studs Terkel's "Hope Dies Last".
Update: Media Matters gives a rundown of some of Limbaugh's most offensive remarks.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Keith Olbermann and Amanda Terkel of Think Progress discuss Bill O'Reilly's harrassment
Most recently he went after Amanda Merkel of Think Progress, who critiqued O'Reilly's past remarks of rape victims, which were offensive on every level. Amanda's critical summary of O'Reilly were in response to his appearance at the Alexa Foundation's fundraiser, in which Billo pushed his latest book. Like Amanda, I do not claim to much about the Alexa Foundation, but I recognize the importance of getting support for victims of rape. Here is some of Bill's remarks on rape victim Jennifer Moore.
"Now Moore, Jennifer Moore, 18, on her way to college. She was 5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go. So every predator in the world is gonna pick that up at two in the morning. She’s walking by herself on the West Side Highway, and she gets picked up by a thug. All right. Now she’s out of her mind, drunk."
Here is the O'Reilly Factor segment on Center for American Progress, Amanda and NBC?
Since according to Bill and his writers, Amanda is employed by NBC, Keith Olbermann was kind enough to have his colleague on his show to give her side of the story. I was already a fan of Amandas, I am even more now after watching her with Keith.
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O'Reilly devotes segment to attack Think Progress and NBC...again.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Eight and counting...the number of jailed members of Former Pres. Bush's staff.
With all the talk of who and who should not be jailed in the current scandals of our economy, Rachel Maddow counted down the members of the previous Administration who have a new address.
*Most famously, there was former Vice President Dick Cheney's chief-of-staff, Scooter Libby. He was sentenced to 30 months, though President Bush quickly commuted the sentence, for his role in the leaking and subsequent coverup of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity to the press.
*David Safavian, chief-of-staff of the General Services Administration and the head procurement official of the federal government went to prison for 18 months on charges related to the Jack Abramoff lobbyist scandal.
*For obstructing the Senate investigation into Abramoff and for tax evasion, Italia Federici, a political aide to then Secretary of the Interior, Gail Norton, received a two month sentence in a halfway house.
*Fedrici's boyfriend, Steven Griles, who was the number two official at the Interior Department, also received 10 months in jail for his part in the Abramoff scandal.
*Bob Stein, the comptroller of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, received the longest sentence of any Bush official (as of yet) - nine years in prison for money laundering, conspiracy and bribery.
*Brian Doyle, a deputy press secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, was sentenced to five years in jail for attempting to use a computer to seduce a child.
*Former executive director of the CIA, Dusty Fago, received a three year prison sentence on corruption charges.
What is important here is while, as Conservatives are looking for the President Obama's head, and firing off criticisms and accusations harsher than what us on the left took eight years to come up with, they are not even willing to let 2 full months pass. My suggestion while celebrating the memories of a White House gone wild, you may want to hold off for now.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Does Fox News have a crush on Vice Pres. Joe Biden?
Fox News issues apology to viewers
In their ongoing coverage of everything Joe Biden says, or steps in, Fox was at it again. On Monday 3/16, Fox played a clip of VP Biden quoting John McCain on the state of the economy, however, when aired, they failed to mention that was an old clip. As you can expect from the folks at Fox, Joe Biden was in the crosshairs of every Fox spin meister. They have now issued an apology for misleading their viewers.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What is really wrong with Laura Ingraham?
Laura Ingraham takes a shot at Meghan McCain's reasonable approach to bipartisanship, and it is second grader mentality. Making a "plus-size" remark about the Republican nominee's daughter, only reduces her relevance in the GOP, slightly less than filling in for Bill O'Reilly. What does this really say? Is the Ann Coulter wannabe trying to pick a fight she will likely lose? Probably.As Meghan has gained the attention of Liberal Democrats, and youthful Conservatives.
As I blogged last night, Meghan's attempts are admirable. However, it is believable she became a registered Republican after hours of kicking and screaming. That said, I do think the GOP is on another planet. Their party infighting is entertainment, but not good for the country, and Laura knows it. The popular faces of the Republican Party are old news, with only John McCain, Michael Steele, and Pat Buchanan having anything coherent to say. If young voices of both parties offer something to help America progress through these hard times, a solution may be reached. Barack Obama has offered that, and while he has stumbled a bit, but we cannot pass too much judgement in only 52 days.
Laura Ingrahm's choice of words and presentation were adolescent, and uncalled for. While Progressive hosts on radio are listening to callers about real issues, like the economy and the war, she resorts to this.You be the judge.
Guitar Hero?
Gary Skoien of Ill. was allegedly caught with two prostitutes around 1a.m. by his wife. The threesome were in the children's playroom. His wife, Eni, has been charged with misdemeanor assault after discovering them. She swung a child's toy guitar at him, and punched him.
The irony of all of this is that Republicans continue to present themselves as the party of "family values", and seem to find themselves in compromising positions. While there is no excuse for the behavior of prominent Democrats like Elliot Spitzer, John Edwards, and Bill Clinton.The list of Republicans goes on and on. Newt Gingrich's position during the Clinton Scandal, David Vitter's prostitution woes, in which he allegedly wore diapers, Larry Craig's "wide stance" or Mark Foley's affection for young male pages. My point here is, I do not really care what you do in private, but STOP PREACHING TO THE REST OF US ABOUT WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG!
Note: Thanks to Stephanie Miller, Jim Ward, and Chris Lavoie for the "Guitar Hero" reference.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Like Father, Like Daughter?
The new face of the Republican Party?
With attention focused on a poor economy, and ending the war in Iraq, Rush Limbaugh becoming face/mouthpiece for the GOP. However, a more reasonable voice is out there. Daughter of John McCain, Meghan has been making the rounds this week following a flurry of attention to her blog and the Daily Beast. While I cannot understand her "I love the Republican Party" approach, she is a breath of fresh air in the circles of political junkies,bloggers,and party insiders.
Appearing this week, so far, on Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow among others. Meghan McCain has a clear and consistent position on being a party person...much like her Father has had on numerous occasions. Standing up to Sean Hannity regading torture, she pointed out what many Americans beleive, America does not torture, "it is what seperates us from terrorists." I particulary enjoyed her interview on Rachel Maddow, and it appeared she and Rachel did as well. While they discussed the family member issues of prominent politicians, she noted that she is an open book. She has made that clear on the Daily Beast, where she gave the whole the world a rundown of dating woes.
As I mentioned, Rush Limbaugh has become the face of Republicans in the last couple weeks, and that should scare many people. Everytime a Senator or Chairman (Steele) speaks against him they run and apologize, I cannot see Ms. McCain stooping to that level. She recently picked a fight with Ann Coulter, bravely I might add, and is sticking to her metaphorical guns.Pointing out that a number of young Republicans are much more moderate, and Ann Coulter hardly speaks for that generation. I only hope Rush is on her shortlist? While extremism is bad on both sides, and there are plenty of hateful things said...where are the answers? On this blog, I attempt to post critical, humorous, and satirical commentary with substance. However, I am as guilty as many blogs and political websites that spew downright hate.Take the First Friday site, a daily diatribe of hate for Liberals and Democrats,a site co-produced by an old friend who offered to fly me to the Middle East for a visit and then fly my corpse home. Moonbattery, a complete group of ideologues who likely would slap me with a bible. DailyKos and Democratic Underground have also have their share hate filled statements regarding a number of issues regarding Republicans.
So, I ask, are moderates the future of our respective parties? As a Liberal Democrat who has had admiration for Meghan's father, and on occasion hear some reason out of Pat Buchanan's mouth, I also find Thom Hartmann, Rachel Maddow and Dennis Kucinich to represent the future of how we move forward. That being said, the sideshow we have witnessed over the last week and a half has been that, a sideshow. What scares me for the Democratic Party is voices as reasoned as Meghan McCain's, as I am enjoying being a member of the Party in power for a change. Kinda kidding Meghan. If we are to move forward, as the country's founders envisioned, the likes of John McCain and John Kerry might have acheived more, George W. Bush may have been a better President, and bipartisanship is not fiction as Michael Steele suggested.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Keith Olbermann on the financial autopsy
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009
More dirty play from the GOP
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Conservatives on Display in 2009...not a pretty picture
Kicking off their battle cry whine fest was John Bolton, the recess appointed Ambassador to the United Nations. Fear not, his hot-headed reputation is intact. In his off target quote of the President, he went on to suggest a nuclear attack on Chicago was an appropriate joke. As tasteless as his humor and demeanor, the response was even more revolting. You can watch it here. The same sort of rhetoric was exalted from Joe the Plumber, who recommended that critics of the War(s), especially those in Congress be "slapped" or "shot". This behavior is not beneficial to getting us on track with the help America needs . What else was on their "agenda" , a discussion about Al Franken and ACORN? Of course it was. While John McCain and Sarah Palin spent their campaign time criticizing community organizers, community organizers, "organized!" Courting first time voters in urban neighborhoods they were successful. Apparently that is too difficult for some to grasp. Well, Al Franken had a firm grip on that. The former Saturday Night Live writer/comedian, Al had a admiration for the country's most organized Senator, Paul Wellstone. After a closely and heated contest with incumbent Norm Coleman the result was close. After a recount it was determined that Al Franken had won by by a mere 225 votes. The decision is now in the Minnesota courts and the state is left with one vote in the Senate.
Also on their All-Star list was Ann Coulter, whom is one I was sure hell would freeze over before I agreed with, attacked Barack Obama about Afghanistan. I do happen to agree this this time. Historically, conflicts in Afghanistan do not go well for the invading armies, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British, the Soviet Union all wound up in retreat. President Obama's plan to send more troops into the country is a mistake. His decision reflects the failed policies that were utilized for the last eight years, and have proven to be a failure.
Agree with President Obama's policies or not, he is offering solutions. I personally do not think throwing dollar after dollar at the banking system perfect, but I also do not believe allowing some American companies to wither is healthy. Violating the people has been a longtime practice of big business, and the answer the CPAC event favored, was "big business".
The crowd favorite however, was, none other than Rush Limbaugh. His arrogant and Un-American rhetoric was greeted from the audience following their cult leader. His continuing mantra of "Hoping President Obama fails" was in out in full force. From his mis-quote of the book he cherishes so much, The Constitution to his mockery of "In my first address to the nation". While, rumor has it , his divisive playbook was a door prize to attendees , because the chorus is growing amongst Conservatives. The crowd gave him a standing ovation at the very thought of the possibility of Obama failing. Joining the group have been Conservative columnist Michele Malkin, Tom Delay, Sean Hannity amongst many more. Again, Rush was portraying himself as "just like anyone else" without mentioning that he hardly is.
From the left of us, Max Blumenthal of the Daily Beast and Thom Hartmann encountered some peculiar moments, which can be found at their links.