Friday, April 25, 2008

Found this via Anthony (Malmo Blue),

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fun with Hillary (I suppose it's possible?)

Fun with John McCain

From Huffington Post, by Seth Grahame-Smith

Hillary Clinton will win Pennsylvania.

Arguments over the meaning or meaninglessness of her win will dominate MSM and stretch bandwidth to its breaking point. Bloggers and pundits will dust off their favorite boxing metaphors: "Hillary's off the ropes!" "Obama can't land the knockout!" Hillbots will rejoice, Obamabots will panic, and McCainbots will watch Murder She Wrote and go to bed at six-thirty. I'll probably write a scathing post attempting to prove that Hillary is the devil incarnate. We'll all lose our minds.

In hope of preventing some of this hysteria (especially my own), I thought it'd be helpful to keep a few things in mind during Tuesday night's results -- from Hillary's "victory" speech to the blizzard of spin that's sure to follow:

1. Remember that there's no way Hillary can become the nominee without a superdelegate coup -- which would alienate a generation of young Democrats and dangerously fracture the party.

2. Remember that her campaign leaked internals showing an eleven point lead (as a means of firing up her supporters and getting out the vote). Therefore, any win smaller than eleven points should be considered a disappointment by her own assessment.

3. Remember that every time Hillary begins a sentence with "you know," or "my opponent," the next thing out of her mouth is a lie.

4. Remember that when Clinton surrogates say "this proves Obama can't win the big states," they're ignoring the fact that he actually won more delegates in Texas -- not to mention twice as many states as she has.

5. Remember that when the pundits argue that Obama can't win in white rural areas because they broke for Hillary, they're ignoring the fact that he won (in alphabetical order): Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

6. Remember that when Hillary talks about who will be "better against John McCain in the fall," she's talking about the fall of 2012.

7. Remember that Hillary's campaign is $10M in debt, while Obama's has more than $40M in cash on hand.

8. Remember that Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania was as a high as 26 points only a month ago.

9. Remember that Hillary's late Pennsylvania rebound was forged in the fires of negativity and fear-mongering.

10. Remember that the only manufacturing job Hillary ever brought to Pennsylvania was the manufactured notion that she was a middle-class, whisky-swilling duck killer, and not an anti-union multi-millionaire.

Monday, April 21, 2008

War, Inc.

Trailer for John Cusack's new film "War, Inc."

Right where she belongs

Furman Unniversity provided Ann Coulter with fine accomadations to give here hate-filled address regarding those damn liberals. Coulter is a rotten excuse for Conservatism, and an even worse excuse for an American. So, I can thinnk of no better setting for a meet and greet and book signing than a restroom. Just picture Ann calling our ilk "godless" or "un-american" to the sound of flushing toilets ?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Shame on us!

Veteran's care, an issue discussed quietly by people who give a damn and people who don't. Some of us shout about it. Well, Mike Malloy graciously spoke about a study by the Rand Corporation about 300,000 Iraq Vets are suffering injuries, and are not getting the care they need. I take all of this personally, as my friend "Pfc Unnamed" takes his own twists and turns with life home from war. When he and I speak, we appreciate each others political leanings, yet could drink and argue all night. However, one thing we discuss is veteran's care, respect for our vets, and where political differences have gotten this country, and for the most of those said talks...we agree 90% of the time. I have attended rallies, made my placards, spoke critical of this war since it's conception and first and foremost, my thoughts and prayers were with American soldiers that would lose their lives...permantly! Whether it death or injury, it was a cost too high. When you think of the talks of not invading Iraq, the anti-war folk were labeled "un-patriotic", and told to sit down and shutup. Now, much of the country agrees with us, but what are we doing? Writing a blog? Writing a Congressperson? Calling a talk show and bitchin about it? Not F'n good enough! This is a shared responsibilty, this is a human responsibility, this is an American responsibilty! I can mention however, a group, Homes for Our Troops , is providing assistance with events and fundraisers, I applaud them. We as a whole community will make some sort choice in November, if we can, I hope we make a choice for someone to begin to end this crap we have gotten ourselves in. We get to vote for a President, we get to vote for Senators, we get to vote for Congresspeople, we get to vote, essentially, we can vote for actual support for our troops . The following YT audio is from an angry Mike Malloy, and I urge you to listen. Shame on you Republicans, shame on you Democrats, shame on you the American citizen, and shame on me. Talk to everyone about this, stand up! Share your opinion, 'cause son of a bitch, this is a non-partisan issue.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I wrote Mike Malloy a letter regarding the stupidity of Republicans and Clintons twist of Barack Obama's use of the word "bitter". Senator Obama was spot on in the use of the word, however he would of served himself better to leave religion and guns out of it. I would like to expand my thoughts on the letter Mike read last night. The use of the word "bitter" describes where alot of American people are nowadays. For myself, I am bitter when I walk through my neighborhood, and count 17 foreclosed/for sale homes. I am bitter when I read reports of 80,000 Americans lost their jobs in the month of March, knowing that I could be in the next 80,000 for the month of April, as my company just filed bankruptcy 2 weeks ago. I am bitter when I see my January 15th vote not counted because my Democratic Party lined up some piss ant rules that left Michigan and Florida voters behind. I am actually pissed about the aforementioned, and even more outraged that Hillary Clinton has tarnished my fond memories of her and her husband because now she wants to change the rules. I am bitter that my oldest friend, a Republican hack who is being a sucessful GOP'r in D.C., but at what cost? I am bitter that we are at war that is costing American citizens now, and their unborn grandchildren billions. I am bitter that the American voters allowed this crap to go on? I am bitter that the media was bought and paid for, and my first candidate, Dennis Kucinich, never had a chance. I am bitter that racism is still an issue we need to discuss, we are American! I thought we were better than that. I am bitter that millions of American go ill because they cannot get insurance. I am bitter that my mother has been robbed blind by a divorce attorney, a divorce she did not seek, yet pays out on a daily basis. You get the picture. These are dire times for many Americans, and we see a little light sometimes. I hope the public does not buy the crap that Hillary Clinton and John McCain of Senator Obama is a "liberal elitist". I believe politicians like Dennis Kucinich, Russ Feingold, Sherrod Brown, and Barack Obama when they recognize what ails us, Paul Wellstone recognized it. So, you ask "bitter"? Son of bitch! You bet I am. A couple quotes come to mind right now...."What would Wellstone Do?" and "Yes We Can" Peace.

A Little Something for Democratic voters in Pa.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The left-wing has made me insane

Yeah right! The grassroots movement that has long opposed the war in Iraq. Yet, we are called every name in the book. We have marched, been arrested, abused and believe it or not...praised by many. Cindy Sheehan stood up, gave our efforts a face they could not ignore. Thank You Cindy. Anthony over at equal-radio put this video together of Jeff Farias interviewing Cindy. So, a great thanks to both Anthony and Jeff.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Leaving Iraq...not an easy task

General Patraeus and Ambassador Crocker spoke today on the status of Iraq, and the increased violence. The rhetoric used was no differant than their last assesment...suspend a draw down of troops, and we still need more time. In otherwords, we're covering for George, we gotta run out the clock. Presidential hopefuls, Senators Obama, Clinton, and McCain all were critical of the status. How do we leave? Can we? Politicians, pundits, critics, and supporters have offered thoughts and ideas for 5 years now. In that time, we have lost 4,024 American soldiers, 29,628 wounded American soldiers, and countless Iraqi civilians have died since this error. A caller on the Mike Malloy show, whom is vacationing, asked Marc Maron a great question. It provided food for thought, he mentioned that the Republican rhetoric on the war has long been, we cannot allow the fallen soldiers deaths cannot be in vein. Ok, so in order to prevent that, we allow more deaths of American soldiers? The other thing is the "win the war" mindset, or the "protect American interests"...I thought we went to war over WMD. This blunder of strategy is failing, and to make it worse, we start sabre rattling with neighboring Iran. Senator Obama is correct that engaging Iran in our exit is necessary.

At what point do we declare victory? When do we leave? It is going to be difficult, but needs to happen asap. It cannot be done with McCain diplomacy, or Hillary's untruthfulness.

Monday, April 7, 2008

On a another note

Defining Patriotism and Support for the Troops

Conservatives and Liberals have long hurled insults at one another, some rarely actually hurt. Yet, some actually do. This past fall American Friends Service Commitee attended a salute to our troops in Kansas, and found themselves being arrested. For what? Having banners that opposed the war. Peacefully Protest! I am all for, but when we are told to sit down and shut up, or told we don't support the troops, or are called un-american or all three and more. I gotta draw the line. I have been arrested, ticketed, and escorted out of a venue where President Raisan Brain was speaking. My arrest, well 2 days after the 2004 election, I was driving to work, pulled over, and asked to step out of my 1976 Volvo. I was then frisked, cuffed, and put in a police car. I proceeded to ask why I was being arrested? I was told to shut up. I asked again. I was then told that I had an unpaid traffic ticket in my Township. I had paid the ticket, had my court notice in glovebox, which the officers would not look at. My court notice said "paid in full". After spending nearly eight hours in jail, knowing that the $140 I had was $40 shy of my bail, I was given my dinner and the "rub". The food expediter informed me, I was pulled over for stickers on the back of my car. "Support our Troops, Bring them Home Now!", and "Defend America, Defeat Bush!" , and "Kerry 2004". I was then released with the aide of family and two months later refunded my bail, with an apology letter of course. Or how about being ticketed for disturbing the Peace while handing out flyers about Peace? Or being escorted out of a Bush rally for wearing a t-shirt with a peace logo on it? What has happened to our country? Being told I do not support our troops is an insult that hurts, being called un-american hurts, especially since I love my country. I believe it is the greatest country in the world, I just don't think we always act like it. America is a country of genuine compassion, yet that compassion is being torn apart with bigotry, relegion, and deciet from both sides of the aisle (generally the right side of the aisle), but political deciet nonetheless. I encourage you to listen to the Mike Malloy moment below. If you are pressed for time, go to the 5 min. mark then proceed. It's where the Conservative rule has taken Progressive Patriots.

Tom Cruise is mad dude...

The National Ledger reported on a new medicinal marijuana called Tom Cruise Purple . Afterall, the Gods on spaceships who have given Tom his life and career here on planet earth prohibit the use of any drug. Tom's attorneys are sending legal documents to the Mothership for further instructions, and possible legal action and/or abduction. Katie, his wife/prisoner has yet to give a statement. Stephanie Miller has some comments from Tom in the blog section at her site, go to audio, and click on tinsel talk.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Swift This Senators McCain and Clinton

Saturday, Senator John Kerry campaigned for Barack Obama and discussed "Swiftboating". Huffington Post reported on this via the National Journal, but I will continue it. John Kerry's endorsement and efforts on Obama's behalf provide a lesson for progressive Democrats, and it is to respond fast and respond with truth. In 2004, the liberal base, the anybody but Bush crowd, and middle of the road Democrats were quick to defend John Kerry's weak kneeed reaction to the "Swifboat" attacks, and cringed at his advisors. John Kerry was a good candidate, although, I am still a Deaniac. His clarity on what happened in 2004 show he knows we were there, and a snapshot of what Senator Obama is in for. Now if we could just get Hillary to go away. To John McCain's credit, his campaign has been fairly clean, but just wait until he has an actual opponent. Barack Obama has been on the high road, and has responded brilliantly to Hillary's dirty politics. However, John Kerry's help now provides a proactive move that shows Senator Obama's message is clear...consistently, progressively, and honestly. Thank you Senator Kerry for your timing.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Randi Rhodes' comments on Hillary...who cares.

So now everybody is either upset with Randi's comments or upset that Air America Radio has suspended her. I am the latter. Randi's comments were off the cuff remarks in a stand-up appearance. "What a whore Geraldine Ferraro is! She's such a fucking whore!" She then proceeded to say, "Hillary is a big fucking whore, too" to a mixed audience reaction. "You know why she's a big fucking whore? Because her deal is always, 'Read the fine print, asshole!" Air America hosts, current and past have always had an edge. Sam Seder, Mike Malloy, Janeane Garofalo, and Randi are all firecrackers when calling it like they see it. Harsh remarks? Yeah. Uncalled for? Maybe. This will benefit Randi and AAR in the long run. Yet, if Progressive bloggers and radio listeners keep whining like "I am never listening to Air America again", it is just self-defeat. And anyway, Youtube has pulled the video, so you don't get whine about it.
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