Tuesday, April 22, 2008
From Huffington Post, by Seth Grahame-Smith
Arguments over the meaning or meaninglessness of her win will dominate MSM and stretch bandwidth to its breaking point. Bloggers and pundits will dust off their favorite boxing metaphors: "Hillary's off the ropes!" "Obama can't land the knockout!" Hillbots will rejoice, Obamabots will panic, and McCainbots will watch Murder She Wrote and go to bed at six-thirty. I'll probably write a scathing post attempting to prove that Hillary is the devil incarnate. We'll all lose our minds.
In hope of preventing some of this hysteria (especially my own), I thought it'd be helpful to keep a few things in mind during Tuesday night's results -- from Hillary's "victory" speech to the blizzard of spin that's sure to follow:
1. Remember that there's no way Hillary can become the nominee without a superdelegate coup -- which would alienate a generation of young Democrats and dangerously fracture the party.
2. Remember that her campaign leaked internals showing an eleven point lead (as a means of firing up her supporters and getting out the vote). Therefore, any win smaller than eleven points should be considered a disappointment by her own assessment.
3. Remember that every time Hillary begins a sentence with "you know," or "my opponent," the next thing out of her mouth is a lie.
4. Remember that when Clinton surrogates say "this proves Obama can't win the big states," they're ignoring the fact that he actually won more delegates in Texas -- not to mention twice as many states as she has.
5. Remember that when the pundits argue that Obama can't win in white rural areas because they broke for Hillary, they're ignoring the fact that he won (in alphabetical order): Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
6. Remember that when Hillary talks about who will be "better against John McCain in the fall," she's talking about the fall of 2012.
7. Remember that Hillary's campaign is $10M in debt, while Obama's has more than $40M in cash on hand.
8. Remember that Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania was as a high as 26 points only a month ago.
9. Remember that Hillary's late Pennsylvania rebound was forged in the fires of negativity and fear-mongering.
10. Remember that the only manufacturing job Hillary ever brought to Pennsylvania was the manufactured notion that she was a middle-class, whisky-swilling duck killer, and not an anti-union multi-millionaire.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Right where she belongs

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Shame on us!

Friday, April 18, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The left-wing has made me insane
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Leaving Iraq...not an easy task

At what point do we declare victory? When do we leave? It is going to be difficult, but needs to happen asap. It cannot be done with McCain diplomacy, or Hillary's untruthfulness.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Defining Patriotism and Support for the Troops

Conservatives and Liberals have long hurled insults at one another, some rarely actually hurt. Yet, some actually do. This past fall American Friends Service Commitee attended a salute to our troops in Kansas, and found themselves being arrested. For what? Having banners that opposed the war. Peacefully Protest! I am all for, but when we are told to sit down and shut up, or told we don't support the troops, or are called un-american or all three and more. I gotta draw the line. I have been arrested, ticketed, and escorted out of a venue where President Raisan Brain was speaking. My arrest, well 2 days after the 2004 election, I was driving to work, pulled over, and asked to step out of my 1976 Volvo. I was then frisked, cuffed, and put in a police car. I proceeded to ask why I was being arrested? I was told to shut up. I asked again. I was then told that I had an unpaid traffic ticket in my Township. I had paid the ticket, had my court notice in glovebox, which the officers would not look at. My court notice said "paid in full". After spending nearly eight hours in jail, knowing that the $140 I had was $40 shy of my bail, I was given my dinner and the "rub". The food expediter informed me, I was pulled over for stickers on the back of my car. "Support our Troops, Bring them Home Now!", and "Defend America, Defeat Bush!" , and "Kerry 2004". I was then released with the aide of family and two months later refunded my bail, with an apology letter of course. Or how about being ticketed for disturbing the Peace while handing out flyers about Peace? Or being escorted out of a Bush rally for wearing a t-shirt with a peace logo on it? What has happened to our country? Being told I do not support our troops is an insult that hurts, being called un-american hurts, especially since I love my country. I believe it is the greatest country in the world, I just don't think we always act like it. America is a country of genuine compassion, yet that compassion is being torn apart with bigotry, relegion, and deciet from both sides of the aisle (generally the right side of the aisle), but political deciet nonetheless. I encourage you to listen to the Mike Malloy moment below. If you are pressed for time, go to the 5 min. mark then proceed. It's where the Conservative rule has taken Progressive Patriots.
Tom Cruise is mad dude...

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Swift This Senators McCain and Clinton

Friday, April 4, 2008
Randi Rhodes' comments on Hillary...who cares.