Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More on Ann the hate-mongering Coultergeist

As I continue to see the coverage of the Edwards-Coulter confrontation, I look more at the defense Ann Coulter uses. She acts that if she spews hate towards Dems, Liberals, and Progressives, she'll get more airtime,sell more books, and offend more Americans...Ok. Well, her defense is that Edwards campaign earns donations from her spew, and earn donations from speaking events...Ann!!!!!! that's a campaign!!!!! Earn money for your election!!!!!! How do you feel about Rudy's speaking fees? Or what you earn from Heritage? C'mon, how about the political debate? I know Mike Malloy scares the hell out of you, and Thom Hartmann would just school you, and Randi Rhodes won't give you the time of day, but maybe you would have it in you to just take on an ordinary mainstream American citizen on the issues and see how correct you are not.....

A lighter note....

I am going to avoid Politics here. Here is an opinion of the new Wilco release.

Jeff Tweedy and Wilco offered up "A Ghost is Born" with their last album, and I hoped that ghost is now haunting elsewhere. It had it's moments, but not a good Wilco record...period. As a longtime Wilco fan, I am quite happy that "Sky Blue Sky" had a glaring amount of sunlight in it. With this release it, I am confident Mr. Tweedy and co. rediscovered the enlightenment of Neil Young and...well, the ghost of Gram Parsons. By telling what can percieved as heartbreak, this record reminds us of how good music can be to the inevitable hurt one can survive during that period. I wish I had it a few years back. Regardless, I would give "Sky Blue Sky" an A for it's effort to make us realize how human heartbreak is, and the remembrence of Gram is, or that combining Neil's sonic/folk, and country make a comforting'll get through it. If you choose to search for this recording, I suggest "Either Way" is a good start.

What's it's gonna take?!

This from the American Prospect...

Burn, Baby, Burns
The fact that Conrad Burns accepted more money from Jack Abramoff and his associates than any other senator or representative -- approximately $150,000 -- effectively sunk his re-election campaign against Jon Tester in Montana. Soon after the election, Burns joined GAGE Business Consulting and Government Affairs as a senior advisor, where his former chief-of-staff Leo Giacometto is a founding partner. Unsurprisingly, Burns has a sordid history with GAGE, replete with enough ethical violations to make his Abramoff ties look clean.
According to Roll Call, while Burns was in Congress he earmarked $8 million for a NASA project in Montana. Specifically, Burns directed $3.1 million to the Inland Northwest Space Alliance (INSA) in 2003, which was created by the University of Montana. The Missoulian, a Montana newspaper, reported that between 2003 and 2005, INSA paid $350,760 to GAGE and Compressus Inc., where Giacometto served as a vice president and lobbyist. (Burns' daughter served on the board of directors at Compressus.) In addition, Giacometto was a lobbyist for the University of Montana, and received nearly $80,000 for his services. Burns, Giacometto, and GAGE are currently under investigation.

The Politics of Coultergeist

Well, Ann is at it again. Not so different than our Vice President. We have now seen the coverage of her and First Lady hopeful Elizabeth Edwards. Ann Coulter continues to spew her hate in such a manner that that it should denouonced by the campuses, publishers, and certainly the Republican Party, not to mention the Heritage Foundation. What transpired yesterday is only the latest in Coulter's resume of narcissistic hate dialogue that Mrs. Edwards tried to expose. Here is the transcript from Do those of us on the left use some pretty hateful remarks, yes, are some of these comments out of line , at times yes. Ann's utter hatred for accountability makes me wonder why the Bush Administration hasn't given her a job. To follow up her confrontation with Mrs. Class Personified, Ms. Coulter trys to put it on Bill Maher's comment on the assasination attempt on Dick Cheney in which he stated that "if he did die...many people would not die needlesly", no Ann he wasn't kidding. I would not have chosen those words, but Bill Maher did go to apoligize later, something Ann can never seem to do. Ms. Coulter's "I am just being attacked by liberals" rhetoric is so old, it becomes this little poor me poor me story. Hey, Ann, you guys were in the Majority for years, and couldn't govern, could not swing many voters and with Center for American Progress's report own most of the media. Could it be that people are sick of this? Could it be that being Progressive is actually mainstream? No wonder your ilk feels attacked, you are the minority. God Bless Elizabeth Edwards!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Bakers pump

Bakers Square and Village Inn resturants beat congress to the punch. The resturants are now offering all you can eat pancakes for the price of your gallon of gas, preferably with a reciept. This comes before our tax dollars at work can get Congress to pass a reasonable energy bill. I give Vicorp alot of credit, yet if you are not a fan of pancakes...well. It shows alot of initiative for a large comapny to actually try to do something for it's customers. It was reported on CNBC Our Congress will continue to kowtow to big oil companies and it's sickening. The work that alot of people have to do to afford that gas,pay the insurance, buy the car, and then get affordable pancakes...c'mon our elected officials can do better. I give props to Vicorp for the effort, but I don't really like pancakes. I personally think they are setting a good example for big companies though, if you look out for your consumer, they will likely be back. Note to Congress, if this keeps up we might not come back...

The real Dick Cheney

Well, now we are going to hopefully see justice. This Administration started in the courts, and it appears it will end there as well. Dick Cheney's unwillingness to adhere to executive orders shows his and Bush's complete disregard for the laws of our country. As Maureen Dowd's article in Sunday's New York Times, poor little cute Dana Perino cannot even explain this continued thuggish behavior. Our so called "Liberal Media" has barely even covered what is soon to be a Constitutional crisis. As horrible as the death of a Jesse Davis is, it is not threatening our Democracy. If he is guilty, then we lock him away until he rots. The problem is, most of our country continues to follow the crimes that happen hundreds of miles away within our own borders, yet ignore the crimes in our White House. I suppose I won't even mention "supporting our troops" at the mall. Rep. Rahm Emmanuel of Illinois has it right, albeit I am not a big fan of his, cut off executive funding for Mr. Cheney . Mr. Emmnanuel was Softball with Chris Matthews and stated this investigation will carry on until answers are the end result, although Matthews challenged him by saying "Cheney always wins in court", Rahm responded with the fact that Dick will soon have to answer to the American problem with that is that too many people do not pay attention or care. A caller on Randi Rhodes had it right today, a fantasy, Mike Malloy,Randi,himself, alot of beer and subpoena power!

Friday, June 22, 2007

The real Wellstone speech

Sorry folkshI mis-pasted previously

Wellstone Speech

Re-introducing the voice of reason

Obviously you can see I hold late Senator Paul Wellstone deep within my progressive views. The youtube video of Paul Iraq speech on the Senate floor explains one of his many courageous moments. My friend who has been serving our Army in Iraq for nearly the last year questioned me on many things prior to his departure. He profoundly supported the Bush Crime Family in 2004 when he and I became friends, but as his deployment neared he questioned things. It could of been out of fear, or curiosity, but by his tone I sensed a disbelief in this White House's action in sending him and his buddies there. He asked me what I knew of Iraq's involvement on 9/11, I told him nothing. He asked me what I knew of the politicians who opposed the War in Iraq...I spoke of an unknown State Congressman named Barack Obama, who we know later went on to become a Senator, and maybe our President. I mostly spoke of Paul Wellstone's speech on the floor, where Paul certainly asked questions that many of us had. It goes without saying that Paul's message and folks like myself were ignored. I speak with my buddy's Mother, I suggest jokingly that he is in one war, and by no means with disrespect, the anti-war movement is in one too. Our troops fight to do the job they are told to do, the anti-war movement does fights to get them home alive,in one piece, and sane...however you define sanity. Based on the recent revelations on VA hospitals, our goverment does define sanity the way most of us do. We all support our troops, we debate on how and why, but the idea that Liberals don't, and conservatives don't is nothing but a perverse politcal stunt. Bring them home now!

Review of Janeane Garofalo at City Theatre in Detroit 6/20

Well, there I was 10 feet away from my ideal woman....a liberal,great taste in music and film (at least most that she's been in), and serious about promoting progressive politics. Janeane was all I hoped for on aa Weds. evening. And you conservatives may of thought it would be a night of Bush bashing, but no, she mentioned maybe twice. She tackled "Law & Order" for it's obsurdity,yet watches, she spoke of her father's 40 year tenure at Exxon (aggghhh!), and discussed with the audience about how hard it is for us 35-45 year olds to grasp that someone was born in 1991. Yes she did bring up how you Conservatives had such a visceral reaction to the Clintons in the 90's, and how us Liberals could figure out how...but now we get it! Here is a sample from youtube...

Fox News demonstrates it's....
Ahhh, the things I could say about Fox News...but I will in later post. For now though, this spells out their "Fair and Balanced" reporting. Yeah right!

Does Dick Cheney think he is a ghost?

Well, well, well...Dick believes he is not part of the Executive branch. Since 2002 he has refused to deliver documents to Henry Waxman and the Oversight Commitee. Then of course Alberto Gonzales was asked to request the information sought by Mr. Waxman, and he did not recall. What is Dick hiding? What does the White House beleive the VP's office is...imaginary? As the Goddess Randi Rhodes put "he must think he's a ghost". The low bar this Admin. achieved is the lowest, and I hope future Presidents do not follow this lead. Democrats have a tough time ahead cause this is going to look like partisan bickering to fairweather voters who do not follow politics. This might lose them some votes, but as Paul Wellstone beleived " some are worse than losing".

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Purpose and position

The hopes I express on this site are just that...hopes. The current status of our country certainly not "greatness", it is embarrassing to say the least. The late Senator Wellstone exposed many flaws in our efforts for social justice throughout his career. His efforts with the Farmers Union in Minnesota, and his opposition to the Bush Crime Family's debacle in Iraq showed he saw a better a way...a way to promote Progressive politics and policies to better the lives of the country's citizens. There will be many posts here regarding Paul Wellstone, my hopes for 2008, how we get involved, and alot of media critique. Check back!
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