Thursday, April 30, 2009

Combating Pea Brains

Never lost on being shallow, bigoted, and pea brained, Conservative Republicans seem to actually prefer going into exile. In the aftermath of Senator Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic Party, many are welcoming it. Some Republican bloggers suggest Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, John McCain and even Meghan McCain follow suit. Most Democratic pundits and voters would actually welcome it. The well studied "Jay Guevara", who comments at Moonbattery is masterful in his baiting tactics in debate, and shows frustration when nobody bites, likely not the friend to go fishing with. In a recent exchange with the folks at Moonbattery, witnessing the woeful repetition of who is more American is just sad. In the United States, we are a diverse people, and generally pretty good people. Jay's suggestion that "The funny part is that Democrats don’t realize how badly left their party has been infested with leftist notions. They used to be a patriotic party, but now are embarrassed to be patriotic. At all. Any of them. That’s why I distinguish liberals from Americans, for which on reflection I make no apology." makes the case that moderation is needed right now. This rhetoric and grandstanding has advanced the demise of true Conservatism.

Embrace your Conservative ideologies, and I will embrace my Liberalism, but neither suggests a more patriotic value any more than the other. We will simply never agree, but we both love our Country. Derek Hunter a lifelong Republican and up until recently a friend of mine for 25 years likely would agree. He has an ideology I could never fathom possessing, yet I know his love of America is genuine. Listening to the lovely Nancy Skinner as I write this, she just commented in similar fashion, and I paraphrase here, "In a time of crisis, we all need to contribute", Nancy you are welcome to correct that.

My point is, while we monitor two wars, an economy in a coma, and a swine flu scare it is crucial we find a way to work together. This attitude of whose flag hangs higher is frivolous. We are a nation of laws, not a nation of flag waving monkeys, bible thumpers, and gun toters. We are all expected to contribute in many ways. Meghan McCain has clearly given the argument that going further to the right is not helping.While some Liberals have captured the moment in "Progress" by calling themselves Progressive, Ms. McCain has demonstrated that the brand applies to all who recognize the dire straits we are faced with, take note righties.

Mike Malloy reads Frank Schaeffer's "Open Letter to Republicans"

Mike reads the scathing letter to the GOP from former Republican and author of "Crazy fro God" Frank Schaeffer.

More Craziness from the Far Right

Raw Story reports long shot candidate for Governor Neal Horsley of Georgia is following Tx. Gov. Rick Perry's lead on seceding. Albeit for different reasons, Mr. Horsley stated he would be willing to sacrifice his own son in order to secede from the Union in an effort to overturn Roe v.Wade. Something is a bit backwards there. As a member of the far right Creator's Rights Party, Horsley has admitted sex with a mule, believe doctors who perform abortions should be murdered, and has gone as far as publishing doctors names, addresses, and phone numbers online. As Raw Story reports, he also went as far as crossing off names as the doctors were killed. More craziness from the far right.

Republicans are losing it

On the House the Floor, Republicans are pushing back against the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The Bill would provide greater Federal involvement of investigating hate crimes. However, that the Bill is also called the Matthew Sheppard Act, Republicans are against it. Matthew Sheppard was the 21 year old gay man, who in 1998 was beaten, tortured, tied to a fence and left to die. He died five days later. Expanding the definitions of the Bill would provide greater protection for more Americans. Continuing their move into the exile, the GOP claims that such expansion would be "tyranny" as was stated by crazy Michelle Bachmann (R)-Mn. and Rep. Virginia Foxx (R)-NC suggested that Matthew Sheppard's murder was not a hate crime, but a "hoax". A hoax? Really Virginia? You make that kind of insensitive statement with Judy Sheppard in the room. America Blog's statement "I wonder where Virginia Foxx stood on letting blacks swim in our pools fifty years ago. Actually, I think I already know" is spot on.

As the GOP goes further into the abyss with House members like this, thoughts of a comeback for the party may take awhile, which I welcome. What Rep. Foxx's behavior shows is what most of us known for quite sometime, is that the GOP is out of touch on social issues in our country. They grandstand about less Government involvement, yet they wish to pry into the lives of American people. As James Carville may put it "It's our society stupid!" Rep. Foxx can be contacted here if you wish share your disgust.

Update, Rick Sanchez of Cnn slams Rep. Foxx

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Senator Arlen Specter switches parties

In a bold move longtime Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is now a Democrat. Facing a Republican Primary in which challenger Pat Toomey received hard right support from Conservative backers. Since 1980 Mr. Specter has been a moderate voice in the Senate, and has often joined Democrats on a number of issues. What really stings for the GOP right now is seeing the Democrats get one seat closer to the filibuster proof majority of 60 seats. With Specter joining the Dems, they now sit with 59 with only Al Franken's eventual seating being held up in court.

Senator Specter's statement was full of praise for the Republican Party, however he had this to say
" Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."

The Republicans, after to decisive loses in 2006 and again in 2008 continue to move further to the right while the country continues to move center/left. Different polls have suggested that only 21% of Americans describe themselves as Republicans nowadays, and most voters under 30 vote Democratic. Taking a hard right turn could see the GOP go the way of the Whigs.

Gun Toting Ditto Heads Angry with El Rushbo

The Washington Times reports that hunters are angry with Rush Limbaugh for his generosity to the Humane Society. Limbaugh, whom I never agree with on anything, has done some good charitable work in the past, and I certainly applaud him on this one. Apparently hunting groups are asking him to "end his collaboration" with the HSUS to help prevent animal cruelty. Apparently they believe the HSUS is behind some secret plot to ban hunting. I happen to think they are confusing the Humane Society with the good folks at PETA. The story reports that 28 groups joined together to oppose Rush. I warn them, they do not want this fight. PETA puts up a good fight when they are required to do so, and we know Rush never backs down, and while we have not really seen HSUS in this sort of action. I imagine they will be just as diligent as their efforts in animal protection and placement. I just hope this not some "secret plot" to force some liberals to join with Rush in hopes our heads explode.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Counter protest at Walt Whitman High School

Students of Walt Whitman High in Bethesda, Md. showed up, shouted down, and sent the half-wits of Westboro Baptist Church packing. Westboro Baptist Church is best known for it's anti-gay protests and rhetoric, tried to take on the Walt Whitman High School. Biographers have long stated that Whitman was gay or bisexual. In their tasteless crusade, Reverend Phelps and cult members decided to protest the name of the school. In glowing school spirit, the students showed up and made clear that the younger generations of our country don't really care if someone is gay. Further, if Phelps had really read the Bible, he would know that "God hates figs", not "Fags".

Friday, April 24, 2009

Randi Rhodes returns to the air on May 11th

On May 11th Randi Rhodes returns to the airwaves. Syndication through Premier Radio Networks makes this great news even more intriguing. Premier being home to right-wing talkers Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, Randi's arrival to the roster will be watched. While Randi's departure from Air America garnered attention, the headlines did not offer details into her popular show.Following Air America, she landed at the now defunct NovaM . Sometimes fun, sometimes abrasive, but always informative. A list of affiliates has not been released as of yet. It should be interesting to see what stations will carry her show, and at what time slot.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

GOP already requesting resignations

The Hill reports that some members of the House GOP are discussing the request of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's resignation. “I think leaders are going to bring it up with the president, maybe call for (her) resignation,” one conservative member told The Hill Wednesday. While this is amidst the uproar over last week's DHS report that authorities should be aware of domestic terror threats in the form of "right-wing extremists". I refer to that report as the "Minority Report". Last week's "Tea Party" demonstrations went over peacefully with reports over somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 gathering Nationwide. However, the decision for the Department of Homeland Security to release the report just prior to the protests caused a stir. Many Conservatives felt they were being "targeted", and I know that feeling from the left.

Further, asking for Ms. Napolitano's resignation is premature and adolescent. Since November NRA types and Conservatives have hemming and hawing about buying up their guns and ammo because of supposed threats that "the Democrat Party is going to take your guns". According all reports, gun and ammo sales have reached highs. So, should the DHS not of released any report? ? Had they done nothing and an incident taken place, the demand for Janet Napolitano's resignation would have been demanded. Since it expired, both the President and Attorney General Eric Holder have not given any indication that they will renew the ban on assault firearms. What is being witnessed is a gun toting conservative base who are behaving like scared little boys, and a political party in disarray.

Update: Montel Williams on the gun frenzy

Friday, April 17, 2009

Janeane Garofalo on Keith Olbermann discussing Tea Parties

While so many of us joked this week about the teabaggers, actress/comedian/activist Janeane Garofalo gave a poignant explanation of what the events entailed .While her interview has some on the right's feathers ruffled, it is worth watching. While Sean Hannity bragged that 300,000 people across the country gathered to protest President Obama , Keith and Janeane focused on what the protests were about. By the way Sean, 300,000 nationwide is not a movement.

And a little more Tea Party fun with John Oliver of the Daily Show
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Tea Party Tyranny
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Phsyco Insanitea

Ed Schultz of MSNBC's the Ed Show found some Tea Party organizers for his Pshyco Talk segment. Infiltrating the meeting, Ed's people heard some interesting comments being made about communism, book burning, and even "keeping your kids out of college, because they are being brainwashed." The humor of the "Tea Parties" is never ending, but apparently these so-called patriots don't realize it is 2009, not 1953. Watch this clip if you plan to Teabag today, you may find some of these people around you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Rush with Sam Seder

Corporate Sponsored teabagging

While the flying monkey right continue to deny sponsoring tomorrow's "Tea Parties", especially Fox News and FreedomWorks they actively promote it. For Fox, they claim that they are simply covering the story, ok, but doesn't news organizations cover stories when they occur? I am no journalist, but I think promoting is "Come celebrate with Fox News" . Since the Tea Parties were, as Playboy noted (until the article was removed), conceived out of Rick Santelli's rant on CNBC a couple months ago. A review of that is here. As I have stated, Grassroots organizing for a cause is great, yet, if you are being sponsored by corporations and Fox...hang your heads in shame. You are protesting Government spending that gives cover to the corporations that are sponsoring and promoting your demonstrations. This appears a bit backwards if you ask me. The parties have only evolved into mindless Anti-Obama tirades.Here are a couple clips, Fox and their promo squad, and the always insightful David Schuster and our favorite pundit Lawrence O'Donnell .

Senator Al Franken?

Joe Scarborough tells Norm Coleman on Morning Joe..."You lost"

Where's the McCarthyism?

When Joseph McCarthy was hunting Communists within America in the early 1950's he was slapped by Edward Murrow, now in 2009, it is Rep. Spence Bachus hunting for Socialists in the United States Congress. Mr. Bachus claims that he has a list of 17 members in the House of Representatives that are "Socialists". He has yet to produce this list. Independent Senator of Vermont, Bernie Sanders has requested to see this list, but it has yet to be revealed. Senator Sanders, a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist, I am sure is just seeking allies in D.C. Congressman, reveal your list of 17 Socialists, and we will reveal our list of 17 Conservative Republicans who have been faithful to their wives.

Losing battles for the GOP

The Republicans continue their obstructionist tactics, and it is at their own peril. They have their tea bagging parties, which have been ruthlessly ridiculed for it's perverse branding, they have attacked Meghan McCain for pointing out the flaws within the party, they come up with a budget with no numbers, and other than the National Review, they have been silent on the ruling that Al Franken has won the Minnesota Senate race. They are showing themselves as sore losers, the adults in the country are still faced with tough decisions and spending monies to repair the damage done.

While it is a chuckle for the liberals, Democrats and progressive minded people in the country, work is not getting done in the interests of the constituents. While the Democratic Party has it's unresolved issues from it's base and within, it is clear, we find a way to work together to at least accomplish something. Allowing partisanship to prevent a bill from being passed, or a Senator elect to be seated you find yourself a party in exile. I am speaking of course of, Senator Al Franken.

Some within the Republican Party are looking to Gov. Tim Pawlenty for leadership, but he has not shown any, other than being a likable guy. Like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I am a Democratic Socialist, yet I like Gov. Pawlenty. However, his recent cow-towing to party leadership over the eventual seating of Al Franken in the Senate is clearly putting his hopes of a Presidential run in 2012 in jeopardy. Allowing the people of Minnesota to be
underrepresented any longer is divisive, and it is unethical as a Governor. The appeals process could take months, which is what is being proposed by scared Republican Leadership. Really? You guys are that afraid of Al? He too is a likable guy.

That said, at what point do we see progress being made out of both parties? Ever? Nothing is permanent in politics, and Democrats may see their majority wilt in coming years. When we vote, we look to someone to lead our communities in a collective direction for improvement. To what end do we allow partisanship to overwhelm representation?

Monday, April 13, 2009

At least they have their teabags

While the Conservatives continue their "teabagging" efforts which erupted out of CNBC's Rick Santelli's planned rant not so long ago. Countering the teabaggers, are a number of well researched and well intentioned folks. Today, Thom Hartmann and Andrew Langer of the Institute for Liberty sparred off on what these protests have evolved into. While they have typically resorted into Anti-Obama protests, Andrew Langer made a good point that organizers cannot possibly keep all protesters on topic. Anti-War protesters can agree, as we were confronted with the "9/11 was an inside job" crowd. What the protesters are failing to recognize, is what the actual Boston Tea Party was about. As Thom spoke of today, was a result of the economic crisis from 1773 and 1774, and was a protest to the Dutch East India Company.

Furthermore, while the "teabaggers" make their nonsense news by carrying ridiculous signs, as we have all had a good laugh over, they are being sponsored by large corporate interests. John Amato at Crooks and Liars has a detailed look at this. As I stated in my previous post, it is great to have a movement for a cause, just know what your cause is. If you wish to go out in favor of corporate interests, or in favor of the American people. Wal-Mart certainly does not need people to protect their interests!


Mike Malloy on the Teabaggers

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ed Schultz and Dennis Kucinich on war spending

Oh, you meant Teabagging

On April 15th Conservatives will be teabagging around the country in protest of Government spending, or protest President Obama, we're not sure what they mean yet. These gatherings are being sponsored by the Fair and Balanced Fox News (really?) , Americans for Prosperity, and the Free Republic among other Conservative backed groups. Ok, protesting has long been socially acceptable in our country. Liberal groups have in recent years diligently protested the war in Iraq, illegal wiretapping, and fraudulent elections. That said, we knew what we were doing, and had the common sense to not "Tea Bag" the White House. In recent days progressive and liberal pundits and bloggers have had a good laugh over signs like "I want to tea bag Obama" and "Tea Bag Liberal Dems..." like you see pictured. However, according to the urban dictionary, the act of tea bagging is...well follow the link. I will admit, gathering in protest for a cause with likeminded people is educating and insightful as we share ideas, but this is wrong on so many levels. Here is Rachel Maddow and Ana Marie Cox trying to keep a straight face.

And the ladies of Sex in the City for a refresher.


Meet Bo!

The White House finally has the addition of a puppy. News leaked out on Saturday, that the Obama's received the 6 month old Portuguese Water Hound courtesy of the Kennedy's , who have long owned and trained the breed. According to reports, the dog was in another home that "was not a good fit", though why he was not a good fit was not mentioned. While rescue groups and everyday folk kept an eye on when the "First Dog" would arrive in the midst of news that has made us all cringe, it shows we all love a heartwarming puppy story.

Like many, I had hope to see a dog rescued, however the Obama's opted in favor of the hypoallergenic breed. Both the President and First Lady had stated they would have preferred to rescue a dog, they have made a rescue pledge to the Humane Society. Anyone who has ever worked for or volunteered at a shelter can recognize that donations are so important, not as gratifying as seeing a dog go to a new home, but needed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Montel on the Republicans poster boy "Newt, Shut up!"

Montel Williams disusses the loss of leadership the the Republicans continue to demonstrate. They have once again turned to human muppet, Newt Gingrich. While Newt will show glimpses of intellect, his recnt interviews on Fox News fall short of anything resembling goodwill. Montel on Newt.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Robert Ebert....Good On You!

I want to have this posted here, well, for the obvious reasons, but good on you Roger!

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To: Bill O'Reilly
From: Roger Ebert

Dear Bill: Thanks for including the Chicago Sun-Times on your exclusive list of newspapers on your "Hall of Shame." To be in an O'Reilly Hall of Fame would be a cruel blow to any newspaper. It would place us in the favor of a man who turns red and starts screaming when anyone disagrees with him. My grade-school teacher, wise Sister Nathan, would have called in your parents and recommended counseling with Father Hogben.

Yes, the Sun-Times is liberal, having recently endorsed our first Democrat for President since LBJ. We were founded by Marshall Field one week before Pearl Harbor to provide a liberal voice in Chicago to counter the Tribune, which opposed an American war against Hitler. I'm sure you would have sided with the Trib at the time.

I understand you believe one of the Sun-Times misdemeanors was dropping your syndicated column. My editor informs me that "very few" readers complained about the disappearance of your column, adding, "many more complained about Nancy." I know I did. That was the famous Ernie Bushmiller comic strip in which Sluggo explained that "wow" was "mom" spelled upside-down.

Your column ran in our paper while it was owned by the right-wing polemicists Conrad Black (Baron Black of Coldharbour) and David Radler. We dropped it to save a little money after they looted the paper of millions. Now you call for an advertising boycott. It is unusual to observe a journalist cheering for a newspaper to fail. At present the Sun-Times has no bank debt, but labors under the weight of millions of dollars in tax penalties incurred by Lord Black, who is serving an eight-year stretch for mail fraud and obstruction of justice. We also had to pay for his legal expenses.

There is a major difference between Conrad Black and you: Lord Black is a much better writer and thinker, and authored a respected biography about Roosevelt, who we were founded to defend. That newspapers continue to run your column is a mystery to me, since it is composed of knee-jerk frothings and ravings. If I were an editor searching for a conservative, I wouldn't choose a mad dog. My recommendation: The admirable Charles Krauthammer.

Bill, I am concerned that you have been losing touch with reality recently. Did you really say you are more powerful than any politician?

That reminds me of the famous story about Squeaky the Chicago Mouse. It seems that Squeaky was floating on his back along the Chicago River one day. Approaching the Michigan Avenue lift bridge, he called out: Raise the bridge! I have an erection!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ed Schultz joins MSNBC

Ed Schultz is joining MSNBC on Monday. For the last 5 years Ed has been promoting the American way, the Progressive way. Unabashedly pro-Union, Ed joins Keith, Chris and Rachel to fill the 6pm hour. MSNBC has found it's niche, and recognizes the country has moved to the center-left on policy, on healthcare, and equality. While Ed is not always as left as I would like, his program style and savvy knowledge of the issues compliment an already stellar lineup.While MSNBC rounds off it's evening lineup, with one slot to finish off the evening at 10pm, expect them to lead the way in the near future. Prospects for the 10pm slot include the Young Turks and Sam Seder, although that decision is on hold.


Ron Reagan takes on value added right-wing crazy Tammy Bruce

Last week the openly gay, pro-choice conservative filled in for hate monger extraordinaire Laura Ingraham. As she ranted on about how trashy the Obamas are, Ron nailed it when he said she obviously hangs out where the buses don't make any stops. Michelle Obama, like all First Ladies do, has taken on her role, quite well I might add. Working with military families, and promoting education in communities much like the one she grew up in.

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